Continuous band of images

This recipe extends the position-adjusting mechanism used in the previous example to sustain a continuous strip of images.

Getting ready

We use the same set of four images that were used in the previous recipe.

How to do it...

Execute the program shown in exactly the same way as before.

# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
from Tkinter import *
import math
import time
root = Tk()
root.title("Vase Show")
cw = 100 # canvas width
ch = 200 # canvas height
chart_1 = Canvas(root, width=cw, height=ch, background="black")
chart_1.grid(row=0, column=0)
cycle_period = 100 # time between new positions of the images milliseconds).
posn_x1 = 0
posn_x2 = 100
posn_x3 = 200
posn_x4 = 300
posn_y = 00
im_brass = PhotoImage(file = "/constr/pics1/brass_vase.gif")
im_red = PhotoImage(file = "/constr/pics1/red_vase.gif")
im_blue = PhotoImage(file = "/constr/pics1/blue_vase.gif")
im_glass = PhotoImage(file = "/constr/pics1/glass_vase.gif")
def animdelay():
chart_1.update() # This refreshes the drawing on the canvas.
chart_1.after(cycle_period) # This makes execution pause for 100 milliseconds.
chart_1.delete(ALL) # This erases *almost* everything on the canvas.
for j in range(0,600): # Number of steps to be taken - arbitrary.
posn_x1 -= 1
posn_x2 -= 1
posn_x3 -= 1
posn_x4 -= 1
chart_1.create_image(posn_x1,posn_y,anchor=NW, image=im_brass)
chart_1.create_image(posn_x2,posn_y,anchor=NW, image=im_red)
chart_1.create_image(posn_x3,posn_y,anchor=NW, image=im_blue)
chart_1.create_image(posn_x4,posn_y,anchor=NW, image=im_glass)
# The numerical parameters below could be turned into
# a 'for' loop and allow the loop to be compact and interminable.
if j == 100:
posn_x1 = 300
if j == 200:
posn_x2 = 300
if j == 400:
posn_x3 = 300
if j == 400:
posn_x4 = 300

How it works...

The trick with this program is to reset the x position coordinates, posn_1, and so on, which control the position of each image on the canvas after the image has exited the canvas on the left. The position coordinates get reset to a position 200 pixels off to the right of the canvas.

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