Chapter 13. Utility Traits

Science is nothing else than the search to discover unity in the wild variety of nature—or, more exactly, in the variety of our experience. Poetry, painting, the arts are the same search, in Coleridge’s phrase, for unity in variety.

Jacob Bronowski

Apart from operator overloading, which we covered in the previous chapter, several other built-in traits let you hook into parts of the Rust language and standard library:

  • You can use the Drop trait to clean up values when they go out of scope, like destructors in C++.

  • Smart pointer types, like Box<T> and Rc<T>, can implement the Deref trait to make the pointer reflect the methods of the wrapped value.

  • By implementing the From<T> and Into<T> traits, you can tell Rust how to convert a value from one type to another.

This chapter is a grab bag of useful traits from the Rust standard library. We’ll cover each of the traits shown in Table 13-1.

There are other important standard library traits as well. We’ll cover Iterator and IntoIterator in Chapter 15. The Hash trait, for computing hash codes, is covered in Chapter 16. And a pair of traits that mark thread-safe types, Send and Sync, are covered in Chapter 19.

Table 13-1. Summary of utility traits
Trait Description
Drop Destructors. Cleanup code that Rust runs automatically whenever a value is dropped.
Sized Marker trait for types with a fixed size known at compile time, as opposed to types (such as slices) that are dynamically sized.
Clone Types that support cloning values.
Copy Marker trait for types that can be cloned simply by making a byte-for-byte copy of the memory containing the value.
Deref and DerefMut Traits for smart pointer types.
Default Types that have a sensible “default value.”
AsRef and AsMut Conversion traits for borrowing one type of reference from another.
Borrow and BorrowMut Conversion traits, like AsRef/AsMut, but additionally guaranteeing consistent hashing, ordering, and equality.
From and Into Conversion traits for transforming one type of value into another.
ToOwned Conversion trait for converting a reference to an owned value.


When a value’s owner goes away, we say that Rust drops the value. Dropping a value entails freeing whatever other values, heap storage, and system resources the value owns. Drops occur under a variety of circumstances: when a variable goes out of scope; when an expression’s value is discarded by the ; operator; when you truncate a vector, removing elements from its end; and so on.

For the most part, Rust handles dropping values for you automatically. For example, suppose you define the following type:

struct Appellation {
    name: String,
    nicknames: Vec<String>

An Appellation owns heap storage for the strings’ contents and the vector’s buffer of elements. Rust takes care of cleaning all that up whenever an Appellation is dropped, without any further coding necessary on your part. However, if you want, you can customize how Rust drops values of your type by implementing the std::ops::Drop trait:

trait Drop {
    fn drop(&mut self);

An implementation of Drop is analogous to a destructor in C++, or a finalizer in other languages. When a value is dropped, if it implements std::ops::Drop, Rust calls its drop method, before proceeding to drop whatever values its fields or elements own, as it normally would. This implicit invocation of drop is the only way to call that method; if you try to invoke it explicitly yourself, Rust flags that as an error.

Because Rust calls Drop::drop on a value before dropping its fields or elements, the value the method receives is always still fully initialized. An implementation of Drop for our Appellation type can make full use of its fields:

impl Drop for Appellation {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        print!("Dropping {}",;
        if !self.nicknames.is_empty() {
            print!(" (AKA {})", self.nicknames.join(", "));

Given that implementation, we can write the following:

    let mut a = Appellation { name: "Zeus".to_string(),
                              nicknames: vec!["cloud collector".to_string(),
                                              "king of the gods".to_string()] };

    println!("before assignment");
    a = Appellation { name: "Hera".to_string(), nicknames: vec![] };
    println!("at end of block");

When we assign the second Appellation to a, the first is dropped, and when we leave the scope of a, the second is dropped. This code prints the following:

before assignment
Dropping Zeus (AKA cloud collector, king of the gods)
at end of block
Dropping Hera

Since our std::ops::Drop implementation for Appellation does nothing but print a message, how, exactly, does its memory get cleaned up? The Vec type implements Drop, dropping each of its elements and then freeing the heap-allocated buffer they occupied. A String uses a Vec<u8> internally to hold its text, so String need not implement Drop itself; it lets its Vec take care of freeing the characters. The same principle extends to Appellation values: when one gets dropped, in the end it is Vec’s implementation of Drop that actually takes care of freeing each of the strings’ contents, and finally freeing the buffer holding the vector’s elements. As for the memory that holds the Appellation value itself, it too has some owner, perhaps a local variable or some data structure, which is responsible for freeing it.

If a variable’s value gets moved elsewhere, so that the variable is uninitialized when it goes out of scope, then Rust will not try to drop that variable: there is no value in it to drop.

