It is said that the best way to learn swimming is to jump into the water right away. Similarly, the best way to learn a programming language is to start coding straight away. Let us start our study of Java programming in an informal way. Let us write a simple Java program and run it.

3.1 Introduction

In our first Java program, we will find the area of a circle with radius 5.

Problem: Write a program to find area of a circle with radius 5.

Solution: See Program 3.1.


PROGRAM 3.1 Area of a Circle


 class first


 public static void main( String args[] )


   int r ;

   r = 5 ;

   System.out.println(3.14 * r * r);



If you run the program, you will get the following output.




The output was as expected. Though the program was very simple still it had many components (parts). Let us describe its every part (Table 3.1).


Table 3.1 Program Parts Illustrated

Program code Explanation
 // This is a comment
 class first The name of the class is first. This program must be in a file
 { Left brace: start of class
 public static void main The execution of program starts with method main ()
 ( String args[] )
Left brace: start of main method
       int r ; Declaration of variable r
       r = 5 ; Initialization of r
 (3.14 * r * r);
Program statement. Prints the value
      } Right brace: end of method main
 } Right brace: end of class first

3.2 Java Program Structure

A useful Java program will consist of many parts. It will have many features. It will not be easy to absorb every thing at one go. Therefore, we should first think of very simple programs, then simple programs, and so on. We should study Java step by step. Now in light of this program, let us study structure of a very simple Java program.

Structure of a very simple Java program can be summarized as follows:

  1. A program say first is written in a file named
  2. The file contains a class first, as a rule.
  3. The class contains method main. It has to be declared with parameters: String args[], as shown in Table 3.1.
  4. The method main contains declarations and program statements.
  5. Java applications begin execution at method main().

As a matter of the rule, name of the class which contains method main() and the name of the file (without extension) must be identical.

Please note that this is description of a very simple program. As we start studying more and more features, we will refine this definition.

3.3 Basic Building Blocks

Any Java program (or a program in any other language for that matter) consists of few building blocks like comments, declarations, statements, and methods. These blocks are formed by some small atomic quantities known as tokens. Here we will not go into the grammar in depth. Still we will discuss step by step how programs, that is declarations and statements, are written. We will talk about grammar in a later chapter.


Comments are that part of the program, which are supposed to give more information (or explanation) to the reader. They increase the readability of the program. The compiler does not convert it into code. (We may say compiler ignores it.) Therefore, presence of comments has no relevance to program (execution) speed. In Java, comments are enclosed in pair of /* and */. Such comments can be of one or more lines. It may be noted that, such comment can appear anywhere, where a white space can appear in a program.

In addition Java uses double slash (//) for single-line comments. Any text from // to the end of that line is treated as comment.

In this text, you will see every program starts with the program name as a comment. It is not merely a style. It is a discipline which helps in long run.

3.3.2 Character set

When we write a program, we actually write characters. The console input and output also uses characters. Character set stands for the collection of characters used by any programming language. Java supports Unicode character set. Unicode characters need 16 bits (instead of 8 for ASCII) to store a character. It will be heartening to know that in Unicode there is representation for scripts (languages), like Japanese, Chinese, and many Indian ones, like Devnagri and Tamil.

Earlier languages used ASCII character set. Java also supports it as Unicode encompasses the ASCII character set.

A Java program can generate all of these characters. If we talk of writing Java program, that is source code, then there are some restrictions. We cannot use each and every character in writing a program. Table 3.2 illustrates the characters used in writing a program.

All Unicode characters can be written to file. However, if we are writing them to screen, some of them may not be shown properly.

Let us write a small program to verify this fact.


Table 3.2 Characters for Writing Java Programs

Group Details
Letters—English alphabets a to z and A to Z
Letters—non-English alphabets All characters that are considered to be a letter by the Unicode 2.0 standard.
Digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Special characters I dollar mark ($) and underscore (_) character
Special characters II ! @ # % ^ & * - = + < > / ?
Special characters III { } [ ] ( ) ; ,
Separator blank, tab, new line

Problem: Write a program to print all ASCII characters on the screen.

Solution: We know that first 31 characters are used for special purpose. Hence, we will show characters with value 32 to 255. To restrict limited say 16 characters in one line, we will use 2 for loops (see Program 3.2).


PROGRAM 3.2 ASCII Characters


 class char1

 {  public static void main(String args[])

  {   char x= 65 ;

      int i,j,key ;


        {   System.out.print(j*16 + “ : ”);


             { key = j*16 + i;

               System.out.print( (char) key + “ ”);






If you run the program, you will get the following output.



Output for Program 3.2

Please note that some characters are not shown properly on the screen. Hence, the computer (Windows OS) is showing question mark (?) in their place.

3.3.3 Constants

The most basic things in a program are the variables and the values they take. We have seen a statement:

r = 5 ;

Here, r is a variable and it takes value “5”.

We will call this value appearing in a program as constant. (In strict computer jargon, it is called literal).

Constants can be divided into following three categories:

  1. Integer constants
  2. Real constants
  3. Character constants

Integer constants

Integers can be expressed in three possible notations, that is octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.

In daily use, we use integer constants in decimal form. These constants are either positive or negative. Plus sign is optional.

Following are examples of valid integer constants in decimal notation:




If we have to state an integer constant in octal notation (format), we must precede it with zero. This is the way we tell the computer that we mean octal representation. Please note that digits 8 and 9 are not valid in octal notation.

