Case study

We've been looking at the use and handling of exceptions at a fairly low level of detail; syntax and definitions. This case study will help tie it all in with our previous chapters so we can see how exceptions should be used in the larger context of objects, inheritance, and modules.

Today, we'll be designing a simple, central authentication and authorization system. The entire system will be placed in one module, and other code will be able to query that module object for authentication and authorization purposes. We should admit, from the start, that we aren't security experts, and that the system we are designing may be full of security holes. It will be sufficient, however, for a basic login and permission system that other code can interact with. Later, if that other code needs to be made more secure, we can have a security or cryptography expert review or rewrite our module, without changing the API.

Authentication is the process of ensuring a user is really the person they say they are. We'll follow the lead of common web systems today, which use a username and private password combination. Other methods of authentication include voice recognition, fingerprint or retinal scanners, and identification cards.

Authorization, on the other hand, is all about determining whether a given (authenticated) user is permitted to perform a specific action. We'll create a basic permission list system that stores a list of the specific people allowed to perform each action.

In addition, we'll add some administrative features to allow new users to be added to the system. For brevity, we'll leave out editing of passwords or changing of permissions once they've been added, but these (highly necessary) features can certainly be added in the future.

There's a simple analysis; now let's proceed with design. We're obviously going to need a User class that stores the username and an encrypted password. This class will also allow a user to log in by checking whether an entered password is valid. We probably won't need a Permission class, as those are just strings mapped to a list of users using a dictionary. We should have a central Authenticator class that handles user management and logging in or out. The last piece of the puzzle is an Authorizor class that deals with permissions and checking whether a user can perform an activity. We'll provide a single instance of each of these classes in the auth module so that other modules can use this central mechanism for all their authentication and authorization needs. Of course, if they want to instantiate private instances of these classes, for non-central authorization activities, they are free to do so.

We'll also be defining several exceptions as we go along. We'll start with a special AuthException base class that accepts a username and optional user object as parameters; most of our self-defined exceptions will inherit from this one.

Let's build the User class first; it seems simple enough. A new user can be initialized with a username and password. The password will be stored encrypted to reduce the chances of its being stolen. Our purpose is to study exceptions, not to secure a system. You have been warned! We'll also need a check_password method to test if a supplied password is the correct one. Here is the class in full:

	import hashlib

	class User:
		def __init__(self, username, password):
			'''Create a new user object. The password
			will be encrypted before storing.'''
			self.username = username
			self.password = self._encrypt_pw(password)
			self.is_logged_in = False
		def _encrypt_pw(self, password):
			'''Encrypt the password with the username and return
			the sha digest.'''
			hash_string = (self.username + password)
			hash_string = hash_string.encode("utf8")
			return hashlib.sha256(hash_string).hexdigest()
		def check_password(self, password):
			'''Return True if the password is valid for this
			user, false otherwise.'''
			encrypted = self._encrypt_pw(password)
			return encrypted == self.password

Since the code for encrypting a password is required in both __init__ and check_password, we pull it out to its own method. That way, it only needs to be changed in one place if someone realizes it is insecure and needs improvement. This class could easily be extended to include mandatory or optional personal details such as names, contact information, and birth dates.

Before we write code to add users (which will happen in the as-yet undefined Authenticator class), we should examine some use cases. If all goes well, we can add a user with a username and password; the User object is created and inserted into a dictionary. But in what ways can all not go well? Well, clearly, we don't want to add a user if that username already exists in the dictionary. Otherwise we'd overwrite an existing user's data and the new user might have access to that user's privileges. So we'll need a UsernameAlreadyExists exception. Also, for security's sake, we should probably raise an exception if the password is too short. Both of these exceptions will extend AuthException, which we mentioned earlier. So, before writing the Authenticator, let's define these three exception classes.

	class AuthException(Exception):
		def __init__(self, username, user=None):
			super().__init__(username, user)		
			self.username = username
			self.user = user			
	class UsernameAlreadyExists(AuthException):

	class PasswordTooShort(AuthException):

The AuthException requires a username and has an optional user parameter. This second parameter should be an instance of the User class associated with that username. The two specific exceptions we're defining simply need to inform the calling class of an exceptional circumstance, so we don't need to add any extra methods to them.