This principle holds even when a variable may or may not have had its value moved away, depending on the flow of control. In cases like this, Rust keeps track of the variable’s state with an invisible flag indicating whether the variable’s value needs to be dropped or not:

let p;
    let q = Appellation { name: "Cardamine hirsuta".to_string(),
                          nicknames: vec!["shotweed".to_string(),
                                          "bittercress".to_string()] };
    if complicated_condition() {
        p = q;
println!("Sproing! What was that?");

Depending on whether complicated_condition returns true or false, either p or q will end up owning the Appellation, with the other uninitialized. Where it lands determines whether it is dropped before or after the println!, since q goes out of scope before the println!, and p after. Although a value may be moved from place to place, Rust drops it only once.

You usually won’t need to implement std::ops::Drop unless you’re defining a type that owns resources Rust doesn’t already know about. For example, on Unix systems, Rust’s standard library uses the following type internally to represent an operating system file descriptor:

struct FileDesc {
    fd: c_int,

The fd field of a FileDesc is simply the number of the file descriptor that should be closed when the program is done with it; c_int is an alias for i32. The standard library implements Drop for FileDesc as follows:

impl Drop for FileDesc {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let _ = unsafe { libc::close(self.fd) };

Here, libc::close is the Rust name for the C library’s close function. Rust code may call C functions only within unsafe blocks, so the library uses one here.

If a type implements Drop, it cannot implement the Copy trait. If a type is Copy, that means that simple byte-for-byte duplication is sufficient to produce an independent copy of the value. But it is typically a mistake to call the same drop method more than once on the same data.

The standard prelude includes a function to drop a value, drop, but its definition is anything but magical:

fn drop<T>(_x: T) { }

In other words, it receives its argument by value, taking ownership from the caller—and then does nothing with it. Rust drops the value of _x when it goes out of scope, as it would for any other variable.


A sized type is one whose values all have the same size in memory. Almost all types in Rust are sized: every u64 takes eight bytes, every (f32, f32, f32) tuple twelve. Even enums are sized: no matter which variant is actually present, an enum always occupies enough space to hold its largest variant. And although a Vec<T> owns a heap-allocated buffer whose size can vary, the Vec value itself is a pointer to the buffer, its capacity, and its length, so Vec<T> is a sized type.

However, Rust also has a few unsized types whose values are not all the same size. For example, the string slice type str (note, without an &) is unsized. The string literals "diminutive" and "big" are references to str slices that occupy ten and three bytes. Both are shown in Figure 13-1. Array slice types like [T] (again, without an &) are unsized, too: a shared reference like &[u8] can point to a [u8] slice of any size. Because the str and [T] types denote sets of values of varying sizes, they are unsized types.

Two &str references, comprising a pointer and length, point to str values. A Box<Write>, comprising a data pointer and a vtable pointer, points to some value that implements `std::io::Write`. In all cases, the references are sized types, whereas their referents are unsized.
Figure 13-1. References to unsized values

The other common kind of unsized type in Rust is the referent of a trait object. As we explained in “Trait Objects”, a trait object is a pointer to some value that implements a given trait. For example, the types &std::io::Write and Box<std::io::Write> are pointers to some value that implements the Write trait. The referent might be a file, or a network socket, or some type of your own for which you have implemented Write. Since the set of types that implement Write is open-ended, Write considered as a type is unsized: its values have various sizes.

Rust can’t store unsized values in variables or pass them as arguments. You can only deal with them through pointers like &str or Box<Write>, which themselves are sized. As shown in Figure 13-1, a pointer to an unsized value is always a fat pointer, two words wide: a pointer to a slice also carries the slice’s length, and a trait object also carries a pointer to a vtable of method implementations.

Trait objects and pointers to slices are nicely symmetrical. In both cases, the type lacks information necessary to use it: you can’t index a [u8] without knowing its length, nor can you invoke a method on a Box<Write> without knowing the implementation of Write appropriate to the specific value it refers to. And in both cases, the fat pointer fills in the information missing from the type, carrying a length or a vtable pointer. The omitted static information is replaced with dynamic information.

All sized types implement the std::marker::Sized trait, which has no methods or associated types. Rust implements it automatically for all types to which it applies; you can’t implement it yourself. The only use for Sized is as a bound for type variables: a bound like T: Sized requires T to be a type whose size is known at compile time. Traits of this sort are called marker traits, because the Rust language itself uses them to mark certain types as having characteristics of interest.

