
@ alias, 5152

=> (fat arrow), 154156

(back slashes), 5

/ (forward slashes), 76



compilers to browsers, 67

form to client-side todo list application, 242247

jQuery to client-side todo list application, 240241

views to todo list application, 268273

aliases, 4647

@ alias, 5152

and alias, 4950

Boolean aliases, 5051

not alias, 4849

or alias, 4950

and alias, 4950

anonymous wrapper function, 2022

APIs, writing todo API, 225226

app server

building with Node.js, 199213

testing with Node.js, 214215

arguments, 7072

default arguments, 7275

splats, 7579

arithmetic operators, 3335

arrays, 8190

destructing assignment, 8690

iterating, 105106

slicing, 9294

swapping assignment, 8586

testing inclusion, 8384


injecting, 9596

replacing, 9495

Ashkenas, Jeremy, 255

assignment operators, 3539

asynchronous programming, 151154

attributes, retrieving from objects, 101103


back slashes (), 5

Backbone, 255256

configuring for todo list application, 256259

todo model, writing, 256259


creating, 265268

listing with view, 263265

bare flag, 910

beforeEach function, 181187

binding, 151158

block comments, 30

Boolean aliases, 5051

Bootstrap, building client-side todo list application, 237240

browsers, in-browser compilation, 67

build task (Cake), 167


objects, 96101

todo list application

client-side, 237252

controller, cleaning up, 232236

Express, setting up, 218222

MongoDB, setting up, 222225

server-side, 217

todo API, writing, 225226

by keyword, 106107


Cake, 161


invoking, 167169

options, 163167

running, 163

writing, 162163

Cakefiles, 161

calling functions, 6870


defining, 123124

extending, 137145

inheritance, 137145

scope, 127137

class-level functions, 145150

clean task (Cake), 167

cleaning up todo list application controller, 232236

client-side todo list application, building, 237252

closing REPL, 5

code, not repeating, 68

coffee command, 89

CoffeeScript, declaring variables, 1920



destructing assignment, 8690

injecting values, 9596

iterating, 105106

replacing values, 9495

slicing, 9294

swapping assignment, 8586

testing inclusion, 8384

ranges, reverse ranges, 9192

command-line compilation, 78

comments, 2930

block comments, 30

inline comments, 2930

comparison operators, 3942

compile flag, 78


command-line compilation, 78

in-browser compilation, 67

comprehensions, 116118

concatenation, forward slashes (/), 76

conditional statements

if statement, 5354

if/else if statement, 5658

if/else statement, 5456

inline conditionals, 60

switch case statements, 6063

unless statement, 5860


Backbone for todo list application, 256259

Jasmine, 172175

constructor function, 126127

creating objects, 96101

custom matchers (Jasmine), defining, 187190


declaring variables

in CoffeeScript, 1920

in JavaScript, 1819

default arguments, 7275


Cake tasks, 162163

classes, 123124

functions, 6870

arguments, 7072

default arguments, 7275

parentheses, 72

matchers (Jasmine), 187190

regular expressions, 31


models from views (todo list application), 273274

todos in client-side todo list application, 252

“describe” block (Jasmine), writing, 175

destructing assignment, 8690

do keyword, 119120

dot notation, 101


executing CoffeeScript files, 11

existential operator, 4346

Express, building todo list application, 218222

extended regular expressions, 31

extending classes, 137145


fat arrow (=>), 154156


bare flag, 910

compile flag, 78

output flag, 9

print flag, 10

watch flag, 1011

for loops

by keyword, 106107

when keyword, 107, 109110

form, adding to client-side todo list application, 242247

function keyword, 16

functions, 6568

anonymous wrapper function, 2022

arguments, 7072

default arguments, 7275

splats, 7579

beforeEach, 181187

binding, 151158

class-level, 145150

constructor, 126127

defining, 6870, 125126

overriding, 142145

prototype functions, 110, 150151


Hello World program, Node.js, 195197

heredocs, 2829

HTML files in-browser compilation, 67


if statement, 5354

if/else if statement, 5658

if/else statement, 5456

in-browser compilation, 67

inheritance, 137145

