
Before diving into exercises for each design pattern, take a moment to implement the copy method for the File and Folder objects in the previous section. The File method should be quite trivial; just create a new node with the same name and contents, and add it to the new parent folder. The copy method on Folder is quite a bit more complicated, as you first have to duplicate the folder, and then recursively copy each of it's children to the new location. You can call the copy() method on the children indiscriminately, regardless of whether each is a file or a folder object. This will drive home just how powerful the composite pattern can be.

Now, as with the previous chapter, look at the patterns we've discussed, and consider ideal places where you might implement them. You may want to apply the adapter pattern to existing code, as it is most often applicable when interfacing with existing libraries, rather than new code. How can you use an adapter to force two interfaces to interact with each other correctly?

Can you think of a system complex enough to justify using the facade pattern? Consider how facades are used in real-life situations, such as the driver-facing interface of a car, or the control panel in a factory. It is similar in software, except the users of the facade interface are other programmers, rather than people trained to use them. Are there complex systems in your latest project that could benefit from the facade pattern?

It's possible you don't have any huge, memory-consuming code that would benefit from the flyweight pattern, but can you think of situations where it might be useful? Anywhere that large amounts of overlapping data need to be processed, a flyweight is waiting to be used. Would it be useful in the banking industry? In web applications? At what point does the flyweight pattern make sense? When is it overkill?

What about the command pattern? Can you think of any common (or better yet, uncommon) examples of places where the decoupling of action from invocation would be useful? Look at the programs you use on a daily basis, and imagine how they are implemented internally. It's likely that many of them use the command pattern for some purpose or another.

The abstract factory pattern, or the somewhat more Pythonic derivatives we discussed, can be very useful for creating one-touch-configurable systems. Can you think of places where such systems are useful?

Finally, consider the composite pattern. There are tree-like structures all around us in programming; some of them, like our file hierarchy example, are blatant; others are fairly subtle. What situations might arise where the composite pattern would be useful? Can you think of places where you can use it in your own code? What if you adapted the pattern slightly, for example to contain different types of leaf or composite nodes for different types of objects?

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