Since unsized types are so limited, most generic type variables should be restricted to Sized types. In fact, this is necessary so often that it is the implicit default in Rust: if you write struct S<T> { ... }, Rust understands you to mean struct S<T: Sized> { ... }. If you do not want to constrain T this way, you must explicitly opt out, writing struct S<T: ?Sized> { ... }. The ?Sized syntax is specific to this case, and means “not necessarily Sized.” For example, if you write struct S<T: ?Sized> { b: Box<T> }, then Rust will allow you to write S<str> and S<Write>, where the box becomes a fat pointer, as well as S<i32> and S<String>, where the box is an ordinary pointer.

Despite their restrictions, unsized types make Rust’s type system work more smoothly. Reading the standard library documentation, you will occasionally come across a ?Sized bound on a type variable; this almost always means that the given type is only pointed to, and allows the associated code to work with slices and trait objects as well as ordinary values. When a type variable has the ?Sized bound, people often say it is questionably sized: it might be Sized, or it might not.

Aside from slices and trait objects, there is one more kind of unsized type. A struct type’s last field (but only its last) may be unsized, and such a struct is itself unsized. For example, an Rc<T> reference-counted pointer is implemented internally as a pointer to the private type RcBox<T>, which stores the reference count alongside the T. Here’s a simplified definition of RcBox:

struct RcBox<T: ?Sized> {
    ref_count: usize,
    value: T,

The value field is the T to which Rc<T> is counting references; Rc<T> dereferences to a pointer to this field. The ref_count field holds the reference count.

You can use RcBox with sized types, like RcBox<String>; the result is a sized struct type. Or you can use it with unsized types, like RcBox<std::fmt::Display> (where Display is the trait for types that can be formatted by println! and similar macros); RcBox<Display> is an unsized struct type.

You can’t build an RcBox<Display> value directly. Instead, you must first create an ordinary, sized RcBox whose value type implements Display, like RcBox<String>. Rust then lets you convert a reference &RcBox<String> to a fat reference &RcBox<Display>:

let boxed_lunch: RcBox<String> = RcBox {
    ref_count: 1,
    value: "lunch".to_string()

use std::fmt::Display;
let boxed_displayable: &RcBox<Display> = &boxed_lunch;

This conversion happens implicitly when passing values to functions, so you can pass a &RcBox<String> to a function that expects an &RcBox<Display>:

fn display(boxed: &RcBox<Display>) {
    println!("For your enjoyment: {}", &boxed.value);


This produces the following output:

For your enjoyment: lunch


The std::clone::Clone trait is for types that can make copies of themselves. Clone is defined as follows:

trait Clone: Sized {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self;
    fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) {
        *self = source.clone()

The clone method should construct an independent copy of self and return it. Since this method’s return type is Self, and functions may not return unsized values, the Clone trait itself extends the Sized trait: this has the effect of bounding implementations’ Self types to be Sized.

Cloning a value usually entails allocating copies of anything it owns, as well, so a clone can be expensive, in both time and memory. For example, cloning a Vec<String> not only copies the vector, but also copies each of its String elements. This is why Rust doesn’t just clone values automatically, but instead requires you to make an explicit method call. The reference-counted pointer types like Rc<T> and Arc<T> are exceptions: cloning one of these simply increments the reference count and hands you a new pointer.

The clone_from method modifies self into a copy of source. The default definition of clone_from simply clones source, and then moves that into *self. This always works, but for some types, there is a faster way to get the same effect. For example, suppose s and t are Strings. The statement s = t.clone(); must clone t, drop the old value of s, and then move the cloned value into s; that’s one heap allocation, and one heap deallocation. But if the heap buffer belonging to the original s has enough capacity to hold t’s contents, no allocation or deallocation is necessary: you can simply copy t’s text into s’s buffer, and adjust the length. In generic code, you should use clone_from whenever possible, to permit this optimization when it is available.

If your Clone implementation simply applies clone to each field or element of your type, and then constructs a new value from those clones, and the default definition of clone_from is good enough, then Rust will implement that for you: simply put #[derive(Clone)] above your type definition.

Pretty much every type in the standard library that makes sense to copy implements Clone. Primitive types like bool and i32 do. Container types like String, Vec<T>, and HashMap do, too. Some types don’t make sense to copy, like std::sync::Mutex; those don’t implement Clone. Some types like std::fs::File can be copied, but the copy might fail if the operating system doesn’t have the necessary resources; these types don’t implement Clone, since clone must be infallible. Instead, std::fs::File provides a try_clone method, which returns a std::io::Result<File>, which can report a failure.


In Chapter 4, we explained that, for most types, assignment moves values, rather than copying them. Moving values makes it much simpler to track the resources they own. But in “Copy Types: The Exception to Moves”, we pointed out the exception: simple types that don’t own any resources can be Copy types, where assignment makes a copy of the source, rather than moving the value and leaving the source uninitialized.

