Chapter 8. Exploit Development with Python, Metasploit, and Immunity

During research or in a rare engagement, you may need to develop or modify exploits to meet your needs. Python is a fantastic language to quickly prototype code for testing exploits or to help with the future modification of Metasploit modules. This chapter focuses on the methodology to write an exploit, not how to create specific exploits for these software products, so that more testing may be necessary to improve reliability. To begin, we need to understand how the Central Processing Unit (CPU) registers and how Windows memory is structured for executables when they run. Before that, on Windows XP Run Mode Virtual Machine (VM), you will need a few tools to test this out.


Download and install the following components on Windows XP Run: Mode VM, Python 2.7, Notepad++, Immunity Debugger, MinGW (with all the basic packages), and Free MP3 CD Ripper version 1.0. Also use your current Kali build to help generate the relevant details we are going to highlight as we go through this chapter.

Getting started with registers

This explanation is based on x86 systems and the relevant registers that process instruction sets for executables. We are not going to discuss in detail all registers for brevity, but we will describe the most important ones for the scope of this chapter. The registers that are specifically highlighted are 32-bits in size and are known as the extended registers.

They are extended because they have 16-bits added to the previous 16-bit registers. For example, the older 16-bit general purpose registers could be identified by simply removing the E from the front of the register name, so EBX also contains the 16-bit BX register. The BX register is actually the combination of two smaller 8-bit registers, the BH and the BL. The H and the L signify the High Byte and the Low Byte register. There are extensive books written on this subject alone and replicating that information would not be directly useful to our purpose. Overall, registers are broken down into two forms for ease of understanding, the general purpose registers and the special purpose registers.

Understanding general purpose registers

The four general purpose registers are the EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX. The reason they are called general purposes registers is because mathematical operations and storage occur here. Keep in mind that anything can be manipulated, even the basic concepts of what the registers would normally be doing. For this description, though, the overall purpose is accurate.


The accumulator register is used for basic mathematical operations and the return value of a function.


The base register is another general purpose register, but unlike the EAX it is not intended for a specific purpose. As such, this register can be used for nominal storage as needed.


The counter register is used primarily for looping through functions and iterations. The ECX register can also be used for general storage.


The data register is used for higher mathematical operations, such as multiplication and division. This register also stores function variables throughout the processing of the program.

Understanding special purpose registers

These registers are the ones where the indexing and pointing is handled throughout the processing of the program. What this means to you is that this is where the magic happens for basic exploit writing - we are, in the end, trying to manipulate the overwrite of data here. This is done by orders of operations that happen in other registers.


The base pointer tells you where the bottom of the stack is at. When a function is first called, this points to the top of the stack, or it is set to the old stack pointer value. This is because the stack has shifted or grown.


The destination index register is for pointers to function.


The instruction pointer is considered the goal of basic exploit writing. You are trying to overwrite the value of this stored point on the stack, because if you control this value, you control the next instruction to be executed by the CPU. So, when you see the developers or exploit writers talk about overwriting the data on the EIP register, understand that this is not a good thing. It means that some design of the program itself has failed.


The stack pointer shows the current top of the stack, and this is modified as the program is run. So, as items are removed from the top of the stack as they are run, the ESP changes where it is pointing to. When new functions are loaded onto the stack, the EBP takes the old position of the ESP.

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