PuppetDB API

PuppetDB uses a Command/Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS) pattern:

  • Read activities are done for queries on the available REST, such as endpoints
  • Write commands to update catalog, facts, and reports, and deactivate nodes

APIs are versioned (v1, v2, v3...). The most recent ones add functionalities and try to keep backwards compatibility.

Querying PuppetDB (read)

The URL for queries is structured like this:


Available endpoints for queries are: nodes, environments, factsets, facts, fact-names, fact-paths, fact-contents, catalogs, edges, resources, reports, events, event-counts, aggregate-event-counts, metrics, server-time, and version.

Query strings are URL-encoded JSON arrays in prefix notation, which makes them look a bit unusual. The general format is as follows:

[ "<operator>" , "<field>" , "<value>" ]

The comparison operators are: =, >=, >, < , <= and ~ (regexp matching). Some examples are as follows:

["=", "type", "Service"]
[">=", "timestamp", "2013-12-18T14:00:00"]
["~", "certname", "www\d+\.example\.com"]

The expressions can be combined with and, not, and or. An example (here split over multiple lines for clarity) is as follows:

[ "and",
  ["=", "type", "File"],
  ["=", "title", "/etc/hosts" ]

It's possible to build complex subqueries using the in operator, the extract statement, and subqueries such as select-resources or select-facts. An example usable on the /facts endpoint to return the IPs of all the nodes that have an Apache service is as follows:

  ["=", "name", "ipaddress"],
  ["in", "certname",
    ["extract", "certname",
          ["=", "type", "Service"],
          ["=", "title", "apache"] ] ] ] ] ]

Since version 3 of API, it has been possible to paginate and sort the results of queries. Each endpoint may support one or more query parameters: order-by, limit, include-total, offset, and so on.

It's quite easy to query PuppetDB directly with curl; following is the simplest example, with curl executed on HTTP on the same PuppetDB host:

curl http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/nodes/web01.example.com

Note the URL to a specific endpoint (facts), the API version (v4), and the specific client certname.

When we have to use queries, we must URL encode characters such as [ and ], and for this we can use curl's –data-urlencode option. When we use it, we have to specify to use the -X GET option (otherwise a POST would be done):

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/events' –data-urlencode 'query=["=", "certname" , "puppet.example.com"]'

The response, in JSON array format (note the starting and ending square brackets [ ]), contains one or more entries like this:

[ {

  "new_value" : "{md5}be99db88f4c07058843ea356eb3469bf",

  "report" : "2331579061f83db1a35e7579a83a671f011e07fa",

  "run_start_time" : "2016-03-19T21:17:26.790Z",

  "property" : "content",

  "file" : "/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/puppetdb/manifests/master/routes.pp",

  "old_value" : "{md5}d13e1f5c099082afbe8a5ed9d4695beb",

  "containing_class" : "Puppetdb::Master::Routes",

  "line" : 38,

  "resource_type" : "File",

  "status" : "success",

  "configuration_version" : "1458422249",

  "resource_title" : "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/routes.yaml",

  "environment" : "production",

  "timestamp" : "2016-03-19T21:17:39.138Z",

  "run_end_time" : "2016-03-19T21:17:36.705Z",

  "report_receive_time" : "2016-03-19T21:18:38.350Z",

  "containment_path" : [ "Stage[main]", "Puppetdb::Master::Routes", "File[/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/routes.yaml]" ],

  "certname" : "puppet.example.com",

  "message" : "content changed '{md5}d13e1f5c099082afbe8a5ed9d4695beb' to '{md5}be99db88f4c07058843ea356eb3469bf'"

} ]


Have a look at some of the most interesting fields: timestamp, certname, resource-title, resource-type, property, file and line. Note that the name and kind of the fields may vary according to the endpoint used (for example, on other endpoints we have title and type instead of resource-title and resource-type).

It's recommended to experiment with test queries on various endpoints, such as the ones listed later in this chapter, to have a better idea of the kind and name of fields returned.

When we make requests over HTTPS we have to reference the certificates' files to use:

$ curl 'https://puppetdb:8081/pdb/query/v4/facts/web01.example.com' 
  --cacert /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem 
  --cert  /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/<node>.pem 
  --key /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/<node>.pem

PuppetDB commands (write)

Explicit commands are used (via HTTP URL-encoded POST to the /commands URL) to populate and modify data.

The available commands on PuppetDB are:

  • replace catalog: Replaces the stored catalog of a node. Currently PuppetDB stores only the last catalog compiled by the Puppet Master for each node.
  • replace facts: Replaces the stored facts of a node. Also, in this case, only the ones received from the latest Puppet run are kept.
  • store report: Saves the last report of a node's Puppet run (if reporting to PuppetDB is enabled). The configuration parameter report-ttl manages their retention (by default 14 days).
  • deactivate node: Deactivates a decommissioned node so that its exported resources can't be collected anywhere. A node is reactivated if a new Puppet run is done on it.


    This is the PuppetDB command done when we run on the Puppet Master: puppet node deactivate <certname>. Automatic deactivation of not reporting nodes can also be done via the node-ttl configuration option.

On /var/log/puppetdb/puppetdb.log, all the executed commands are shown.

When the Puppet Master receives a client's facts, it immediately submits them to PuppetDB:

2016-03-19 21:23:14,780 INFO  [p.p.command] [51ab082d-a04f-4b11-a88e-ab38adc248d7] [replace facts] web01.example.com

Then the catalog is compiled, sent to the client, and stored on PuppetDB:

2016-03-19 21:23:26,050 INFO  [p.p.command] [076e6a53-5d92-44a3-a550-05d9a99114fe] [replace catalog] web01.example.com

Finally, when the report of the Puppet run is received from the client, the Puppet Master submits it to PuppetDB:2016-03-19 21:23:31,247 INFO [p.p.command] [ceff648b-f67d-44db-89c5-e0f9d1e936c4] [store report] puppet v4.3.1 – web01.example.com

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