XML Components for Zope

Zope is an open source application server written in Python and C, developed by Zope Corporation (http://www.zope.com/ ); the implementation and more information on Zope itself can be found at the Zope users’ web site at http://www.zope.org/. While not specifically an XML project itself, there are a number of interesting components available that can be used in building web sites that use XML.

Parsed XML

Parsed XML is an optional Zope component that can be used to store a persistent DOM in Zope’s object database. The project, started by Karl Anderson, is now led by Martijn Pieters. The underlying DOM implementation is primarily the work of one of the authors of this book, Fred L. Drake, Jr.. More information, including the plan for future development, is available at http://dev.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ParsedXML/FrontPage. The package includes an extensive test suite for DOM implementations.

Page Templates

Page Templates are another optional Zope component. This one is designed to apply presentation to results of the operations of a web site that implement the business logic that forms the site’s underpinnings. The template language is defined so that the templates may continue to be edited using the graphical tools that site designers love without breaking the linkages to the business logic implemented by the site’s programmers. The templates themselves may be written in HTML, XML, or XHTML. The leadership for the project comes from Evan Simpson, who also provided much of the expertise on creating Zope components. Fred L. Drake, Jr. (the co-author of this book) and Guido van Rossum provided much of the non-Zope-specific portions of the package.

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