Diplomat walking at the palace

We now animate a dignified man using the same legs as before, appropriately colored. For the human style walk, we need to select the correct mammalian knee-bend angle option chosen in the code prior to interpreting.

Diplomat walking at the palace

Getting ready

We need the following GIF images:

  • A background picture of a suitable landscape
  • A human body without legs
  • A pair of sober shoes for dignity
  • The walking mammal legs

The images used are palace.gif, ambassador.gif, and ambassador_shoe1.gif. As before, the images of the man and the shoe have transparent backgrounds.

How to do it...

Execute the program shown as before.

# walking_toff_1.py
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
from Tkinter import *
import math
import time
root = Tk()
root.title("A Walking Toff in Natural Habitat - gif images")
cw = 800 # canvas width
ch = 200 # canvas height
chart_1 = Canvas(root, width=cw, height=ch, background="white")
chart_1.grid(row=0, column=0)
cycle_period = 120 # time between new positions of the man # (milliseconds).
im_backdrop = "/constr/pics1/toff_bg.gif"
im_toff = "/constr/pics1/ambassador.gif"
im_shoe = "/constr/pics1/toff_shoe.gif"
toff =PhotoImage(file= im_toff)
shoey =PhotoImage(file= im_shoe)
backdrop = PhotoImage(file= im_backdrop)
chart_1.create_image(0 ,0 ,anchor=NW, image=backdrop)
base_x = 20
base_y = 190
hip_h = 60
thy = 25
# Hip positions: Nhip = 2 x Nstep, the number of steps per foot per # stride.
hip_x = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 60, 60] #15
hip_y = [0, 4, 6, 8, 6, 4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 6, 8, 6, 4, 0] #15
step_x = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 60] # 8 = Nhip
step_y = [0, 15, 25, 30, 25, 22, 10, 0]
# Given a line joining two points xy0 and xy1, the base of an # isosceles triangle,
# as well as the length of one side, "thy" this returns the # coordinates of
# the apex joining the equal-length sides.
def kneePosition(x0, y0, x1, y1, thy):
theta_1 = math.atan2((y1 - y0), (x1 - x0))
L1 = math.sqrt( (y1 - y0)**2 + (x1 - x0)**2)
if L1/2 < thy:
alpha = math.acos(L1/(2*thy))
alpha = 0.0
theta_2 = alpha + theta_1
x_knee = x0 + thy * math.cos(theta_2)
y_knee = y0 + thy * math.sin(theta_2)
return x_knee, y_knee
def animdelay():
diplomat walking at palace recipechart_1.update() # Refresh the drawing on the canvas.
chart_1.after(cycle_period) # Pause execution for 120 # milliseconds.
chart_1.delete("walking") # Erases everything on the canvas.
bx_stay = base_x
by_stay = base_y
for j in range(0,13): # Number of steps to be taken - # arbitrary.
astep_x = 60*j
bstep_x = astep_x + 30
cstep_x = 60*j + 15
aa = len(step_x) -1
for k in range(0,len(hip_x)-1):
# Motion of the hips in a stride of each foot.
cx0 = base_x + cstep_x + hip_x[k]
cy0 = base_y - hip_h - hip_y[k]
cx1 = base_x + cstep_x + hip_x[k+1]
cy1 = base_y - hip_h - hip_y[k+1]
if k >= 0 and k <= len(step_x)-2:
# Trajectory of the right foot.
ax0 = base_x + astep_x + step_x[k]
ax1 = base_x + astep_x + step_x[k+1]
ay0 = base_y - 10 - step_y[k]
ay1 = base_y - 10 -step_y[k+1]
ax_stay = ax1
ay_stay = ay1
if k >= len(step_x)-1 and k <= 2*len(step_x)-2:
# Trajectory of the left foot.
bx0 = base_x + bstep_x + step_x[k-aa]
bx1 = base_x + bstep_x + step_x[k-aa+1]
by0 = base_y - 10 - step_y[k-aa]
by1 = base_y - 10 - step_y[k-aa+1]
bx_stay = bx1
by_stay = by1
# The shoes
chart_1.create_image(ax_stay-5 ,ay_stay + 10 ,anchor=SW,  image=shoey, tag="walking")
chart_1.create_image(bx_stay-5 ,by_stay + 10 ,anchor=SW,  image=shoey, tag="walking")
diplomat walking at palace recipe# Work out knee positions
aknee_xy = kneePosition(ax_stay, ay_stay, cx1, cy1, thy)
bknee_xy = kneePosition(bx_stay, by_stay, cx1, cy1, thy)
# Right calf.
chart_1.create_line(ax_stay, ay_stay-5 ,aknee_xy[0],  aknee_xy[1], width = 5, fill="black", tag="walking")
# Right thigh.
chart_1.create_line(cx1, cy1 ,aknee_xy[0], aknee_xy[1],  width = 5, fill="black", tag="walking")
# Left calf.
#bknee_xy = kneePosition(bx_stay, by_stay, cx1, cy1, thy)
chart_1.create_line(bx_stay, by_stay-5 ,bknee_xy[0],  bknee_xy[1], width = 5, fill="black", tag="walking")
# Left thigh.
chart_1.create_line(cx1, cy1 ,bknee_xy[0], bknee_xy[1],  width = 5, fill="black", tag="walking")
# Torso
chart_1.create_image(cx1-20 ,cy1+30 ,anchor=SW,  image=toff, tag="walking")
animdelay() # Animation

How it works...

The great possibilities offered through the use of image combining using the transparent channel in GIF images allows us to create studio-quality cartoon animations. The same remarks concerning the trigonometry made in the previous recipe apply here.

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