The animated graded color wheel

We draw a smoothly-graded version of the artists color mixing wheel and animate it to allow the viewer to watch how the rgb hex color value changes as the blended color spectrum is being drawn.

How to do it...

Copy, save, and run this example as you have done with previous ones and watch the spectrum unfold numerically and colorfully. The following screenshot shows a graded color wheel.

How to do it...
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
root.title("Animated Color Wheel")
cw = 300 # canvas width
ch = 300 # canvas height
canvas_1 = Canvas(root, width=cw, height=ch, background="black")
canvas_1.grid(row=0, column=1)
cycle_period = 200
redFl = 255.0
greenFl = 0
blueFl = 0
kula = "#000000"
arcStart = 89
arcEnd = 90
xCentr = 150
yCentr = 160
radius = 130
circ = xCentr - radius, yCentr + radius, xCentr + radius, yCentr -  radius
# angular position markers, degrees
A_ANG = 0
B_ANG = 60
C_ANG = 120
D_ANG = 180
E_ANG = 240
F_ANG = 300
#G_ANG = 1
G_ANG = 359
intervals = 60 # degrees
# Percent color at each position marker
# index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
redShift = 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100 # percent of red
greenShift = 0, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0 # percent of green
blueShift = 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 0 # percent of blue
# Rate of change of color per degree, rgb integer counts per degree.
red_rate = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
green_rate = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
blue_rate = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
# Calibrate counts-per-degree in each interval, place in xrate list
for i in range(0,6):
red_rate[i] = 256.0 * (redShift[i+1] - redShift[i])/(100 *  intervals)
green_rate[i] = 256.0 * (greenShift[i+1] - greenShift[i])/(100 *  intervals)
blue_rate[i] = 256.0 * (blueShift[i+1] - blueShift[i])/(100 *  intervals)
def rgb2hex(redFl, greenFl, blueFl):
# Convert integer to hex color.
red = int(redFl)
green = int(greenFl)
blue = int(blueFl)
rgb = red, green, blue
return '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb
for i in range (0, 359):
canvas_1.create_arc(circ, start=arcStart, extent=arcStart - arcEnd,
fill= kula, outline= kula)
arcStart = arcEnd
arcEnd -=1
# Color component transitions in 60 degree sectors
if i>A_ANG and i<B_ANG:
redFl += red_rate[0]
greenFl += green_rate[0]
blueFl += blue_rate[0]
kula = rgb2hex(redFl, greenFl, blueFl)
if i>B_ANG and i<C_ANG:
redFl += red_rate[1]
greenFl += green_rate[1]
blueFl += blue_rate[1]
kula = rgb2hex(redFl, greenFl, blueFl)
if i>C_ANG and i<D_ANG:
redFl += red_rate[2]
greenFl += green_rate[2]
blueFl += blue_rate[2]
kula = rgb2hex(redFl, greenFl, blueFl)
if i>D_ANG and i<E_ANG:
redFl += red_rate[3]
greenFl += green_rate[3]
blueFl += blue_rate[3]
kula = rgb2hex(redFl, greenFl, blueFl)
if i>E_ANG and i<F_ANG:
redFl += red_rate[4]
greenFl += green_rate[4]
blueFl += blue_rate[4]
kula = rgb2hex(redFl, greenFl, blueFl)
if i>F_ANG and i<G_ANG:
redFl += red_rate[5]
greenFl += green_rate[5]
blueFl += blue_rate[5]
kula = rgb2hex(redFl, greenFl, blueFl)
#kula = rgb2hex(redFl, greenFl, blueFl)
canvas_1.create_text(100, 20, text=kula, fill='white',  width=200,
font='SansSerif 12 ', tag= 'degreesAround', anchor= SW)
canvas_1.update() # This refreshes the # drawing on the canvas.
canvas_1.after(cycle_period) # This makes execution pause for # 200 milliseconds.
canvas_1.delete('degreesAround') # This erases the # changing text

How it works...

The coding ideas used here are relatively simple. In essence, we have the executing code work through the process of drawing a colored arc from zero to 358 degrees. At each thin slice of the wedge red, green, and blue components are added according to calculations of linearly increasing or decreasing ramp values redFL, greenfly, and blueFL in counts-per-degree. By ramp, we mean a gradually increasing value from zero to 100%. The ramp values are controlled by transition points (A_ANG, B_ANG, and so on) evenly spaced at 60 degree intervals around the periphery of the colored disk.

The rgb2hex(red, green, blue) function converts the red, green, and blue floating point values into the form of a hexadecimal number that Tkinter will interpret as a color. For the viewer's edification, this number is displayed at the top of the canvas.

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