Installing 4Suite

4Suite includes a variety of DOM implementations optimized for different types of applications, and includes support for XPath, XLink, XPointer, XSLT, and RDF. It is offered by Fourthought, Inc., and is available from a dedicated web site at There are source and binary packages available for both Windows and Linux. For Windows, download the Windows installation binary of 4Suite and follow the on-screen instructions as they walk you through the process. If you add the new location to your path (visit autoexec.bat or your NT environment variables), use the 4xslt script to perform XSLT transformations from the command line. You can download either a source or binary package for Linux systems. The README file contains the latest install instructions, but as with most new Python source packages, you can use the Distribution Utilities; see the description of the PyXML installation for details.

Once completed, the 4xslt script will be available for you to perform transformations from the command line (provided you’ve added the directory it lives in to your PATH environment variable).

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