
We've covered a wide variety of topics in this chapter, from strings to files, to object serialization, and back again. Now it's time to consider how these ideas can be applied to your own code.

Python strings are very flexible, and Python is an extremely powerful tool for string-based manipulations. If you don't do a lot of string processing in your daily work, try designing a tool that is exclusively intended for manipulating strings. Try to come up with something innovative, but if you're stuck, consider writing a web log analyzer (how many requests per hour? How many people visit more than five pages?) or a template tool that replaces certain variable names with the contents of other files.

Spend a lot of time toying with the string formatting operators. Simply write a bunch of template strings and objects to pass into the format function, and see what kind of output you get. Try the exotic formatting operators, like percentage or hexadecimal notation. Try out the fill and alignment operators, and see how they behave differently for integers, strings, and floats. Consider writing a class of your own that has a __format__ method; we didn't discuss this in detail, but explore just how much you can customize formatting.

Make sure you understand the difference between bytes and str objects. The distinction is very complicated in older versions of Python (there was no bytes, and str acted like both bytes and str unless we needed non-ASCII characters in which case there was a separate unicode object, which was similar to Python 3's str class. It's even more confusing than it sounds!). It's clearer nowadays; bytes is for binary data, and str is for character data. The only tricky part is knowing how and when to convert between the two. For practice, try writing text data to a file opened for writing bytes (you'll have to encode the text yourself), and then reading from the same file.

Do some experimenting with bytearray; see how it can act both like a bytes object and a list or container object at the same time. Try writing a buffer that holds data in the bytes array until it is a certain length before returning it. You can simulate the code that puts data into the buffer by using time.sleep calls to ensure data doesn't arrive too quickly.

If you don't use the with statement in your daily coding, go through all your code and find all the places you have opened files and forgotten to close them. Pay special attention to places where you did close the files, but only under the assumption that no exception was raised. For every one you find, replace the code with a with statement.

Have you ever written code where a custom context manager might be useful? Think about cases where you have to do arbitrary setup or cleanup around an unknown or partially known task. That task will be implemented inside the with statement, while the setup or cleanup code is taken care of in __enter__ and __exit__ methods on the object. This is a very useful construct, although it's not an overly common pattern; if you can't think of any places it would suit an old project, try writing one for a new situation of your devising, just as an exercise.

If you've ever written an adapter to load small amounts of data from a file or database and convert it to an object, consider using a pickle instead. Pickles are not efficient for storing massive amounts of data, but they can be useful for loading configuration or other simple objects. Try coding it multiple ways; using a pickle, a text file, or a small database. Which is easiest to work with?

Try experimenting with pickling data, then modifying the class that holds the data, and loading the pickle into the new class. What works? What doesn't? Is there a way to make drastic changes to a class, such as renaming an attribute or splitting it into two new attributes and still get the data out of an older pickle? (Hint: try placing a private pickle version number on each object and update it each time you change the class; you can then put a migration path in __setstate__.)

If you do any web development at all, especially Web 2.0 applications, do some experimenting with the JSON serializer. Personally, I prefer to serialize only standard JSON serializable objects, rather than writing custom encoders or object_hooks, but the desired effect really depends on the interaction between the frontend (JavaScript, typically) and backend code. The JSON format isn't very common outside of JavaScript and web notation, so if you don't do web development you may want to skip this exercise. Note, however, that JSON is a subset of YAML, so if you have occasion to generate valid YAML, the JSON serializer can still be useful!

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