At that time, we left it vague exactly what Copy was, but now we can tell you: a type is Copy if it implements the std::marker::Copy marker trait, which is defined as follows:

trait Copy: Clone { }

This is certainly easy to implement for your own types:

impl Copy for MyType { }

But because Copy is a marker trait with special meaning to the language, Rust permits a type to implement Copy only if a shallow byte-for-byte copy is all it needs. Types that own any other resources, like heap buffers or operating system handles, cannot implement Copy.

Any type that implements the Drop trait cannot be Copy. Rust presumes that if a type needs special clean-up code, it must also require special copying code, and thus can’t be Copy.

As with Clone, you can ask Rust to derive Copy for you, using #[derive(Copy)]. You will often see both derived at once, with #[derive(Copy, Clone)].

Think carefully before making a type Copy. Although doing so makes the type easier to use, it places heavy restrictions on its implementation. Implicit copies can also be expensive. We explain these factors in detail in “Copy Types: The Exception to Moves”.

Deref and DerefMut

You can specify how dereferencing operators like * and . behave on your types by implementing the std::ops::Deref and std::ops::DerefMut traits. Pointer types like Box<T> and Rc<T> implement these traits so that they can behave as Rust’s built-in pointer types do. For example, if you have a Box<Complex> value b, then *b refers to the Complex value that b points to, and refers to its real component. If the context assigns or borrows a mutable reference to the referent, Rust uses the DerefMut (“dereference mutably”) trait; otherwise, read-only access is enough, and it uses Deref.

The traits are defined like this:

trait Deref {
    type Target: ?Sized;
    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target;

trait DerefMut: Deref {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target;

The deref and deref_mut methods take a &Self reference and return a &Self::Target reference. Target should be something that Self contains, owns, or refers to: for Box<Complex> the Target type is Complex. Note that DerefMut extends Deref: if you can dereference something and modify it, certainly you should be able to borrow a shared reference to it as well. Since the methods return a reference with the same lifetime as &self, self remains borrowed for as long as the returned reference lives.

The Deref and DerefMut traits play another role as well. Since deref takes a &Self reference and returns a &Self::Target reference, Rust uses this to automatically convert references of the former type into the latter. In other words, if inserting a deref call would prevent a type mismatch, Rust inserts one for you. Implementing DerefMut enables the corresponding conversion for mutable references. These are called the deref coercions: one type is being “coerced” into behaving as another.

Although the deref coercions aren’t anything you couldn’t write out explicitly yourself, they’re convenient:

  • If you have some Rc<String> value r, and want to apply String::find to it, you can simply write r.find('?'), instead of (*r).find('?'): the method call implicitly borrows r, and &Rc<String> coerces to &String, because Rc<T> implements Deref<Target=T>.

  • You can use methods like split_at on String values, even though split_at is a method of the str slice type, because String implements Deref<Target=str>. There’s no need for String to reimplement all of str’s methods, since you can coerce a &str from a &String.

  • If you have a vector of bytes v, and you want to pass it to a function that expects a byte slice &[u8], you can simply pass &v as the argument, since Vec<T> implements Deref<Target=[T]>.

Rust will apply several deref coercions in succession if necessary. For example, using the coercions mentioned before, you can apply split_at directly to an Rc<String>, since &Rc<String> dereferences to &String, which dereferences to &str, which has the split_at method.

For example, suppose you have the following type:

struct Selector<T> {
    /// Elements available in this `Selector`.
    elements: Vec<T>,

    /// The index of the "current" element in `elements`. A `Selector`
    /// behaves like a pointer to the current element.
    current: usize

To make the Selector behave as the doc comment claims, you must implement Deref and DerefMut for the type:

use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};

impl<T> Deref for Selector<T> {
    type Target = T;
    fn deref(&self) -> &T {

impl<T> DerefMut for Selector<T> {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        &mut self.elements[self.current]

Given those implementations, you can use a Selector like this:

let mut s = Selector { elements: vec!['x', 'y', 'z'],
                       current: 2 };

// Because `Selector` implements `Deref`, we can use the `*` operator to
// refer to its current element.
assert_eq!(*s, 'z');

// Assert that 'z' is alphabetic, using a method of `char` directly on a
// `Selector`, via deref coercion.