Following are examples of valid integer constants in octal notation:




Hexadecimal number system consist of digits 0 to 9 and alphabets “a” to “f”. These constants are preceded by 0x

Following are examples of valid integer constants in hexadecimal notation:




Please note that alphabets “a” to “f” and “x” can be in either small or capital.

Let us study these constants in a simple program.

Problem: Write a program to study octal, decimal, and hexadecimal notation for integers.

Solution: See Program 3.3.


PROGRAM 3.3 The Octal Notation


 class const1

 {  public static void main(String args[])

        {   int i,j,k ;

            i = 23 ; // decimal notation

            j = 023 ; // octal notation

            k = 0X23 ; // hexadecimal notation

            System.out.println(“---> starts<---”);

            System.out.println(“Decimal     notation   23 -> ” + i );

            System.out.println(“Octal       notation  023 -> ” + j );

            System.out.println(“Hexadecimal notation 0x23 -> ” + k );



If you run this program, you will get the following output.



 ---> starts<---

 Decimal     notation   23 -> 23

 Octal       notation  023 -> 19

 Hexadecimal notation 0x23 -> 35

Real constants

Real or floating-point constants are written in either fixed point or scientific notation. Following are examples of valid real constants in fixed point notation.




Notice the presence of decimal point. Also note, optional sign. Following are examples of valid real constants in scientific notation:




Following conventions are used with scientific notation:

  1. For both mantissa and exponent, sign is optional.
  2. Use of capital “E” is allowed in place of small “e”.

When we write numerical constants, they may belong to different types like float, double, integer, or long. There may be some confusion in the mind of compiler. If we write 2 it can very well represent an integer or long or float value. Hence, Java allows us to specify the data type of a constant using a suffix. If we use suffixes f, F, l, L, d, D they tell the compiler the necessary data type of the constant. Type float is specified by f or F. Type long is specified by l or L. Similarly, type double is specified by d or D.

Can you figure out why type integer is not given a suffix? The answer is simple; the type integer is the default numeric type. Any constant if not specified is treated as integer.

Character constants

Enclosing a single character in single quotes forms simple character constants:

Example: ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘)’

There are many characters in ASCII character set which are used for special purpose (for example, carriage return, form feed). Some of them cannot be typed with a keyboard. Naturally, they cannot be placed within single quotes. Therefore, alternate notation (format) has been developed. It uses a backslash character. It is also referred as escape codes.

Table 3.3 illustrates commonly used special characters.

It is interesting to note that to denote a single backslash character we use two such characters. Please note that unlike C++, Java does not define escape codes for vertical tab and the bell characters. See escape codes in action at the end of chapter example.

If we have to specify Unicode character, we have to write its hexadecimal value preceded by character u.

For example,


Please note that you cannot use uppercase U. Also, there must be four (no more no less) hexadecimal digits. Hence, constants like

 ‘U0100’ or u100

are invalid.

String constants

A collection of characters is known as string. Putting characters in the pair of double quotes forms a string constant.


Table 3.3 Escape Characters

Character Represented by
Backspace ‘’
Form feed ‘f’
New line ‘ ’
Carriage return ‘ ’
Horizontal tab ‘ ’
Single quote ‘’’
Double quote ‘”’
Backslash ‘\’

Following are examples of valid string constants:



 “good morning” *

Java has an in-built class String to deal with character strings. We will deal with it later in a separate chapter.

3.4 Variables

We have seen constants. To store their values we need what is called variables. As name suggests, computer allows us to vary (change, manipulate) the values stored in a variable. In earlier programs, we have used variable names like area1. Grammatically variable name is an identifier. Hence, rule for forming variables are same as those for forming identifiers.

Rules for forming variable names can be stated as follows:

  1. Variable names are formed with the help of letters and digits.
  2. Alphabets can be in upper or lower case.
  3. Only letters are allowed as starting character. Underscore character (_) and Dollar symbol ($) are treated as letter as far as variables are concerned.
  4. The first character cannot be a digit.
  5. There is no restriction on number of characters in a variable.
  6. As white space characters (such as space and tab) are used to separate tokens, they cannot be part of a variable.

Following are valid variable names:






Following are invalid variable names:




These rules are general. Java treats few non-letter characters for use in variable names. We will discuss this again in Chapter 9 on “Wrapper Classes”.

Every language reserve few words for its own use. They are termed as keywords or reserved words. We can group keywords of Java in three separate groups. Some keywords are in use as of today. Some are reserved for future use. Some of them actually represent values. It goes without saying that we cannot use keywords as variables (or user-defined name for any other entity like method).

Table 3.4 illustrates the keywords from Java which are currently in use.


Table 3.4 Keywords in Java

Keywords in Java

Table 3.5 illustrates the keywords from Java which are reserved for future use.


Table 3.5 Keywords Reserved for Future Use

const goto


Table 3.6 Keywords which are Value Defined

false null true

Table 3.6 illustrates the keywords from Java which are value defined.

3.5 Data Types

We have said that variables store values. They basically represent data. In computer, data may be numeric or non-numeric. Therefore, various data types have been defined. The basic classification of data types can be numeric and non-numeric. These can be sub-classified further. Let us study these data types one by one.

