Chris McCord

First, I would like to thank José Valim for creating Elixir, for his contributions to Phoenix, and for building a community that has been such a pleasure to be a part of. It goes without saying that Phoenix wouldn’t be possible without his work on Elixir, but it goes deeper than that. He has my deepest gratitude for setting in motion my dream career, sharing his wisdom on running large open source projects, and being a helpful friend in between hectic releases. He has shared with the world a true gift, and I can’t wait to see where his creativity leads.

Thanks also go to Bruce Tate for contributing his superb writing skills, helping to form the abstractions behind Phoenix, and encouraging me to seek out José’s help with the project. His craftsmanship in this book really shows, and it’s been a pleasure having him on the team.

I extend my warmest thanks to Brian Cardarella and DockYard, for making early bets on Phoenix, supporting the project’s development to get to where we are today, and giving me the chance to work with some of the finest folks in the industry.

Behind many of the open source projects or books you reference day to day is an understanding spouse who bears late nights and all too much laptop time. My deepest love and appreciation goes out to my lovely wife, Jaclyn, for all her support and encouragement throughout the years along the path to Phoenix and writing this book. A life with you is a truly happy one.

And finally, to the community for this great project, I extend both heartfelt appreciation and bright hope that we might continue to build something special, together.

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