A mouse-line editor

We edit (change) a shape drawn using the mouse after the drawing is finished.

Getting ready

To limit the complexity and length of the code, we have excluded the facilities provided in the previous recipe for storing and recalling the drawn shape. So for this recipe no storage folders will be used.

# mouse_shape_editor_1.py
from Tkinter import *
import math
root = Tk()
root.title("Left drag to draw, right to re-position.")
cw = 600 # canvas width
ch = 650 # canvas height
chart_1 = Canvas(root, width=cw, height=ch, background="#ffffff")
chart_1.grid(row=1, column=1)
linedrag = {'x_start':0, 'y_start':0, 'x_end':0, 'y_end':0}
map_distance = 0
dist_meter = 0
x_initial = 0
y_initial = 0
# Adjust the distance between points if desired
way_points = 50 # Distance between editable way-points
magic_circle_flag = 0 # 0-> normal dragging, 1 -> double-click: # Pull point.
point_num = 0
x0 = []
y0 = []
def separation(x_now, y_now, x_dot, y_dot): # DISTANCE MEASUREMENT
# Distance to points - used to find out if the mouse # clicked inside a circle
sum_squares = (x_now - x_dot)**2 + (y_now -y_dot)**2
distance= int(math.sqrt(sum_squares)) # Get Pythagorean # distance
return( distance)
def callback_1(event): # LEFT DOWN
global x_initial, y_initial
x_initial = event.x
y_initial = event.y
def callback_2(event): # LEFT DRAG
global x_initial, y_initial
global map_distance, dist_meter
global x0, y0
linedrag['x_start'] = linedrag['x_end'] # update positions
linedrag['y_start'] = linedrag['y_end']
linedrag['x_end'] = event.x
linedrag['y_end'] = event.y
increment = separation(linedrag['x_start'],linedrag['y_start'],  linedrag['x_end'], linedrag['y_end'] )
map_distance += increment # Total distance - # potentiasl use as a map odometer.
dist_meter += increment # Distance from last circle
if dist_meter>way_points: # Action at way-points
x0.append(linedrag['x_end']) # append to line
xb = linedrag['x_end'] - 5 ; yb = linedrag['y_end'] - 5 # Centre circle on line
x1 = linedrag['x_end'] + 5 ; y1 = linedrag['y_end'] + 5
chart_1.create_oval(xb,yb, x1,y1, outline = "green")
dist_meter = 0 # re-zero the odometer.
linexy = [ x_initial, y_initial, linedrag['x_end'] ,  linedrag['y_end'] ]
chart_1.create_line(linexy, fill='green')
x_initial = linedrag['x_end'] # start of next segment
y_initial = linedrag['y_end']
def callback_5(event): # RIGHT CLICK
global point_num, magic_circle_flag, x0, y0
# Measure distances to each point in turn, determine if any are # inside magic circle.
# That is, identify which point has been clicked on.
for i in range(0, len(x0)):
d = separation(event.x, event.y, x0[i], y0[i])
if d <= 5:
point_num = i # this is the index that controls editing
magic_circle_flag = 1
chart_1.create_oval(x0[i] - 10,y0[i] - 10, x0[i] + 10,  y0[i] + 10 , width = 4, outline = "#ff8800")
x0[i] = event.x
y0[i] = event.y
def callback_6(event): # RIGHT RELEASE
global point_num, magic_circle_flag, x0, y0
if magic_circle_flag == 1: # The point is going to be # repositioned.
x0[point_num] =event.x
y0[point_num] =event.y
chart_1.update() # Refreshes the drawing on the # canvas.
for i in range(0,len(x0)):
chart_1.create_oval(x0[i] - 5,y0[i] - 5, x0[i] + 5,  y0[i] + 5 , outline = "#00ff00")
chart_1.create_line(q , fill = "#ff00ff") # Now show the # new positions
magic_circle_flag = 0
chart_1.bind("<Button-1>", callback_1) # <Button-1> ->LEFT mouse # button
chart_1.bind("<B1-Motion>", callback_2)
chart_1.bind("<Button-3>", callback_5) # <Button-3> ->RIGHT mouse # button
chart_1.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", callback_6)

How it works...

The preceding program now includes:

  • callback functions to deal with left and right mouse clicks and drags.

A distance-measuring function separation(x_now, y_now, x_dot, y_dot). When the right mouse button is clicked, the distance to every line joint is measured. If one of these distances is inside an existing joint then an orange circle is drawn and control is passed to callback_6 which updates the coordinates of the new point and refreshes the revised drawing. The decision on whether to move a point or not is decided by the value of the magic_circle_flag. The state of this flag is determined by the distance computed by separation(). It is set to 1 if the distance measurement finds it inside a joint when the right mouse is pressed and set to 0 after a point has been moved.

There's more...

Now that we have a means to control and adjust the drawing of lines and curves using mouse manipulation, other possibilities are opened up.

Why don't we add more features?

It would be good to extend the features of this program to include:

  • The ability to erase points
  • The ability to work with unjoined segments
  • The ability to select or click to create points
  • Drag fairy lights (equal length segments)

The list will grow longer as we work on the extensions. In the end, we will have created a useful vector graphics editor and the pressure would be on to match features of existing proprietary and open-source editors. Why re-invent the wheel? What may bear more fruit would be an effort to work with vector images produced by an existing mature vector editor, if this is a practical option.

Using other tools to acquire and re-work images

In the next chapter, we explore ways and means of using vector images from the open-source vector graphics editor Inkscape. Inkscape is able to export images in a wide choice of formats including a standardized web format called Scaled Vector Graphics or SVG for short.

How to exploit that mouse

This chapter has made much use of the mouse as a user-interaction tool for drawing shapes on Tkinter canvasses. To complete the job of acquiring the know-how of using the mouse to its fullest the next recipe will be an examination of the full toolkit of mouse interactions.

We can measure the distance along a meandering line

In the code, there is a variable called map_distance that has not been used. It can be used to trace the distance travelled on meandering paths on maps. The idea is that if we wanted to measure distances on unmarked paths and roads on something like a Google map, we would be able to adapt this recipe to the task.

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