3.5.1 Numeric data types

Numeric data types are for storing numbers. Not all of our school and college days number types are supported by Java. It basically supports only integers and real numbers. (As a programmer, we have to write code ourselves for numbers like rational numbers.)

Integer data type has a peculiarity that it has an exact representation in a computer. In different programs, we may be using large or small values. To store small numbers, we need fewer bytes and to store big number we need many bytes. Earlier computers had very little memory. Hence, different sub-data types for storing integers were defined. They are byte, short, int, and long. Java supports all these types. The memory required to store them varies from 1–4 bytes.

In C++ there is a qualifier named unsigned. There is no such qualifier in Java. Hence, all integer types can handle positive as well as negative numbers in Java.

To store real numbers, Java uses floating-point method. That is the reason for type name float. The beauty of float type is that in a given space (number of bits) it can store a very large as well as small numbers. (This is not possible in fixed point notation.)

To store real numbers, Java defines two sub-types, namely float and double. They require 4 and 8 bytes, respectively. They are capable of handling fairly large as well as fairly small values. Table 3.7 illustrates the length in bytes and range of numeric data types.

Type float and double are capable of storing very small values. The smallest values they can store are 1.4E–45 and 4.9E–324, respectively.

3.5.2 Non-numeric data types

We will now discuss non-numeric data types one by one.


Variables of type char store characters. Java supports 16 bits Unicode characters. If you have studied ASCII character set, for simplicity you can assume that Java supports ASCII character set.


Variable of type boolean store true or false values.


Void means nothing. We cannot have a variable of type void. When a function (called method in Java) does not return anything, we say it returns a value of type void. Data type void is used only with reference to functions.


Programming languages like C and C++ have a type called pointer. It stores the address of the variable it references. A similar data type in Java is termed as reference. However, Java does not allow any numeric processing on this type. Arrays, strings, and classes are handled by type reference.


Table 3.7 Length and Range of Numeric Data Types

Type Length in bytes Range
byte 1 –128 to +127
short 2 –32,768 to 32,767
intent 4 –2,147,473,648 to 2,147,483,647
long 8 –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
float 4 –3.4E38 to +3.4 E38
double 8 –1.7E308 to +1.7E308

At this stage just assume that it is some mechanism to represent complex (or in general multi valued) data type. We will discuss this in more details when we discuss objects and methods.

3.5.3 Declarations of variables

Variables are declared with the help of its data type.

A declaration

int j ;

tells the compiler that j is a variable of type int (integer). If you have more than one variable of type int, they are separated by comma, for example

int j, k, m ;

Please note that we must assign initial values (using assignment operator) to these variables before using them in a program. Otherwise, compiler will fail to compile the program. This helps in avoiding many unintended errors. Note that C++ does not behave like this. It assigns arbitrary values to the variable. In this respect, Java scores over C++.

Java allows us to initialize a variable at the time of declaration as shown hereafter.

int marks = 100;

This statement declares a variable marks of type integer and assigns value 100 to it.

3.6 Operators

Operator performs operations on operands. Operands may be one, two, or three. Operands are either variables or constants. The operators, which take single operand, are called unary operators. Those taking two are known as binary operators and one having three operands is called ternary operator.

Most of the operators are binary operators, few are unary while there is only one ternary operator (for example “?:” operator).

For further study, we can group operators depending on functionality.

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Relational (or Conditional) operators
  • Shift and Logical operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Other operators

Let us discuss all of them one by one.

3.6.1 Arithmetic operators

From our school days, we are familiar with following arithmetic operators:

addition ( )

subtraction (-)

multiplication (*)

division ( / ) and

modulo (%).

All these operators are binary operators and work on all integer and floating-point types. Please note that in Java, you can use modulo operator (%) with floating-point operands. (This is not a case with C++.) Following unary operators also work on integers and floating-point numbers:

Unary plus+

Unary minus–

Pre-increment or post-increment++

Pre-decrement or post-decrement––

Please note that last two operators work only with variables (not constants). Consider a case where we use say for example mark++ (post-increment) in an expression. First current value of mark is used in evaluating that expression and then variable mark is incremented by one.

Consider a case where we use say for example ++mark (pre-increment) in an expression. First variable mark is incremented by one and then the new value of mark is used in evaluating that expression.

Operation with decrement is similar in nature. Here value of the variable is decremented by one.


Mixing too many pre- and post-increment/decrement operators in a single expression is quite confusing. It must be avoided. Language has given this facility as convenience. We should not make our life miserable with it.

Problem: Write a program to demonstrate use of modulo operator.

Solution: See Program 3.4.


PROGRAM 3.4 Modulo Operator


 class modulo1

 {  public static void main(String args[])

        {   int amount = 320;

            int rupees,paise;

            System.out.println(“---> starts<---”);

            rupees = amount / 100 ;

            paise = amount % 100 ;

            System.out.println(“rupees = ” + rupees);

            System.out.println(“paise = ” + paise);



If you run the program, you will get the following output.



 ---> starts<---

 rupees = 3

 paise = 20


Table 3.8 Relational Operators

Operator Description
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
== Equal to
!= Not equal to

Table 3.8 illustrates the various relational operators available in Java.

Here we have seen a simple application of modulo operator. It involved integers as operands. The “modulo division” may be applied to floating-point values in Java. This is not permitted in C/C++. However, we have not come across any decent use of this facility.

