
Look around you at some of the physical objects in your workspace and see if you can describe them in an inheritance hierarchy. Humans have been dividing the world into taxonomies like this for centuries, so it shouldn't be difficult. Are there any non-obvious inheritance relationships between classes of objects? If you were to model these objects in a computer application, what properties and methods would they share? Which ones would have to be polymorphically overridden? What properties would be completely different between them?

Now, write some code. No, not for the physical hierarchy; that's boring. Physical items have more properties than methods. Just think about a pet programming project you've wanted to tackle in the past year, but never got around to. For whatever problem you want to solve, try to think of some basic inheritance relationships. Then implement them. Make sure you pay attention to the sorts of relationships that you actually don't need to use inheritance for, too! Are there any places where you might want to use multiple inheritance? Are you sure? Can you see any place you would want to use a mixin? Try to knock together a quick prototype. It doesn't have to be useful or even partially working. You've seen how you can test code using python3 -i already; just write some code and test it in the interactive interpreter. If it works, write some more. If it doesn't, fix it!

Now take a look at the real estate example. This turned out to be a quite effective use of multiple inheritance. I have to admit though, I had my doubts when I started the design. Have a look at the original problem and see if you can come up with another design to solve it that uses only single inheritance. What about a design that doesn't use inheritance at all? Of the three, which do you think is the most elegant solution? Elegance is a primary goal in Python development, but each programmer has a different opinion as to what is the most elegant solution. Some people tend to think and understand problems most clearly using composition, while others find multiple inheritance to be the most useful tool.

Finally, try adding some new features to the three designs. Whatever features strike your fancy are fine. I'd like to see a way to differentiate between available and unavailable properties, for starters. It's not much use to me if it's already rented!

Which design is easiest to extend? Which is hardest? If somebody asked you why you thought that, would you be able to explain yourself?

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