


The application can use instances of the InputSource class, provided in the xml.sax.xmlreader module, as return values from the resolveEntity method of the EntityResolver interface, or as parameters to the parse convenience function or XMLReader method. There should not normally be a reason to use an alternate implementation of this class, but it is allowed. When the application prepares an InputSource to provide to the parser, it should use the various set methods to configure the object with as much information as it has about the input source.

When the parser receives the InputSource instance, it first attempts to use the character stream if it is available; otherwise it uses the byte stream. If neither of those is available, it uses the system identifier and attempts to open a byte stream itself.

getByteStream( )

Returns the byte stream associated with this input source. This is a stream that returns raw bytes from the input source rather than decoded Unicode characters.

getCharacterStream( )

Returns the character stream associated with this input source. A character stream provides the parser with decoded Unicode characters rather than raw bytes.

getEncoding( )

Returns the encoding of the byte stream if known. If it is not known, return None. If the encoding is not known, the parser applies the rules for auto-detection of the encoding based on the leading bytes of the input stream.

getPublicId( )

Returns the public identifier of the input source, or None if there isn’t one or if it isn’t known.

getSystemId( )

Returns the system identifier of the input source, or None if there isn’t one or if it isn’t known. The only time this should ever return None for a fully initialized input source is if the source is being used to provide the document entity and the input source is provided by the user instead of a URL or filename.

setByteStream( stream )

Sets the byte stream of the input source. This should be used if the bytes of the entity can be referenced more efficiently than the parser would be able to do based on the system identifier. This is appropriate when loading the document from a cache rather than loading it across the network.

setCharacterStream( stream )

Sets the character stream for the input source. This should be used if the source can provide Unicode characters directly.

setEncoding( encoding )

Sets the encoding of the byte stream to encoding. This may be known if the resource is being loaded using a protocol that provides this information directly. HTTP, for instance, can include information about the character encoding as the charset parameter to the Content-Type header in the response.

setPublicId( id )

Sets the public identifier to id.

setSystemId( id )

Sets the system identifier to id.

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