Chapter 4. Animation Principles

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Static shifting of a ball
  • Timed shifting of a ball
  • Animation timed draw-and-erase cycles
  • Two balls moving unimpeded
  • A ball that bounces
  • Bouncing in a gravitational field
  • Colliding balls with tracer trails
  • Elastic ball against ball collisions
  • Dynamic debugging
  • Trajectory tracing
  • Rotating a line and vital trigonometry
  • Rotating lines which rotate lines
  • A digital flower


Animation is about making graphic objects move smoothly around a screen. The method to create the sensation of smooth dynamic action is simple:

  1. First present a picture to the viewer's eye.
  2. Allow the image to stay in view for about one-twentieth of a second.
  3. With a minimum of delay, present another picture where objects have been shifted by a small amount and repeat the process.

Besides the obvious applications of making animated figures move around on a screen for entertainment, animating the results of computer code gives you powerful insights into how code works at a detailed level. Animation offers an extra dimension to the programmers' debugging arsenal. It provides you with an all encompassing, holistic view of software execution in progress that nothing else can.

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