// Change the 'z' to a 'w', by assigning to the `Selector`'s referent.
*s = 'w';

assert_eq!(s.elements, ['x', 'y', 'w']);

The Deref and DerefMut traits are designed for implementing smart pointer types, like Box, Rc, and Arc, and types that serve as owning versions of something you would also frequently use by reference, the way Vec<T> and String serve as owning versions of [T] and str. You should not implement Deref and DerefMut for a type just to make the Target type’s methods appear on it automatically, the way a C++ base class’s methods are visible on a subclass. This will not always work as you expect, and can be confusing when it goes awry.

The deref coercions come with a caveat that can cause some confusion: Rust applies them to resolve type conflicts, but not to satisfy bounds on type variables. For example, the following code works fine:

let s = Selector { elements: vec!["good", "bad", "ugly"],
                   current: 2 };

fn show_it(thing: &str) { println!("{}", thing); }

In the call show_it(&s), Rust sees an argument of type &Selector<&str> and a parameter of type &str, finds the Deref<Target=str> implementation, and rewrites the call to show_it(s.deref()), just as needed.

However, if you change show_it into a generic function, Rust is suddenly no longer cooperative:

use std::fmt::Display;
fn show_it_generic<T: Display>(thing: T) { println!("{}", thing); }

Rust complains:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `Selector<&str>: Display` is not satisfied
542 |         show_it_generic(&s);
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ trait `Selector<&str>: Display` not satisfied

This can be bewildering: How could making a function generic introduce an error? True, Selector<&str> does not implement Display itself, but it dereferences to &str, which certainly does.

Since you’re passing an argument of type &Selector<&str>, and the function’s parameter type is &T, the type variable T must be Selector<&str>. Then, Rust checks whether the bound T: Display is satisfied: since it does not apply deref coercions to satisfy bounds on type variables, this check fails.

To work around this problem, you can spell out the coercion using the as operator:

show_it_generic(&s as &str);


Some types have a reasonably obvious default value: the default vector or string is empty, the default number is zero, the default Option is None, and so on. Types like this can implement the std::default::Default trait:

trait Default {
    fn default() -> Self;

The default method simply returns a fresh value of type Self. String’s implementation of Default is straightforward:

impl Default for String {
    fn default() -> String {

All of Rust’s collection types—Vec, HashMap, BinaryHeap, and so on—implement Default, with default methods that return an empty collection. This is helpful when you need to build a collection of values, but want to let your caller decide exactly what sort of collection to build. For example, the Iterator trait’s partition method splits the values the iterator produces into two collections, using a closure to decide where each value goes:

use std::collections::HashSet;
let squares = [4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64];
let (powers_of_two, impure): (HashSet<i32>, HashSet<i32>)
    = squares.iter().partition(|&n| n & (n-1) == 0);

assert_eq!(powers_of_two.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(impure.len(), 4);

The closure |&n| n & (n-1) == 0 uses some bit-fiddling to recognize numbers that are powers of two, and partition uses that to produce two HashSets. But of course, partition isn’t specific to HashSets; you can use it to produce any sort of collection you like, as long as the collection type implements Default, to produce an empty collection to start with, and Extend<T>, to add a T to the collection. String implements Default and Extend<char>, so you can write:

let (upper, lower): (String, String)
    = "Great Teacher Onizuka".chars().partition(|&c| c.is_uppercase());
assert_eq!(upper, "GTO");
assert_eq!(lower, "reat eacher nizuka");

Another common use of Default is to produce default values for structs that represent a large collection of parameters, most of which you won’t usually need to change. For example, the glium crate provides Rust bindings for the powerful and complex OpenGL graphics library. The glium::DrawParameters struct includes 22 fields, each controlling a different detail of how OpenGL should render some bit of graphics. The glium draw function expects a DrawParameters struct as an argument. Since DrawParameters implements Default, you can create one to pass to draw, mentioning only those fields you want to change:

let params = glium::DrawParameters {
    line_width: Some(0.02),
    point_size: Some(0.02),
    .. Default::default()

target.draw(..., &params).unwrap();

This calls Default::default() to create a DrawParameters value initialized with the default values for all its fields, and then uses the .. syntax for structs to create a new one with the line_width and point_size fields changed, ready for you to pass it to target.draw.

If a type T implements Default, then the standard library implements Default automatically for Rc<T>, Arc<T>, Box<T>, Cell<T>, RefCell<T>, Cow<T>, Mutex<T>, and RwLock<T>. The default value for the type Rc<T>, for example, is an Rc pointing to the default value for type T.

If all the element types of a tuple type implement Default, then the tuple type does too, defaulting to a tuple holding each element’s default value.

Rust does not implicitly implement Default for struct types, but if all of a struct’s fields implement Default, you can implement Default for the struct automatically using #[derive(Default)].

The default value of any Option<T> is None.

