What are the services running on the target machine?

Now you are familiar with how to scan the IP address and identify a live host within a subnet. In this section, we will discuss the services that are running on a host. These services are the ones that are using a network connection. The service using a network connection must open a port; from a port number, we can identify which service is running on the target machine. In pentesting, the significance of port scanning is to check whether any illegitimate service is running on the host machine.

Consider a situation where users normally use their computer to download a game, and a Trojan is identified during the installation of the game. The Trojan goes into hidden mode and opens a port and sends all the keystrokes log information to the hacker. In this situation, port scanning helps to identify the unknown services that are running on the victim's computer.

Port numbers range from 0 to 65536.The well-known ports (also known as system ports) are those that range from 0 to 1023, and are reserved for privileged services. Port ranges from 1024 to 49151 are registered port-like vendors used for applications; for example, the port 3306 is reserved for MySQL.

The concept of a port scanner

TCP's three-way handshake serves as logic for the port scanner; in the TCP/IP scanner, you have seen that the port (137 or 135) is one in which IP addresses are in a range. However, in the port scanner, IP is only one port in a range. Take one IP and try to connect each port as a range given by the user; if the connection is successful, the port opens; otherwise, the port remains closed.

I have written a very simple code for port scanning:

import socket, subprocess,sys
from datetime import datetime

rmip = raw_input("	 Enter the remote host IP to scan:")
r1 = int(raw_input("	 Enter the start port number	"))
r2 = int (raw_input("	 Enter the last port number	"))
print "*"*40
print "
 Mohit's Scanner is working on ",rmip
print "*"*40

t1= datetime.now()
  for port in range(r1,r2):
    sock= socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    result = sock.connect_ex((rmip,port))
    if result==0:
      print "Port Open:-->	", port
      # print desc[port]

except KeyboardInterrupt:
  print "You stop this "

except socket.gaierror:
  print "Hostname could not be resolved"

except socket.error:
  print "could not connect to server"

t2= datetime.now()

total =t2-t1
print "scanning complete in " , total

The main logic has been written in the try block, which denotes the engine of the car. You are familiar with the syntax. Let's do an R&D on the output.

The output of the portsc.py program is as follows:

root@Mohit|Raj:/port#python portsc.py 
	 Enter the remote host IP to scan:
	 Enter the start port number	1
	 Enter the last port number	4000

 Mohit's Scanner is working on
Port Open:-->	22
Port Open:-->	80
Port Open:-->	111
Port Open:-->	443
Port Open:-->	924
Port Open:-->	3306
scanning complete in  0:00:00.766535

The preceding output shows that the port scanner scanned the 1000 ports in 0.7 seconds; the connectivity was full because the target machine and the scanner machine were in the same subnet.

Let's discuss another output:

  Enter the remote host IP to scan:
  Enter the start port number	1
  Enter the last port number	4000

Mohit's Scanner is working on
Port Open:-->  23
Port Open:-->  53
Port Open:-->  80
Port Open:-->  1780
scanning complete in  1:06:43.272751

Now, let's analyze the output; to scan 4,000 ports, the scanner took 1:06:43.272751 hours, scanning took lot of time. The topology is: --> --> --->

The and IPs are gateway interfaces. We put 1 second in socket.setdefaulttimeout(1), which means the scanner machine will spend a maximum of 1 second on each port. The total of 4000 ports means that if all ports are closed, then the total time taken will be 4000 seconds; if we convert it into hours, it will become 1.07 hours, which is nearly equal to the output of our program. If we set socket.setdefaulttimeout(.5), the time taken will be reduced to 30 minutes, but nevertheless, it would be still be a long. Nobody will use our scanner. The time taken should be less than 100 seconds for 4000 ports.

How to create an efficient port scanner

I have stated some points that should be taken into account for a good port scanner:

  • Multithreading should be used for high performance
  • The socket.setdefaulttimeout(1) method should be set according to the situation
  • The port scanner should have the capability to take host names as well as domain names
  • The port should provide the service name with the port number
  • The total time should be taken into account for port scanning
  • To scan ports 0 to 65536, the time taken should be around 3 minutes

So now, I have written my port scanner, which I usually use for port scanning:

import threading
import time
import socket, subprocess,sys
from datetime import datetime
import thread
import shelve

'''section 1 '''
shelf = shelve.open("mohit.raj")

'''section 2 '''
class myThread (threading.Thread):
  def __init__(self, threadName,rmip,r1,r2,c):
    self.threadName = threadName
    self.rmip = rmip
    self.r1 = r1
    self.r2 = r2
    self.c =c
  def run(self):

