Chapter 5. The Magic of Color

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • A limited palette of named colors
  • Nine ways of specifying color
  • A ball of varying shades of red
  • A red color wedge of graded hue
  • The artist's color wheel (Newton's Color Wheel)
  • The numerical color mixing-matching palette
  • The animated graded color wheel
  • Tkinter's own color mixer-picker


Tkinter allows you to use more than 16 million colors. That is 256 levels each of red, green, and blue added together. There are two main ways of specifying colors: by name, or as a hexadecimal value packed together as a string. A competent color expert can create any color possible by mixing red, green, and blue in varying amounts. There are accepted rules and conventions for what constitutes pleasing and tasteful color combinations. Sometimes you want to make shaded blends of colors and at other times you just want to use a limited number of colors with the minimum amount of both. We deal with these issues in this chapter.

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