AsRef and AsMut

When a type implements AsRef<T>, that means you can borrow a &T from it efficiently. AsMut is the analogue for mutable references. Their definitions are as follows:

trait AsRef<T: ?Sized> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &T;

trait AsMut<T: ?Sized> {
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T;

So, for example, Vec<T> implements AsRef<[T]>, and String implements AsRef<str>. You can also borrow a String’s contents as an array of bytes, so String implements AsRef<[u8]> as well.

AsRef is typically used to make functions more flexible in the argument types they accept. For example, the std::fs::File::open function is declared like this:

fn open<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<File>

What open really wants is a &Path, the type representing a filesystem path. But with this signature, open accepts anything it can borrow a &Path from—that is, anything that implements AsRef<Path>. Such types include String and str, the operating system interface string types OsString and OsStr, and of course PathBuf and Path; see the library documentation for the full list. This is what allows you to pass string literals to open:

let dot_emacs = std::fs::File::open("/home/jimb/.emacs")?;

All of the standard library’s filesystem access functions accept path arguments this way. For callers, the effect resembles that of an overloaded function in C++, although Rust takes a different approach toward establishing which argument types are acceptable.

But this can’t be the whole story. A string literal is a &str, but the type that implements AsRef<Path> is str, without an &. And as we explained in “Deref and DerefMut”, Rust doesn’t try deref coercions to satisfy type variable bounds, so they won’t help here either.

Fortunately, the standard library includes the blanket implementation:

impl<'a, T, U> AsRef<U> for &'a T
    where T: AsRef<U>,
          T: ?Sized, U: ?Sized
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &U {

In other words, for any types T and U, if T: AsRef<U>, then &T: AsRef<U> as well: simply follow the reference and proceed as before. In particular, since str: AsRef<Path>, then &str: AsRef<Path> as well. In a sense, this is a way to get a limited form of deref coercion in checking AsRef bounds on type variables.

You might assume that, if a type implements AsRef<T>, it should also implement AsMut<T>. However, there are cases where this isn’t appropriate. For example, we’ve mentioned that String implements AsRef<[u8]>; this makes sense, as each String certainly has a buffer of bytes that can be useful to access as binary data. However, String further guarantees that those bytes are a well-formed UTF-8 encoding of Unicode text; if String implemented AsMut<[u8]>, that would let callers change the String’s bytes to anything they wanted, and you could no longer trust a String to be well-formed UTF-8. It only makes sense for a type to implement AsMut<T> if modifying the given T cannot violate the type’s invariants.

Although AsRef and AsMut are pretty simple, providing standard, generic traits for reference conversion avoids the proliferation of more specific conversion traits. You should avoid defining your own AsFoo traits when you could just implement AsRef<Foo>.

Borrow and BorrowMut

The std::borrow::Borrow trait is similar to AsRef: if a type implements Borrow<T>, then its borrow method efficiently borrows a &T from it. But Borrow imposes more restrictions: a type should implement Borrow<T> only when a &T hashes and compares the same way as the value it’s borrowed from. (Rust doesn’t enforce this; it’s just the documented intent of the trait.) This makes Borrow valuable in dealing with keys in hash tables and trees, or when dealing with values that will be hashed or compared for some other reason.

This distinction matters when borrowing from Strings, for example: String implements AsRef<str>, AsRef<[u8]>, and AsRef<Path>, but those three target types will generally have different hash values. Only the &str slice is guaranteed to hash like the equivalent String, so String implements only Borrow<str>.

Borrow’s definition is identical to that of AsRef; only the names have been changed:

trait Borrow<Borrowed: ?Sized> {
    fn borrow(&self) -> &Borrowed;

Borrow is designed to address a specific situation with generic hash tables and other associative collection types. For example, suppose you have a std::collections​::HashMap<String, i32>, mapping strings to numbers. This table’s keys are Strings; each entry owns one. What should the signature of the method that looks up an entry in this table be? Here’s a first attempt:

impl HashMap<K, V> where K: Eq + Hash
    fn get(&self, key: K) -> Option<&V> { ... }

This makes sense: to look up an entry, you must provide a key of the appropriate type for the table. But in this case, K is String; this signature would force you to pass a String by value to every call to get, which is clearly wasteful. You really just need a reference to the key:

impl HashMap<K, V> where K: Eq + Hash
    fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<&V> { ... }

This is slightly better, but now you have to pass the key as a &String, so if you wanted to look up a constant string, you’d have to write:


This is ridiculous: it allocates a String buffer on the heap and copies the text into it, just so it can borrow it as a &String, pass it to get, and then drop it.