3.6.2 Relational operators

When we use relational operator in an expression it returns Boolean value, that is true or false. Please note that in C++, such expressions actually return number 1 for true and number 0 for false. Hence, a code

 int k ;

     k = 5>4 ;

is valid in C++, but not in Java. Java will flag compilation error saying “Can’t convert boolean to int”. See Program 3.8 in the end of chapter programs.

3.6.3 Logical operators

To work with variables and constants of type Boolean, we have logical operators. They are also termed as Boolean operators. Some texts call them conditional operators. Table 3.9 illustrates these operators.


Table 3.9 Logical Operators

Operator Description
&& Logical AND short-circuit evaluation
& Logical AND operator
| | Logical OR short-circuit evaluation
| Logical OR operator
! Logical negation (NOT)
^ Exclusive OR

Let us study a simple program.

Problem: Write a program to demonstrate evaluation of Boolean expression.

Solution: Let us take the question closest to the heart of first-year students. Whether they will enter second year or not? Consider that there are two semesters whose results are stored as Boolean. Rules of University A are lenient. If a student passes any one semester, he is allowed to go to next year. Rules of University B are stringent. Student must pass both the semesters (see Program 3.5).


PROGRAM 3.5 Evaluating Boolean Expression


 class  logical1

 {  public static void main(String args[])

        {   boolean semI = true ;

            boolean semII = false ;

            boolean resultA, resultB ;


            resultA = semI || semII ;

            resultB = semI && semII ;

            System.out.println(“resultA ->” +resultA);

            System.out.println(“resultB ->” +resultB);



If you run the program, you will get the following output.




 resultA ->true

 resultB ->false

It goes without saying that these logical/Boolean operators need Boolean operands. Any attempt to use it with operands of type integer (as allowed in C/C++) will result in error.

For example, in Program 3.5, resultA and semI are Boolean variables. A statement like

resultA = semI || 3 ;

results in compilation error.

Short-circuit evaluation

Consider an expression

 op1 || op2 ;

Here first op1 is evaluated. If it is true, the value of expression is true. Naturally, there is no need to evaluate op2. Hence, op2 is not evaluated.

If op2 was a method, it will not be invoked.

If we are executing

op1 | op2

op2 will always be evaluated.


Table 3.10 Bit-Wise Operators

Operator Description
~ Bit-wise (1’s) complement
& Bit-wise AND
^ Bit-wise XOR
| Bit-wise OR

In case of doubt do not use short-circuit operation.

(Please note that | stands for vertical bar character. It is seen on keyboard as “¦”.)

3.6.4 Bit-wise operators

Twenty-five years ago when programming language C was introduced, there was lot of noise regarding bit manipulation. Bit-wise operators were in limelight. However, over the years the enthusiasm has subsided. In the past 5 years, we hardly remember any program written by us using bit manipulation. However, it is still required in specific fields like communication engineering.

Table 3.10 illustrates the bit-wise operators.

The following points may be noted regarding use of bit-wise operators:

  1. The operands must be of integral (char, byte, short, int, or long) type. It means float and double are not allowed as operands.
  2. If one of the operand is of type long, result is of type long.
  3. If none of the operand is long, result is of type int.

Let us see a simple program using bit-wise operators.

Problem: Write a program to demonstrate bit-wise operators.

Solution: In this program we have one example of AND and OR operator each (see Program 3.6).


PROGRAM 3.6 Bit Manipulation


 class bit1

 {  public static void main(String args[])

        {   int i=5;

            long a=2,b ;

            short c=4,d=3 ;


             b = i | a ; // 101 | 010

             d = (short)( d & c ); // 011 & 100

            System.out.println(“ ->” + b );

            System.out.println(“ ->” + d );



If you run the program, you will get the following output.






Are the results as expected? You may note that d & c produce a result of type integer. Hence, typecasting to short is required. Effective use of bit-wise operators can be seen in Chapter 24 on “Multimedia Experience”.

3.6.5 Shift operators

A shift operator also performs bit manipulation by shifting the bits left or right. The bits of the first operand are shifted number of places as specified by the second operand. Java has three operators for this purpose. Table 3.11 summarizes these operators.


Table 3.11 Shift Operators

Operator Use Operation
>> op1 >> op2 Shift bits of op1 right by distance op2
<< op1 << op2 Shift bits of op1 left by distance op2
>>> op1 >>> op2 Shift bits of op1 right by distance op2 (unsigned)

It goes without saying that these operators work with only operands, which are integral in nature (sorry no floating-point operands).

When we shift right with >> the sign bit (left most) is copied in the left most position. With >>> sign is ignored. Zero is entered in MSB position.

Let us study a problem with shift operators.

Problem: Write a program to study shift operators.

Solution: See Program 3.7.


PROGRAM 3.7 Shift Operator


 class  shift1

 {  public static void main(String args[])

        {   int i,j;

            byte k = 4 ;

            i = 6 << 2 ;

            j = 23 >> 2;

            k = (byte) (k >> 1) ;

            System.out.println(“---> starts<---”);

            System.out.println(“1) “ + i );

            System.out.println(“2) “ + j );

            System.out.println(“3) ” + k );



If you run this program, you will get the following output.