'''section 3 '''
def scantcp(threadName,rmip,r1,r2,c):
    for port in range(r1,r2):
      sock= socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
      #sock= socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
      result = sock.connect_ex((rmip,port))

      if result==0:
        print "Port Open:---->	", port,"--", data.get(port, "Not in Database")

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
      print "You stop this "

    except socket.gaierror:
      print "Hostname could not be resolved"

    except socket.error:
      print "could not connect to server"

'''section 4 '''
print "*"*60
print " 	Welcome this is the Port scanner of Mohit

d=raw_input(" t Press D for Domain Name or Press I for IP Address	")   

if (d=='D' or d=='d'):
  rmserver = raw_input("	 Enter the Domain Name to scan:	")
  rmip = socket.gethostbyname(rmserver)
elif(d=='I' or d=='i'):
  rmip = raw_input("	 Enter the IP Address  to scan:  ")

  print "Wrong input"
#rmip = socket.gethostbyname(rmserver)
r11 = int(raw_input("	 Enter the start port number	"))
r21 = int (raw_input("	 Enter the last port number	"))

conect=raw_input("For low connectivity press L and High connectivity Press H	")

if (conect=='L' or conect=='l'):
  c =1.5

elif(conect =='H' or conect=='h'):

  print "	 wrong Input"

print "
 Mohit's Scanner is working on ",rmip
print "*"*60
t1= datetime.now()

tn =30
# tn number of port handled by one thread
tnum=tp/tn       # tnum number of threads
if (tp%tn != 0):
  tnum= tnum+1

if (tnum > 300):
  tn = tp/300
  tn= tn+1
  if (tp%tn != 0):
    tnum= tnum+1

'''section  5'''
threads= []

  for i in range(tnum):
    #print "i is ",i
    # thread=str(i)
    thread = myThread("T1",rmip,r11,r2,c)

  print "Error: unable to start thread"

print "	 Number of Threads active:", threading.activeCount()

for t in threads:
print "Exiting Main Thread"
t2= datetime.now()

total =t2-t1
print "scanning complete in " , total

Don't be afraid to see the full code; it took me 2 weeks. I will explain to you the full code section-wise. In section1, the subprocess.call('clear',shell=True) statement works in Linux to clear the screen. The next two lines are related to the database file that stores the port information, which will be explained while creating the database file. In section 2, the myThread class extends the threading class, or you could say, inherits the threading class. In the next line, the def __init__(self, threadName,rmip,r1,r2,c): statement takes 5 values; the first one is threadName, which stores the thread name; actually, I have taken it for debugging purposes. If any thread fails to work, we can print the thread name. The rmip argument is a remote IP address; r1 and r2 are the first and last port numbers, and c is the connection mode; section 4 provides all values to section 1. From the run() function, the scantcp() function is called. Section 3 is the engine of the car, which was explained in the Concept of port scanner section. The data.get(port, "Not in Database") statement is new here; it means that if the port key is found in the dictionary database, then it will display the value; otherwise, it will print Not in Database. Section 4 interacts with users. You can give the hostname as well as the IP address, or you can give the domain name too; the if…else statements do this task. The r11 and r21 variables store the first and last port numbers. The next if…else statements define the value of c if you think connectivity with the target machine is poor, but with no loss of packet, then you can press H; if connectivity is just good, then you can press L. The tn=30 variable defines the number of ports handled by a single thread. The tnum variable calculates the total number of threads needed to accomplish the task.

I have written the following code after performing lots of experiments:

if (tnum > 300):
  tn = tp/300
  tn= tn+1
  if (tp%tn != 0):
    tnum= tnum+1

When the total number of threads exceeds 300, the threads fail to work. It means the number of threads must be less or equal to 300. The preceding code defines the new values of tn and tnum. In Section 5, nothing is new as you have seen everything before in IP scanners.