It should be good enough to pass anything that can be hashed and compared with our key type; a &str should be perfectly adequate, for example. So here’s the final iteration, which is what you’ll find in the standard library:

impl HashMap<K, V> where K: Eq + Hash
    fn get<Q: ?Sized>(&self, key: &Q) -> Option<&V>
        where K: Borrow<Q>,
              Q: Eq + Hash
    { ... }

In other words, if you can borrow an entry’s key as a &Q, and the resulting reference hashes and compares just the way the key itself would, then clearly &Q ought to be an acceptable key type. Since String implements Borrow<str> and Borrow<String>, this final version of get allows you to pass either &String or &str as a key, as needed.

Vec<T> and [T: N] implement Borrow<[T]>. Every string-like type allows borrowing its corresponding slice type: String implements Borrow<str>, PathBuf implements Borrow<Path>, and so on. And all the standard library’s associative collection types use Borrow to decide which types can be passed to their lookup functions.

The standard library includes a blanket implementation so that every type T can be borrowed from itself: T: Borrow<T>. This ensures that &K is always an acceptable type for looking up entries in a HashMap<K, V>.

As a convenience, every &mut T type also implements Borrow<T>, returning a shared reference &T as usual. This allows you to pass mutable references to collection lookup functions without having to reborrow a shared reference, emulating Rust’s usual implicit coercion from mutable references to shared references.

The BorrowMut trait is the analogue of Borrow for mutable references:

trait BorrowMut<Borrowed: ?Sized>: Borrow<Borrowed> {
    fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Borrowed;

The same expectations described for Borrow apply to BorrowMut as well.

From and Into

The std::convert::From and std::convert::Into traits represent conversions that consume a value of one type, and return a value of another. Whereas the AsRef and AsMut traits borrow a reference of one type from another, From and Into take ownership of their argument, transform it, and then return ownership of the result back to the caller.

Their definitions are nicely symmetrical:

trait Into<T>: Sized {
    fn into(self) -> T;

trait From<T>: Sized {
    fn from(T) -> Self;

The standard library automatically implements the trivial conversion from each type to itself: every type T implements From<T> and Into<T>.

Although the traits simply provide two ways to do the same thing, they lend themselves to different uses.

You generally use Into to make your functions more flexible in the arguments they accept. For example, if you write:

use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
fn ping<A>(address: A) -> std::io::Result<bool>
    where A: Into<Ipv4Addr>
    let ipv4_address = address.into();

then ping can accept not just an Ipv4Addr as an argument, but also a u32 or a [u8; 4] array, since those types both conveniently happen to implement Into<Ipv4Addr>. (It’s sometimes useful to treat an IPv4 address as a single 32-bit value, or an array of four bytes.) Because the only thing ping knows about address is that it implements Into<Ipv4Addr>, there’s no need to specify which type you want when you call into; there’s only one that could possibly work, so type inference fills it in for you.

As with AsRef in the previous section, the effect is much like that of overloading a function in C++. With the definition of ping from before, we can make any of these calls:

println!("{:?}", ping(Ipv4Addr::new(23, 21, 68, 141))); // pass an Ipv4Addr
println!("{:?}", ping([66, 146, 219, 98]));             // pass a [u8; 4]
println!("{:?}", ping(0xd076eb94_u32));                 // pass a u32

The From trait, however, plays a different role. The from method serves as a generic constructor for producing an instance of a type from some other single value. For example, rather than Ipv4Addr having two methods named from_array and from_u32, it simply implements From<[u8;4]> and From<u32>, allowing us to write:

let addr1 = Ipv4Addr::from([66, 146, 219, 98]);
let addr2 = Ipv4Addr::from(0xd076eb94_u32);

We can let type inference sort out which implementation applies.

Given an appropriate From implementation, the standard library automatically implements the corresponding Into trait. When you define your own type, if it has single-argument constructors, you should write them as implementations of From<T> for the appropriate types; you’ll get the corresponding Into implementations for free.

Because the from and into conversion methods take ownership of their arguments, a conversion can reuse the original value’s resources to construct the converted value. For example, suppose you write:

let text = "Beautiful Soup".to_string();
let bytes: Vec<u8> = text.into();

The implementation of Into<Vec<u8>> for String simply takes the String’s heap buffer and repurposes it, unchanged, as the returned vector’s element buffer. The conversion has no need to allocate or copy the text. This is another case where moves enable efficient implementations.

These conversions also provide a nice way to relax a value of a constrained type into something more flexible, without weakening the constrained type’s guarantees. For example, a String guarantees that its contents are always valid UTF-8; its mutating methods are carefully restricted to ensure that nothing you can do will ever introduce bad UTF-8. But this example efficiently “demotes” a String to a block of plain bytes that you can do anything you like with: perhaps you’re going to compress it, or combine it with other binary data that isn’t UTF-8. Because into takes its argument by value, text is no longer initialized after the conversion, meaning that we can freely access the former String’s buffer without being able to corrupt any extant String.