 ---> starts<---

 1) 24

 2) 5

 3) 2

Note the following:

“<<” is left shift operator. Shifting a binary number by 2 bits left is equal to multiplying by 4(=2*2). Hence, 6 * 4 = 24 is the output.

“>>” is right shift operator. Shifting a binary number by 2 bits right is equal to dividing (integer mode) by 4 (= 2 raised to 2). Hence, 23/4 = 5 is the output.

Here 4 is divided by 2. Hence, the answer. The point to note is k>>1 is evaluated as an integer. Hence, before substituting in k we have to typecast it to byte.

3.6.6 Assignment operators

We have seen equal sign as basic assignment operator. It assigns value on right-hand side to variable on left-hand side. For example, marks = 95.

Many times we need expressions as marks = marks + 3; (grace marks). To handle such situations, Java provides shortcut operators. For example, += is a shortcut operator. If you write marks=+3 it means a shortcut for longer expression marks = marks+3. There are many such shortcut operators. They are listed in Table 3.12


Table 3.12 Shortcut Assignment Operators

Operator Description
= Simple assignment
*= Assign product
/= Assign quotient
%= Assign remainder (modulus)
+= Assign sum
-= Assign difference
&= Assign bit-wise AND
^= Assign bit-wise XOR
|= Assign bit-wise OR
<<= Assign left shift
>>= Assign right shift


Table 3.13 Special Operators

Operator Description
?: For conditional evaluation
() Used in Function call
[] Used for Array subscript
. Used as reference to member
new Used for creating an object or an array
(type) Used in typecasting the operand
instanceof Used for checking an object for belonging to a class

3.6.7 Other (special) operators

Table 3.13 lists other special operators.

Please note that these are not operators in strict mathematical sense. It is the requirement of grammar that forces Java to call them as operators. Let us not worry about it. We will study these operators later at appropriate time.

Those who know C++ will notice the absence of comma operator. In our opinion, this is a good thing because there are not many uses of this operator. Inadvertent use of this operator produces many bugs in C++ programs. Many times we may use a two-dimensional matrix element as A[j,k]. (This is an error as we must be using A[j][k].) C++ accepts this assuming that we are consciously using comma operator. It produces unexpected results. This does not happen in Java as error is caught at compile time only.

3.7 Expressions

We are faced with all sorts of calculations from our school days. Calculations primarily involve numeric expressions. In Java, we will see numeric as well as non-numeric expressions. Expressions are combinations of operators and operands; operands are literals (constants), variables or keywords, or symbols that evaluate a value of some type (for example true). Let us start with arithmetic expressions.

3.7.1 Arithmetic expressions

Simple arithmetic expressions can be classified as unary expressions or binary expressions.

3.7.2 Arithmetic expressions with single operand

When we apply unary + or – operator to a constant or variable we get unary expression. If we have expression -Marks, it is evaluated as -1 * Marks. Similarly, expression +Y is evaluated as +1 * Y.

3.7.3 Arithmetic expressions with two operands

These expressions involve two operands and a binary operand. If one fruit costs 3 rupees, five fruits costs

3 * 5 equal to 15 rupees.

Here 3 and 5 are operands and * (for multiplication) is the operator.

3.7.4 General arithmetic expressions

General expressions involve many operands and operators. Their evaluation follows standard rules known to us from our school days.

  1. When brackets are present, expressions within brackets are evaluated first.
  2. Operators with highest precedence are operated before those of lower precedence.
  3. With all operators of same precedence, expression is evaluated from left to right.

All the operators and their precedence are shown in Appendix C.


Strictly speaking, when more than one operator with same precedence appears in an expression, we have to look for the associativity of the operators. Most of the operators have left to right associativity. The important exceptions are assignment operator and all of shorthand assignment operators. They operate from right to left.

3.7.5 Logical expressions

Expressions involving logical operators are called logical expressions. Alternate name is Boolean expressions. These evaluations follow the Boolean algebra. They result in only true or false answer.

Rules for evaluating such expressions (precedence and left to right) are similar to that of arithmetic expressions.

3.7.6 Assignment expressions

Assignment expressions are evaluated as follows. First right-hand side sub-expression is evaluated. Then this result is assigned to variable of left-hand side. It must be noted that at left-hand side we must have something, which can store the value.

j = 5+5; is fine, but 3 = 5 is not acceptable. If you write such an expression compiler will generate error message as L-value required.

Java is a strongly typed language. Hence, it does not allow you to assign value of one type to variable of other type in arbitrary manner. Consider following declarations:

long n = 2 ;

int j = 5 ;

j = n ;

Here n is a long integer. Its value is assigned to a variable of type int. We know that long can store values larger than capacity of type int. Hence, there is a possibility of error. Hence, Java does not compile this code. It gives error. On the contrary if we write

 n = j;

Java allows this. Reason is very simple. Capacity of long is much more than int, therefore, long can accept any int value without error. This is called “widening” principle.

Table 3.14 illustrates the assignment compatibility of numeric types


Table 3.14 Assignment Compatibility

Type on left-hand side Type on right-hand side
short byte
int short, byte
long int, short, byte
float int, short, byte
double float, int, short, byte

Right from Fortran days, programmers are interested in knowing whether integer values can be put to real variables and vice versa. Let us first talk of substituting integer values in real variables. Type float handles values much greater than the largest value of type integer. Hence, it can accept integer values. Similarly, double can take long.

