Validation at Runtime

At runtime, one means of validating XML documents from Python is using xmlproc in conjunction with its callback interfaces and parser API. By implementing both the ErrorHandler and DTDConsumer interfaces, you can capture events about validity errors within the document (via ErrorHandler) and events about the DTD’s structure (via DTDConsumer).

To catch errors in the validity of the document, you can implement the ErrorHandler interface and provide it to the XMLValidator, all part of xmlproc. Create the file and add the BadOrderErrorHandler class to it, as shown in Example 7-4.

Example 7-4. A BadOrderErrorHandler class implements ErrorHandler in
from xml.parsers.xmlproc.xmlapp import DTDConsumer
from xml.parsers.xmlproc.xmlapp import ErrorHandler

BadOrderErrorHandler -- implement xmlproc's ErrorHandler Interface
class BadOrderErrorHandler(ErrorHandler):
  def warning(self,msg):
    print "Warning received!:", msg

  def error(self,msg):
    print "Error received!: ", msg

  def fatal(self,msg):
    print "Fatal Error received!: ", msg

To catch events related to the construction of the DTD itself, you can implement the DTDConsumer interface. In order to do this, add the class to, as shown in Example 7-5.

Example 7-5. A DTDHandler class implements DTDConsumer in
DTDHandler -- implements xmlproc's DTDConsumer Interface
class DTDHandler(DTDConsumer):
  def __init__(self,parser):

  def dtd_start(self):
    print "Starting DTD..."

  def dtd_end(self):
    print "Finished DTD..."

  def new_general_entity(self,name,val):
    print "General Entity Received: ", name

  def new_external_entity(self,ent_name,pub_id,sys_id,ndata):
    print "External Entity Received: ", ent_name

  def new_element_type(self,elem_name,elem_cont):
    print "New Element Type Declaration: ", elem_name, 
          "Content Model: ", elem_cont

  def new_attribute(self,elem,attr,a_type,a_decl,a_def):
    print "New Attribute Declaration: ", attr

Example 7-5 is self-explanatory. Each method represents an event related to the parsing of the DTD. Your methods can capture and utilize this information in any way you see fit.

Implementing the interfaces is where the real work happens. To actually do productive work and use the validator, you can create an instance, provide it your interface objects, and set it to work on a particular resource. The file, shown in Example 7-6, contains the simple amount of code to parse a document.

Example 7-6. Command-line validator (
""" xml validation """
import sys
from xml.parsers.xmlproc import xmlval
from xpHandlers import BadOrderErrorHandler, DTDHandler

xv = xmlval.XMLValidator(  )
dt = DTDHandler(xv.parser)
bh = BadOrderErrorHandler(


You can use to see if XML documents pass muster against their DTDs from the command line:

$ python order.xml
New Element Type Declaration:  customer_name 
Content Model:  ('', [('#PCDATA', '')], '')
New Element Type Declaration:  sku 
Content Model:  ('', [('#PCDATA', '')], '')
New Element Type Declaration:  qty C
ontent Model:  ('', [('#PCDATA', '')], '')
New Element Type Declaration:  unit_price 
Content Model:  ('', [('#PCDATA', '')], '')
New Element Type Declaration:  product_name 
Content Model:  ('', [('#PCDATA', '')], '')
New Element Type Declaration:  order 
Content Model:  (',', [('customer_name', ''), ('sku', ''), ('qty', ''), 
                ('unit_price', ''), ('product_name', '')], '')
Finished DTD...

By supplying xmlproc’s XMLValidator with handlers, you can capture the information related to a document’s validity to suit your needs. In the next section, we put validation to the test by creating a translation and validation example that runs on a web server.

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