However, cheap conversions are not part of Into and From’s contract. Whereas AsRef and AsMut conversions are expected to be cheap, From and Into conversions may allocate, copy, or otherwise process the value’s contents. For example, String implements From<&str>, which copies the string slice into a new heap-allocated buffer for the String. And std::collections::BinaryHeap<T> implements From<Vec<T>>, which compares and reorders the elements according to its algorithm’s requirements.

Note that From and Into are restricted to conversions that never fail. The methods’ type signatures don’t provide any way to indicate that a given conversion didn’t work out. To provide fallible conversions into or out of your types, it’s best to have a function or method that returns a Result type.

Before From and Into were added to the standard library, Rust code was full of ad hoc conversion traits and construction methods, each specific to a single type. From and Into codify conventions that you can follow to make your types easier to use, since your users are already familiar with them.


Given a reference, the usual way to produce an owned copy of its referent is to call clone, assuming the type implements std::clone::Clone. But what if you want to clone a &str or a &[i32]? What you probably want is a String or a Vec<i32>, but Clone’s definition doesn’t permit that: by definition, cloning a &T must always return a value of type T, and str and [u8] are unsized; they aren’t even types that a function could return.

The std::borrow::ToOwned trait provides a slightly looser way to convert a reference to an owned value:

trait ToOwned {
    type Owned: Borrow<Self>;
    fn to_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned;

Unlike clone, which must return exactly Self, to_owned can return anything you could borrow a &Self from: the Owned type must implement Borrow<Self>. You can borrow a &[T] from a Vec<T>, so [T] can implement ToOwned<Owned=Vec<T>>, as long as T implements Clone, so that we can copy the slice’s elements into the vector. Similarly, str implements ToOwned<Owned=String>, Path implements ToOwned<Owned=PathBuf>, and so on.

Borrow and ToOwned at Work: The Humble Cow

Making good use of Rust involves thinking through questions of ownership, like whether a function should receive a parameter by reference or by value. Usually you can settle on one approach or the other, and the parameter’s type reflects your decision. But in some cases you cannot decide whether to borrow or own until the program is running; the std::borrow::Cow type (for “clone on write”) provides one way to do this.

Its definition is shown here:

enum Cow<'a, B: ?Sized + 'a>
    where B: ToOwned
    Borrowed(&'a B),
    Owned(<B as ToOwned>::Owned),

A Cow<B> either borrows a shared reference to a B, or owns a value from which we could borrow such a reference. Since Cow implements Deref, you can call methods on it as if it were a shared reference to a B: if it’s Owned, it borrows a shared reference to the owned value; and if it’s Borrowed, it just hands out the reference it’s holding.

You can also get a mutable reference to a Cow’s value by calling its to_mut method, which returns a &mut B. If the Cow happens to be Cow::Borrowed, to_mut simply calls the reference’s to_owned method to get its own copy of the referent, changes the Cow into a Cow::Owned, and borrows a mutable reference to the newly owned value. This is the “clone on write” behavior the type’s name refers to.

Similarly, Cow has an into_owned method that promotes the reference to an owned value if necessary, and then returns it, moving ownership to the caller and consuming the Cow in the process.

One common use for Cow is to return either a statically allocated string constant or a computed string. For example, suppose you need to convert an error enum to a message. Most of the variants can be handled with fixed strings, but some of them have additional data that should be included in the message. You can return a Cow<'static, str>:

use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::borrow::Cow;
fn describe(error: &Error) -> Cow<'static, str> {
    match *error {
        Error::OutOfMemory => "out of memory".into(),
        Error::StackOverflow => "stack overflow".into(),
        Error::MachineOnFire => "machine on fire".into(),
        Error::Unfathomable => "machine bewildered".into(),
        Error::FileNotFound(ref path) => {
            format!("file not found: {}", path.display()).into()

This code uses Cow’s implementation of Into to construct the values. Most arms of this match statement return a Cow::Borrowed referring to a statically allocated string. But when we get a FileNotFound variant, we use format! to construct a message incorporating the given filename. This arm of the match statement produces a Cow::Owned value.

Callers of describe that don’t need to change the value can simply treat the Cow as a &str:

println!("Disaster has struck: {}", describe(&error));

Callers who do need an owned value can readily produce one:

let mut log: Vec<String> = Vec::new();

Using Cow helps describe and its callers put off allocation until the moment it becomes necessary.

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