Now, let's start on the Authenticator class. It can simply be a mapping of usernames to user objects, so we'll start with a dictionary in the initialization function. The method for adding a user needs to check the two conditions (password length and previously existing users) before creating a new User instance and adding it to the dictionary:

	class Authenticator:
		def __init__(self):
			'''Construct an authenticator to manage
			users logging in and out.'''
			self.users = {}

		def add_user(self, username, password):
			if username in self.users:
				raise UsernameAlreadyExists(username)
			if len(password) < 6:
				raise PasswordTooShort(username)
			self.users[username] = User(username, password)

We could, of course, extend the password validation to raise exceptions for passwords that are too easy to crack in other ways, if we desired.

Now let's prepare the login method. If we weren't thinking about exceptions just now, we might just want the method to return True or False, depending on whether the login was successful or not. But we are thinking about exceptions, and this could be a good place to use them for a not-so-exceptional circumstance. We could raise different exceptions, for example, if the username does not exist or the password does not match. This will allow anyone trying to log a user in to elegantly handle the situation using a try/except/else clause. So first we add these new exceptions:

	class InvalidUsername(AuthException):

	class InvalidPassword(AuthException):

Then we can define a simple login method to our Authenticator class that raises these exceptions if necessary. If not, it flags the user as logged in and returns:

		def login(self, username, password):
				user = self.users[username]	
			except KeyError:
				raise InvalidUsername(username)
			if not user.check_password(password):
				raise InvalidPassword(username, user)
			user.is_logged_in = True
			return True

Notice how the KeyError is handled. This could have been handled using if username not in self.users: instead, but we choose to handle the exception directly. We end up eating up this first exception and raising a brand new one of our own that fits the user facing API better.

We can also add a method to check if a particular username is logged in. Deciding whether to use an exception here is trickier, should we raise an exception if the username does not exist? Should we raise an exception if the user is not logged in?

To answer these questions, we need to think about how the method would be accessed. Most often, this method will be used to answer the yes/no question, "Should I allow them access to <something>?" The answer will either be, "yes, the username is valid and they are logged in", or, "no, the username is not valid or they are not logged in". Therefore, a Boolean return value is sufficient. There is no need to use exceptions here, just for the sake of using an exception.

		def is_logged_in(self, username):
			if username in self.users:
				return self.users[username].is_logged_in
			return False

Finally, we can add a default authenticator instance to our module so that client code can access it easily using auth.authenticator:

	authenticator = Authenticator()

This line goes at the module level, outside any class definition, so the authenticator variable can be accessed as auth.authenticator. Now we can start on the Authorizor class, which maps permissions to users. The Authorizor should not permit a user access to a permission if they are not logged in, so they'll need a reference to a specific authenticator. We'll also need to set up the permission dictionary upon initialization:

	class Authorizor:
		def __init__(self, authenticator):
			self.authenticator = authenticator
			self.permissions = {}

Now we can write methods to add new permissions and to set up which users are associated with each permission.

		def add_permission(self, perm_name):
			'''Create a new permission that users
			can be added to'''
				perm_set = self.permissions[perm_name]
			except KeyError:
				self.permissions[perm_name] = set()
				raise PermissionError("Permission Exists")

		def permit_user(self, perm_name, username):
			'''Grant the given permission to the user'''
				perm_set = self.permissions[perm_name]
			except KeyError:
				raise PermissionError("Permission does not exist")
				if username not in self.authenticator.users:
					raise InvalidUsername(username)

The first method allows us to create a new permission, unless it already exists, in which case, an exception is raised. The second allows us to add a username to a permission, unless either the permission or the username doesn't yet exist.

We use a set instead of a list for usernames, so that even if you grant a user permission more than once, the nature of sets means the user is only in the set once. Sets are sequences, like lists, but unlike lists, they are unordered, and store unique values. No matter how many times we add a value to a set, it will only be stored in the set once.