On the other side, conversion from float to int is not permitted directly. A float may contain a fraction, which is not acceptable in integers. Hence, specific conversion is required. From our knowledge of school mathematics, we know that there are two well-known ways for conversion. They are truncation and rounding. Java supports method round() for rounding. There is no first-hand support for truncation. Java supports methods ceil() and floor() for this purpose.

Table 3.15 describes the methods ceil, floor, and round.

Figure 3.1 will illustrate their action graphically.

Please note that in this diagram a represents a whole number, which can be either positive or negative. If we want to truncate a real value we can use methods ceil and floor (details are left to you as an exercise). Alternately, we can use brute force and use typecasting to truncate a floating-point value. See Program 3.10 in the end of chapter programs.

3.7.7 Type char in assignment

In C language, type integer and type char are treated as equal and exchangeable. A highly typed Java does not make such assumption. Also, size in bytes of these types also differs. Still Java considers type char as something like an (16 bits) integer. We are allowed to use operators like (++) with variables of type char. As far as assignment is concerned, type char can appear on right side of int or float or double assignment expression. However, we cannot assign any non-character variable even of type byte to character variable.


Table 3.15 Methods for Converting Real to Integer

Return type Method Description
Static double ceil (double x) Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that is, not less than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer
Static double floor (double x) Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is, not greater than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer
Static long round (double x) Returns the closest long to the argument
Static int round (float x) Returns the closest int to the argument
Figure 3.1 ceil and floor

Figure 3.1 ceil and floor

3.8 Typecasting

All these were natural and logical conversions. What about brute force? What if we want to convert anyway? What if we do not want to care about ensuing error? Well solution in that case is straightforward. We must use a technique called “typecasting”.

If we specify a type inside brackets ahead of any expression, then value of that expression is converted to value of type specified in a bracket. For example,

(int) 3.5 ;

This type of conversion will not alert us even if there is loss of information. Hence, such typecasting must be used with caution.

3.9 Keyword Final

The variables are for holding different values at different times. If we want to keep a value constant, we may declare a variable as final. Such a variable has to be initialized only once. For example,

final int j;



         j = 30 ; // first initialization

If we try to modify its values at later stage, we will get compilation error.

It is possible to initialize such a variable at the time of declaration only.

For example,

final int j= 30 ;

See Program 3.12 on final1 at the end of chapter programs.

Please note that use of keyword final is equivalent to const declaration of C++. However, const is a reserved word for future use in Java.

3.10 Statements

Program code consists of statements. Statements are separated by semicolon (;) from each other. In general, computer executes statements one after the other. However, there are some statements, which changes or controls the flow of execution of statements. Let us discuss various types of statements briefly.

3.10.1 Expression statements

Any valid expression can be considered as expression statement. In general, expressions return a value. Hence, if it is not stored anywhere, action of such statement will not have any effect on the program. For example,


The computer will add two values. But the result is not stored anywhere. Hence, such statements will be redundant. Hence, Java does not allow such expressions as statement. Note that in C++, such statements are valid.

Java allows only two types of expressions as statements. They are

Assignment expression and

Auto-increment/decrement expression.

This is fine as both these expression leave some effect after their evaluation.

Assignment expression statements

See the following statement. It consists of assignment expression.

i = j+5;

This is a valid statement in Java.

Here right-hand side is evaluated and then the value is stored in variable appearing on the left-hand side. It means there is action associated with it.

This is the most fundamental statement in any programming language.

Auto-increment/decrement expression statements

Another effective expression statement consists of auto-increment/decrement expressions. For example,


— —j;

Such expressions are evaluated and its effect is stored in the computer.

Method call

A call to a method is technically an expression. It returns a value after executing the body (which may imply action). Grammatically a method call is a valid statement.

Object creation expression

When we write an expression with new operator, it creates an object.

That is,

Point origin = new Point (0,0);

This is a valid statement in Java. We will discuss this type of expression in detail in chapter on objects.

3.10.2 Declaration statement

We need variables to be declared explicitly. Such statements can be considered as declaration statements. For example,

 int myMarks =99; // out of 100!

3.10.3 Flow control statements

We can group these statements in following manner:

The first group consists of decision-making statements.

Examples are if-else and switch-case statements.

Second group consist of looping statements.

Examples are while, do-while, and for statements.

The third group consists of branching statements.

Examples are break, continue, label, and return statements.

The last group consists of exception handling statements.

Examples are try-catch-finally and throw statements.

These statements are discussed separately at a later stage.

3.10.4 Empty statement

When we do not write any statement, it effectively becomes null or empty statement. Consider two consecutive semicolons with some blanks in between.

; ;

These semicolons are containing a blank statement. Such blank statements are allowed in Java. (They are allowed in C/C too.) Here no action is involved. We do not know the logic in allowing such statements in a program.

These are source of errors when coupled with loops. The investor lost most of the interest on a fixed deposit when the programmer (of the bank) wrote the following code:

int_rate = 0.08;

balance = 1000;

for ( j=0;j<10;j++ );

balance = balance + balance * int_rate;

3.10.5 Labelled statement

Strictly speaking, this is not a separate type of statement. Java allows us to attach a label to a statement. Most of the times, it will have no significance. Only when we use labelled break or continue statements, the label will have some importance. We are discussing such statements in a later chapter.

