Chapter 6. Client-side and DDoS Attacks

In the previous chapter, you learned how to parse a web page as well as how to glean specific information from an HTML page. In this chapter, we will go through the following topics:

  • Validation in a web page
  • Types of validation
  • Penetration testing of validations
  • DoS attacks
  • DDoS attacks
  • Detection of DDoS

Introducing client-side validation

Often when you access a web page in your web browser, you open a form, fill the form, and submit it. During the filling of the form, some fields may have constraints such as the username, which should be unique; and the password, which should be greater than 8 characters, and these fields should not be empty. For this purpose, two types of validations are used, which are client-side and server-side validations. Languages such as PHP and ASP.NET use server-side validation, taking the input parameter and matching it with the database of the server.

In client-side validation, the validation is done at the client side. JavaScript is used for client-side validation. A quick response and easy implementation make client-side validation beneficial to some extent. However, the frequent use of client-side validation gives attackers an easy way to attack; server-side validation is more secure than client-side validation. Normal users can see what is happening on a web browser. But a hacker can see what can be done outside the web browser. The following image illustrates client-side and server-side validation:

Introducing client-side validation

PHP plays a middle-layer role. It connects the HTML page to the SQL Server.

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