Now it's time to see the output of the portsc14.py program:

root@Mohit|Raj:/port# python portsc14.py 

  Welcome this is the Port scanner of Mohit
  Press D for Domain Name or Press I for IP Address	i
  Enter the IP Address  to scan:
  Enter the start port number	1
  Enter the last port number	4000
For low connectivity press L and High connectivity Press H	l

Mohit's Scanner is working on
  Number of Threads active: 135
Port Open:---->	1780 -- Not in Database
Port Open:---->	80 -- HTTP
Port Open:---->	23 -- Telnet
Port Open:---->	53 -- DNS
Exiting Main Thread
scanning complete in  0:00:33.249338

Our efficient port scanner has given the same output as the previous simple scanner, but from the performance point of view, there is a huge difference. The time taken by a simple scanner was 1:06:43.272751, but the new multithreaded scanner took just 33 seconds. It also shows the service name. Let's check another output with ports 1 to 50000:

root@Mohit|Raj:/port# python portsc14.py 

  Welcome this is the Port scanner of Mohit
  Press D for Domain Name or Press I for IP Address	i 
  Enter the IP Address  to scan:
  Enter the start port number	1
  Enter the last port number	50000
For low connectivity press L and High connectivity Press H	l

Mohit's Scanner is working on
  Number of Threads active: 301
Port Open:---->	23 -- Telnet
Port Open:---->	53 -- DNS
Port Open:---->	80 -- HTTP
Port Open:---->	1780 -- Not in Database
Port Open:---->	5000 -- Not in Database
Exiting Main Thread
scanning complete in  0:02:54.283984

The time taken is 2 minutes 54 seconds; I did the same experiment in high connectivity, where the time taken was 0:01:23.819774, which is almost half of the previous one.


In a multithreading experiment, if we produce tn number of threads, then threading.activeCount() always shows tn+1 number of threads, because it counts the main threads too. The main thread is the thread that runs all the threads. As an exercise, use the threading.activeCount() method in the simple scanner program, and then check the output.

Now, I'm going to teach you how to create a database file that contains the description of all the port numbers; here is the code:

import shelve
def create():
  shelf = shelve.open("mohit.raj", writeback=True)
  shelf['desc'] ={}
  print "Dictionary is created"

def update():
  shelf = shelve.open("mohit.raj", writeback=True)
  port =int(raw_input("Enter the Port: "))
  data[port]= raw_input("
 Enter the  description	")

def del1():
  shelf = shelve.open("mohit.raj", writeback=True)
  port =int(raw_input("Enter the Port: "))
  del data[port]
  print "
 Entry is deleted"

def list1():
  print "*"*30
  shelf = shelve.open("mohit.raj", writeback=True)
  for key, value in data.items():
    print key, ":", value
    print "*"*30
    print "	 Program to update or Add and Delete the port number detail
    print "Press" 
    print "C for create only one time create"
    print "U for Update or Add 
D for delete"
    print "L for list the all values  "
    print "E for Exit  "
    c=raw_input("Enter :  ")

  if (c=='C' or c=='c'):

  elif (c=='U' or c=='u'):

  elif(c=='D' or c=='d'):

  elif(c=='L' or c=='l'):

  elif(c=='E' or c=='e'):

    print "	 Wrong Input"

In the preceding program, we stored only one dictionary that contains the key as the port number and the values as the description of the port number. The dictionary name is desc. So I made desc a key of the shelf to store in a file named mohit.raj.

def create():
  shelf = shelve.open("mohit.raj", writeback=True)
  shelf['desc'] ={}

This create() function is just an empty dictionary. The desc dictionary is a dictionary in the program, whereas shelf['desc'] is a dictionary in the file. Use this function only once to create a file.

def update():
  shelf = shelve.open("mohit.raj", writeback=True)
  port =int(raw_input("Enter the Port: "))
  data[port]= raw_input("
 Enter the  description	")

This update() function updates the dictionary. In the writeback=True statement, the writeback flag shelf remembers all the received values from the files, and each value, which is currently in the cache, is written back to the file. The data=(shelf['desc']) dictionary is the shelf dictionary, which has been assigned to the variable data. The del() function deletes any port number from the dictionary. The list1() function shows the full dictionary. To accomplish this, the for loop is used.

The output of the updatec.py program is as follows:

G:Project SnakeChapter 2>python updatec.py
         Program to update or Add and Delete the port number detail

C for create only one time create
U for Update or Add
D for delete
L for list the all values
E for Exit
Enter :  c
Dictionary is created
C for create only one time create
U for Update or Add
D for delete
L for list the all values
E for Exit
Enter :  u
Enter the Port: 80

 Enter the  description HTTP
C for create only one time create
U for Update or Add
D for delete
L for list the all values
E for Exit
Enter :  l
80 : HTTP
C for create only one time create
U for Update or Add
D for delete
L for list the all values
E for Exit
Enter :  e

G:Project SnakeChapter 2>

I hope you've got a fair idea of the port scanner; in a nutshell, the port scanner comprises three files, the first file is the scanner (portsc14.py), the second file is the database (mohit.raj), and the third one is updatec.py. You just need to upgrade the mohit.raj file to insert a description of the maximum number of ports.

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