injecting array values, 9596

inline comments, 2930

inline conditionals, 60


Jasmine, 172

Node.js, 194195

interpolation, string interpolation, 2325

iterating arrays, 105106



“describe” block, writing, 175

installing, 172

matchers, defining, 187190

setting up, 172175

testing with, 175176

beforeEach function, 181187

unit testing, 176181


Backbone, 255256

todo model, writing, 256259

todos, listing with a view, 263265

Node.js, 193194

app server, building, 199213

app server, testing, 214215

Hello World program, 195197

installing, 194195

streaming APIs, writing, 197199

variables, declaring, 1819

jQuery, adding to client-side todo list application, 240241

keywords, var, 19


listing existing todos in todo list application, 247248

literal strings, 2528

long options, 163


comprehensions, 116118

do keyword, 119120

for loops

by keyword, 106107

when keyword, 107, 109110

until loops, 114115

while loops, 113114


MongoDB, setting up, 222225

Mongoose, finding todos in todo list application, 227228

new keyword, 124

Node.js, 193194

app server

building, 199213

testing, 214215

Hello World program, 195197

installing, 194195

streaming APIs, writing, 197199

NPM (Node Package Management), 193

Express, setting up, 218222



attributes, retrieving, 101103

building, 96101

destructing assignment, 103105

iterating, 108113


aliases, 4647

@ alias, 5152

and alias, 4950

Boolean aliases, 5051

not alias, 4849

or alias, 4950

arithmetic operators, 3335

assignment operators, 3539

comparison operators, 3942

existential operator, 4346

string operators, 4243

options for Cake tasks, 163167

or alias, 4950

output flag, 9

overriding functions, 142145


parentheses, 1617

comprehensions, 117

functions, calling, 72

print flag, 10

prototype function, 110

prototype functions, 150151


querying todo list application, 227228

quitting REPL, 5

ranges, 9096

reverse ranges, 9192

regular expressions, extended regular expressions, 31

REPL, 35

(back slashes), 5

Node.js, 194

quitting, 5

replacing array values, 9495

retrieving attributes from objects, 101103

reverse ranges, 9192

running Cake tasks, 163


scope in classes, 127137

servers (Node.js), creating, 195197

server-side, building todo list application, 217

setting up Jasmine, 172175

short options, 163

significant whitespace, 1416

slicing arrays, 9294

splats, 7579

streaming APIs, writing with Node.js, 197199

string interpolation, 2325

string operators, 4243


heredocs, 2829

literal strings, 2528

switch case statements, 6063

synchronous programming, 151


function keyword, 16

parentheses, 1617

ranges, 90

significant whitespace, 1416




invoking, 167169

options, 163167

running, 163

writing, 162163

TDD (test-driven development), 171

terminating REPL, 5


with Jasmine, 175176

beforeEach function, 181187

matchers, defining, 187190

TDD, 171

unit testing, 176181

testing inclusion, Node.js app server, 214215

todo list application


configuring, 256259

todos, creating, 265268

todos, listing with a view, 263265


building, 237252

exisiting todos, listing, 247248

form, creating, 242247

jQuery, adding, 240241

todos, deleting, 252

todos, updating, 248251

controller, cleaning up, 232236


building, 217

todo API, writing, 225226


creating, 228230

finding, 227228

updating, 230232


adding, 268273

deleting models from, 273274

todo list application, building

Express, setting up, 218222

MongoDB, setting up, 222225

Twitter Bootstrap

todo list application

client-side, building, 237240


unit testing with Jasmine, 176181

unless statement, 5860

until loops, 114115


todo list application, 230232

todos in client-side todo list application, 248251


var keyword, 19

variables, declaring

in CoffeeScript, 1920

in JavaScript, 1819


adding to todo list application, 268273

models, deleting from (todo list application), 273274


watch flag, 1011

when keyword, 109110

while loops, 113114


Cake tasks, 162163

“describe” block (Jasmine), 175

todo API, 225226

todo model with Backbone, 256259

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