
#define 12

#include 7

% 15

% operator 46

%+d 99

%c 58

%d 7

%ld 15

%ld 38

&& 25




|| 25

evaluating section 70

repeated execution 31

modulo 2 division 93

++i 34

<conio.h> 7

<math.h> 13

<stdio.h> 6, 7

<string.h> 137

== operator 46

abnormal termination 117

absolute value 30

actual arguments 171, 172

actual parameters 171

address 221

address of the structure 257

address operator 226

address passing 187

advantages 2

algorithm 1

aliases 181

arguments 171

array declaration 77

array name 76

array of structure variables arrays 76

arrays of structures 247

ascending order 132


attributes 246

auto variables 171

average 84

biggest element 80

bin directory 211

binary search 123

body of a function 214

break 50

bubble sort 95

by selection 128

compiler 211

call by address 234

call by value 172, 194

call-by-reference 218

called function 168, 181

calling function 167, 187

case 63, 67

case values 62

characters 159

characters and string handling 135

clrscr( ) 7

co-efficients 27

coefficients 98

comment statements 7

common subscript 115

complex number 256

computed goto 4

computer programs 166

concatenating two strings 147

consecutive memory locations 77

consonant 151

cos(x) 61

counter 31

counting 159, 160, 163

current search space 125, 194

data type 221

debugging 166

decision making 65

decision making 27

default block 64

defining a structure 248

dereferencing operator 222

descending order 95

discriminant 27

divide and conquer 5

divide and conquer strategy 4, 167

do...while 4, 31

do...while block 59

dot (.) operator 248, 249

dot expressions 248

dummy arguments 171

dynamic memory management 223


else 19

else block 19

end-of- file (EOF) 136

entities 244

even elements 92

exchanging 8

exit( ) 117

exit(1) 117

exponential series: 61

factorial 35

FALSE Block 19

fast varying subscript 101

Fibonacci sequence 40

file 211

flag 64, 121

flag character 99

flow charts 2

flowchart symbols 2

for 31

for control structure 36

for loop control structure 56

for, while 4

formal arguments 171, 174

format 15

format specifier 58, 226

Fortran 5

function prototype 168, 169, 191

function body 169

function definition 168

function header 169, 191

function name 168

functional programming 167

functions 167

GCD 42

gets( ) 136

global variables 214

goto 116

group of data items 76

group of structures 251

header files 7

high 124

if 4

if... else 18, 20, 21

if... else ladder 67

imaginary part 28

implication 194

increment operator 34

independent functions 211

indirection operator 222

infix form 69

initial search space 124

input function 77

insert 134

integer division 15

integer division 10

invoked 168

iteratively 31

key 121

keyboard 136

LCM 42

leap year 25

least significant digit 46

leaving the loop prematurely 121

length of a string 137

line terminating character 161

linear search 120

lines 163

link 168

local to their functions 181

local variables 171, 214

logical AND 25

logical expression 25, 32

logical OR operator 25

long 38

loop control structures 31

loop control variable 33, 40

low 124

lowercase alphabets 151

main functions 5

main programs 5

matrix 101

matrix 76

maximum 82

mean 84

memory location 221

Menu 72

middle element 125

minimum 82, 130

modular programming 167

modules 167, 211

modulo division 15

multipliability 207

multivalued variables 181

multi-way decision making 62, 73

names 156

natural numbers 31

nested for loops 115

nested ifs 20

new data type 248, 260

norm 220

norm of a matrix 110

normal termination 117

normally 50

null character 135

NULL pointer 223

numeric address 221

numeric codes 135

odd 93

odd elements 92

one-dimensional array 76, 184

operator == 20

output function 77

palindrome 46, 138

parameters 171

parameters passing 218


pass 130

period operator 248

pictorial representations 2

pointer 221

pointer expressions 227

pointer to pointer 227

pointer variable 228

polynomial 98

preprocessor directives 7, 211

prime number 18

prime number identification procedure 53

principle diagonal 107, 197

printf( ) 6

procedural programming 166

procedures 167

product matrix 114

program 1

quadratic equation 27, 65

qualifying type of 234

read 101

read in column-wise 101

read in row-wise 101

read-in 70

real part 28

relationship diagrams 245

remainder 15

required accuracy 55

result of searching 190

return 168

reverse of a given string 141

Reversing a Number 46

Roots are complex 66

roots are complex and distinct 27

Roots are real and equal 66

scalars 202

scanf( ) 65

scope of global variables 215

search key 120

search portion 124

search range 129

second half, first half 123

selection Sort 128

sequential search 120

shape of the structure 263

shorthand assignment 34

Simple Calculator 69

simple if statement 19

sin (x) 55, 56

sine series 55

sine series expansion 177

single subscript 77

size of each memory location 77

size of the array 136

sorted arrays 123

sorting 95, 156

sorting algorithms 17

specifier 15

sqrt() 13

square matrix 108

standard deviation 89

static variables 215

status 117

stored row wise 198

strcpy() 145, 148

strings 135

structure name 246

structure tag 246

structure variables 247

structures 244

structures with arrays 247

subproblems 166

subprogram 4, 166

subscript variables 79

substructure 259

sum of a column 202

sum of a row 202

swapping 8

switch 4, 50

symbolic constant 12

tab 9

target data type 225

termination under error condition 117

the * operator 222

the & operator 222

trace 107

trace of a square matrix 197

transpose of the given matrix 112

traversal 96, 130

true 23

TRUE block 19

two roots will be equal 27

two subscripts 77

Two way decision 18

two-dimensional 77

type cast 84

unary operator 248

unique names 17

unit's digit 47

unsigned integers 221

uppercase alphabets 151

user defined function 169

user's response. 58

variance 89

vector 76

void 169

vowel 151, 154

while 31

while loop 32

while loop control structure 42

words 160

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