3.11 Description of Very Simple Java Program

Officially, there is no distinction as simple or difficult Java program. Java is a very vast language. We cannot study it in one go. We have to study it step by step. Naturally, the programs in initial chapter must be very simple. They must be using only few of the large number of language facilities (or concepts). We are, therefore, describing (not defining) very simple Java program.

Very simple Java programs are as follows:

  • Programs less than 50 lines
  • Program must be in a single file
  • No user-defined classes or interfaces

Special suggestion: Though it is not necessary, we should follow the practice of keeping every program in separate directory.

3.12 End of Chapter Programs

3.12.1 Relational expression

Problem: Write a program to demonstrate relational expression.

Solution: See Program 3.8.


PROGRAM 3.8 Relational Expression Returns Boolean


 class relop1

 { public static void main(String args[])

     { int k ;

                 boolean flag ;


 //    k = 5>4 ;

       flag = 5>4 ;

       System.out.println(“ value of flag is : ” + flag);



If you run the program, you will get the following output.




 value of flag is : true

Notice the commented statement. If present, it would have resulted in following compilation error: Incompatible type for =. Can’t convert

boolean to int.

  k = 5>4 ;


1 error

press any key to continue

3.12.2 Study of special characters

Problem: Write a program to study special characters.

Solution: See Program 3.9.


PROGRAM 3.9 Special Characters


 class char3n

 {public static void main(String args[])

   {  char x[]={'','f',' ', ' ', ' '} ;

      int i ;

      System.out.println("program starts");

      System.out.println("1. Writing back space --->" + x[0] + "<---") ;

      System.out.println("2. Writing form feed --->" + x[1] + "<---" );

      System.out.println("3. Writing new line --->" + x[2] + "<---" );

      System.out.println("4. Writing return --->" + x[3] + "<---" );

      System.out.println("5. Writing tab --->" + x[4] + "<---" );

      System.out.println("--->the end<---");



If you run the program, you will get the following output.



 program starts

 1. Writing back space ---<---

 2. Writing form feed  --->†<---

 3. Writing new line   --->


 <---riting return     --->

 5. Writing tab        --->     <---

 --->the end<---

It is very surprising that characters 4. W are missing from the output. Can you interpret the result?

3.12.3 Truncating a real number

Problem: Write a program to study truncation of a real number.

Solution: See Program 3.10.


PROGRAM 3.10 Truncating a Real Number


 class trunc1

 {  public static void main(String args[])

        {   double a = 5.1;

            double b = -3.99 ;

            long i=0,j=0;


            i = (long) a;

            j = (long) b;

            System.out.println(“truncating a -> ” +i);

            System.out.println(“truncating b -> ” +j);



If you run this program, you will get the following output.




 truncating a -> 5

 truncating b -> -3

In this example we have used a brute force, that is typecast.

3.12.4 A straight line

In school geometry, we learn equation of a straight line as

y = m*x + c

where m is the slope and c is the intercept on y-axis (Figure 3.2).

Let us write a program to compute them.

Problem: Write a program to find the slope and intercept on y-axis of a straight line. Assume that two points on the given straight line are specified.

Solution: Assume that two points are specified with coordinates as x1, y1 and x2, y2 (see Figure 3.2). By substituting these coordinates in the standard equation and rearranging the terms, we get following formulae:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

c = y1 - m * x1

See Program 3.11.

Figure 3.1 ceil and floor

Figure 3.2 Straight Line Slope and Intercept


PROGRAM 3.11 Straight Line Slope and Intercept

 //      PROGRAM 3.12 Straight Line slope and intercept


 class line1

 { public static void main(String args[])

    { double x1, y1, x2, y2 ;

      double m , c ;


      x1= -1; y1 = 1;

      x2=11; y2 =13;

      m= (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);

      c = y1- m*x1;

      System.out.println(" slope= " + m);

      System.out.println(" intercept = " + c);



If you run the program, you will get the following output.




 slope= 1.0

 intercept = 2.0

3.12.5 Keyword final

Problem: Write a program to study keyword final.

Solution: See Program 3.12.


PROGRAM 3.12 Keyword Final


 class final1a

 {  public static void main(String args[])

        {   int i = 20;

            final int j =30;

            System.out.println(“---> starts<---”);

            i = i + 30 ;

            j = j + 20 ; // note 1

            System.out.println(“i = ” + i);

            System.out.println(“j = ” + j);



If you run the program, you will get the following compilation error.



 Compiling JDK6injavac cannot assign a value to final variable j

             j = j + 20 ; // note 1


 1 error

 press any key to continue

Let us remove that line by commenting it out and run the program. In that case, you will get the following output.



