
Attr — Inherits Node


The Attr interface is the Node interface for attributes of an element. The DOM does not consider an Attr part of the tree, and therefore the attributes parentNode, previousSibling, and nextSibling are all None for Attr objects. Attributes should be considered properties of elements. Attr nodes cannot be immediate children of a DocumentFragment, but can be contained within an element of a document fragment.

The value for a node is its assigned value within the actual markup. Failing that, if a default value is specified in the DTD, it is used. Child nodes of an Attr may be Text nodes or of the type EntityReference.


The name of the attribute.


This property represents the Element node to which the attribute is attached.


This Boolean property lets you know if the value was explicitly stated in the markup (true), or if it is the default value as assigned by the DTD. The value also returns true if the value has been manipulated or is explicitly assigned, but still holds the default value. If the ownerElement attribute is None (if this node is not currently associated with an element), then specified is also true.


This is the actual value of the key/value pair that makes up the Attr within any given Element.

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