A PermissionError is raised in both methods. This new error doesn't require a username, so we'll make it extend Exception directly, instead of our custom AuthException:

	class PermissionError(Exception):

Finally, we can add a method to check whether a user has a specific permission or not. In order for them to be granted access, they have to be both logged into the authenticator and in the set of people who have been granted access to that privilege. If either of these conditions is not met, an exception is raised:

		def check_permission(self, perm_name, username):
			if not self.authenticator.is_logged_in(username):
				raise NotLoggedInError(username)
				perm_set = self.permissions[perm_name]
			except KeyError:
				raise PermissionError("Permission does not exist")
				if username not in perm_set:
					raise NotPermittedError(username)
					return True

There are two new exceptions in here; they both take usernames, so we'll define them as subclasses of AuthException:

	class NotLoggedInError(AuthException):
	class NotPermittedError(AuthException):

Finally, we can add a "default" authorizor to go with our default authenticator:

	authorizor = Authorizor(authenticator)

And that completes a basic, but complete authentication/authorization system. We can test the system at the Python prompt, checking to see if a user, joe, is permitted to do tasks in the paint department:

>>> import auth
>>> auth.authenticator.add_user("joe", "joepassword")
>>> auth.authorizor.add_permission("paint")
>>> auth.authorizor.check_permission("paint", "joe")
Traceback (most recent call last):
	File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
	File "", line 109, in check_permission
		raise NotLoggedInError(username)
auth.NotLoggedInError: joe
>>> auth.authenticator.is_logged_in("joe")
>>> auth.authenticator.login("joe", "joepassword")
>>> auth.authorizor.check_permission("paint", "joe")
Traceback (most recent call last):
	File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
	File "", line 116, in check_permission
		raise NotPermittedError(username)
auth.NotPermittedError: joe
>>> auth.authorizor.check_permission("mix", "joe")
Traceback (most recent call last):
	File "", line 111, in check_permission
		perm_set = self.permissions[perm_name]
KeyError: 'mix'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
	File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
	File "", line 113, in check_permission
		raise PermissionError("Permission does not exist")
auth.PermissionError: Permission does not exist
>>> auth.authorizor.permit_user("mix", "joe")
Traceback (most recent call last):
	File "", line 99, in permit_user
		perm_set = self.permissions[perm_name]
KeyError: 'mix'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
	File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
	File "", line 101, in permit_user
		raise PermissionError("Permission does not exist")
auth.PermissionError: Permission does not exist
>>> auth.authorizor.permit_user("paint", "joe")
>>> auth.authorizor.check_permission("paint", "joe")

The above output shows all of our code and most of our exceptions in action, but to really understand the API we've defined, we should write some exception handling code that actually uses it. Here's a basic menu interface that allows certain users to change or test a program:

	import auth
	# Set up a test user and permission
	auth.authenticator.add_user("joe", "joepassword")
	auth.authorizor.add_permission("test program")
	auth.authorizor.add_permission("change program")
	auth.authorizor.permit_user("test program", "joe")

	class Editor:
		def __init__(self):
			self.username = None
			self.menu_map = {
					"login": self.login,
					"test": self.test,
					"change": self.change,
					"quit": self.quit		

		def login(self):
			logged_in = False
			while not logged_in:
				username = input("username: ")
				password = input("password: ")
					logged_in = auth.authenticator.login(
							username, password)
				except auth.InvalidUsername:
					print("Sorry, that username does not exist")
				except auth.InvalidPassword:
					print("Sorry, incorrect password")
					self.username = username

		def is_permitted(self, permission):
					permission, self.username)
			except auth.NotLoggedInError as e:
				print("{} is not logged in".format(e.username))
				return False
			except auth.NotPermittedError as e:
				print("{} cannot {}".format(
					e.username, permission))
				return False
				return True

		def test(self):
			if self.is_permitted("test program"):
				print("Testing program now...")

		def change(self):
			if self.is_permitted("change program"):
				print("Changing program now...")

		def quit(self):
			raise SystemExit()
		def menu(self):
				answer = ""		
				while True:
	Please enter a command:
		login	Login
		test	Test the program
		change	Change the program
		quit	Quit
					answer = input("enter a command: ").lower()
						func = self.menu_map[answer]
					except KeyError:
						print("{} is not a valid option".format(
				print("Thank you for testing the auth module")

This rather long example is actually very simple. The is_permitted method is probably the most interesting; this is a mostly internal method that is called by both test and change to ensure the user is permitted access before continuing. Of course, those two methods are stubs, but we aren't writing an editor here, we're illustrating the use of exceptions and exception handlers by testing an authentication and authorization framework!

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