 ---> starts<---

 i = 50

 j = 30


AND operator, Arithmetic Operators, Assignment operators, Bit-wise operators, Boolean operators, character set, comment, conditional operators, constant-character, constant-integer, constant-real, Constants, constant-string, Data types, Empty statement, Expression, final, keywords, literal, method main(), modulo operator, Operators, OR operator, post-decrement, post-increment, Pre-decrement, Pre-increment, reference, relational operators, shift operators, Statements, string-constant, Typecasting, Unicode character, variable


escape codes In Java, there are no escape codes defined for vertical tab and the bell character.
final A final variable cannot change from its initialized value.
unsigned integer types are always signed in Java. There is no unsigned qualifier in Java.
modulo division Modulo divisor operator can be used with floating point values in Java. This is not allowed in C/C++.
Relational expressions Relational expressions return Boolean value. Note C++ returns integer.
Assignment You can assign a character variable to integer but not vice versa.
Expression statement Only certain types of expressions are allowed in expression statement. They are assignment, inc/dec and method call.
Variable name A variable name can contain as well as start with character $.
Variable initialization Java flags compilation error if we try to use ordinary variables without initialization.
const In Java, const is a reserved word, reserved for future use.
Unicode character Unicode character can be expressed as u followed by four hexadecimal digits. Note character u is in lowercase. There must be exactly four digits. No more no less.
Bit-wise operator Bit-wise operators accept only integral operands (char, byte, short, int, and long). float and double are not allowed.
Comma operator Java does not support the comma operator (of C++).
main() Java applications begin execution at method main().
Comments Comments increase the readability of the program.
Comments Comments have no relevance to program (execution) speed.
Keywords reserved for future use const goto
Keywords which are values defined false null true
Keywords currently in use Keywords
long The number of bytes used by Java primitive long is 8.
Expressions Expressions are combinations of variables, keywords or symbols that evaluate to a value of some type.
Character constant Character constant (literal) is formed by enclosing a single character in pair of single quotes.
String constant String constant (literal) is formed by enclosing a zero or more characters in pair of double quotes.
Source file public class If a source file includes a public class, the class name must match the unextended filename. In other words, there cannot be two public classes in a single source file.
Program file name A simple Java application source file must have extension “.java” The name of the file and the name of the public class must be identical (case sensitive).
Boolean variable In Java, Boolean variable does not take the value 1 or 0, it takes true or false values only.
Boolean type The Boolean type cannot be converted from or to any other data type.

C++ Corner

Relational expressions return Boolean value. Note C++ returns int.

You can assign a character variable to integer but not vice versa. In C++, you are allowed to do so.

j+k”; which is valid statement in C++, is invalid in Java

$ is not allowed as part or start of a variable name in C++. It is allowed in Java.

C++ does not flag compilation error, when un-initialized variables are used. This is sure to create unexpected errors. In this case, Java is a better language than C++.

There is no direct equivalent of “enum” in Java. However, its effect can be obtained by defining an interface. Interface is discussed later in chapter on inheritance.

At present Java does not support keyword const. If we want C++ like action of const on a variable, we have to make use of keyword final.

Java does not support the comma operator of C++. Inadvertent use of this operator produces many bugs in C++ programs.

Review Questions

  1. Describe the structure of a simple Java program.
  2. Describe the various methods of writing comments in Java.
  3. At what place can a Java comment appear?
  4. What is the advantage of Unicode character set?
  5. Describe the method to tell the compiler that whether the literal constant is binary, octal, or hexadecimal.
  6. We normally use decimal notation. Why then octal and hexadecimal notations are supported?
  7. State the rules for forming a variable name.
  8. Explain the rules for assigning the values of expression to a variable.
  9. What do you understand by the term widening?
  10. How can we truncate a number with the help of methods, like round, ceil, and floor?
  11. What is the significance of keyword final used with a variable?
  12. Why word float is used to represent real numbers?
  13. Why bit-wise operators accept type char as operands?


  1. Find the average of five given numbers (integers).
  2. Find whether given number N is divisible by 23.
  3. Find the perimeter and area of circle with given radius.
  4. Find the distance between two points (20,20) and (40,50).
  5. Find the roots of a given quadratic equation.
  6. Convert given temperature in Fahrenheit to Centigrade.
  7. Estimate the time needed for a stone to fall from height of 3,000 meters. Assume g = 9.8 meter/sec2.
  8. State whether following program will compile. If yes, describe the output. If no, give reasons.



     class default1

     { public static void main(String args[])

         {   int i ;

             float f ;

             boolean b ;

             System.out.println("< starts--->");

             System.out.println(" int i = " + i );

             System.out.println(" float f = " + f );

             System.out.println(" boolean b = " + b );




  9. State whether following program will compile. If yes, describe the output. If no, give reasons.



     class logical2

     {  public static void main(String args[])

            {   boolean semI = true ;

                boolean semII = false ;

                boolean resultA, resultB ;


                resultA = semI || 3 ;

                resultB = 5 & 6;

                System.out.println("resultA ->" +resultA);

                System.out.println("resultB ->" +resultB);




  10. State whether following program will compile. If yes, describe the output. If no, give reasons.



     class bit2

     { public static void main(String args[])

           {  float j ;


              j = 3.2f & 4.2;

              System.out.println("j ->" + j );




  11. State whether following program will compile. If yes, describe the output. If no, give reasons and suggest minimum changes in the code.



     class tcheck1

     { public static void main(String args[])

           {   char ch = ‘A’ ;

               int i = ch ;


               System.out.println(ch + " " + i );

               i = 66 ;

               ch = i ;

               System.out.println(ch + " " + i );




  12. State whether following program will compile. If yes, describe the output. If no, give reasons and suggest minimum changes in the code.



     class tcheck2

     { public static void main(String args[])

         { char ch = ‘A’ ;

           int i ;

           short j = 32000;

           byte k = 5;

           float a = ch;


           i = 66 + ch*4 ;

           System.out.println("66 +ch " + i );

           System.out.println("float a = " + a );




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