Unit testing

Let's start our exploration with Python's built-in test library. This library provides a common interface for unit tests. Unit tests are a special kind of automated test that focuses on testing the least amount of code possible in any one test. Each test tests a single unit of the total amount of available code.

The Python library for this is called, unsurprisingly: unittest. It provides several tools for creating and running unit tests, the most important being the TestCase class. This class provides a set of methods that allow us to compare values, set up tests, and clean up after running them.

When we want to write a set of unit tests for a specific task, we create a subclass of TestCase, and write methods that accept no arguments to do the actual testing. These methods must all start with the string test. If this convention is followed, they'll automatically be run as part of the test process. Normally, the tests set some values on an object and then run a method, and use the built-in comparison methods to ensure that the right results were calculated. Here's a very simple example:

	import unittest
	class CheckNumbers(unittest.TestCase):
		def test_int_float(self):
			self.assertEquals(1, 1.0)
	if __name__ == "__main__":

This code simply subclasses the TestCase class and adds a method that calls the TestCase.assertEquals method. This method will either succeed or raise an exception, depending on whether the two parameters are equal. If we run this code, the main function from unittest will give us the following output:

	Ran 1 test in 0.000s

Did you know that floats and integers can compare as equal? Let's add a new test that fails:

		def test_str_float(self):
			self.assertEquals(1, "1")

If we run this code, the output is a bit more sinister, since floats and strings can not be considered equal:

	FAIL: test_str_float (__main__.CheckNumbers)
	Traceback (most recent call last):
		File "simplest_unittest.py", line 8, in test_str_float
			self.assertEquals(1, "1")
	AssertionError: 1 != '1'

	Ran 2 tests in 0.001s

	FAILED (failures=1)

The dot on the first line indicates that the first test (the one we wrote before) passed successfully; the F after it shows that the second test failed. Then at the end, it gives us some informative output telling us how and where the test failed, along with a summary of the number of failures.

We can have as many test methods on one TestCase class as we like; as long as the method name begins with test the test runner will execute each one as a separate test. Each test should be completely independent of other tests. Results or calculations from a previous test should have no impact on the current test. The key to writing good unit tests is to keep each test method as short as possible, testing a small unit of code with each test case. If your code does not seem to naturally break up into such testable units, it's probably a sign that your design needs rethinking. Writing tests allows us not only to ensure our code works, but also helps test our design as well.

Assertion methods

The general layout of a test case is to set certain variables to known values, run one or more functions, methods, or processes, and then "prove" that the correct results were returned or calculated by using TestCase assertion methods.

There are a few different assertion methods available to confirm that specific results have been achieved. We just saw assertEqual, which will cause a test failure if the two parameters do not pass an equality check. The inverse, assertNotEqual, will fail if the two parameters do compare as equal. The assertTrue and assertFalse methods each accept a single expression, and fail if the expression does not pass an if test. These tests are not checking for the Boolean values True or False; they return the same value that would be returned if an if statement were used: False, None, 0, or an empty list, dictionary, or tuple would pass an assertFalse, while nonzero numbers, containers with values in them, or the value True would pass an assertTrue.

The assertRaises method accepts an exception class, a callable object (function, method, or an object with a __call__ method), and arbitrary arguments and keyword arguments to be passed into the callable. The assertion method will invoke the function with the supplied arguments, and will fail or raise an error if the method does not raise the expected exception class.

In addition, each of these methods accepts an optional argument named msg; if supplied, it will be included in the error message if the assertion fails. This is useful for clarifying what was expected or explaining where a bug may have occurred to cause the assertion to fail.

Additional assertion methods in Python 3.1

The unittest library has been extensively updated in Python 3.1. It now contains several new assertion methods, and allows the assertRaises method to take advantage of the with statement. The following code only works on Python 3.1 and later. It illustrates the two ways that assertRaises can be called:

	import unittest
	def average(seq):
		return sum(seq) / len(seq)

	class TestAverage(unittest.TestCase):
		def test_python30_zero(self):

		def test_python31_zero(self):
			with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):

	if __name__ == "__main__":

The context manager allows us to write the code the way we would normally write it (by calling functions or executing code directly) rather than having to wrap the function call in another function call.

In addition, Python 3.1 provides access to several useful new assertion methods:

  • assertGreater, assertGreaterEqual, assertLess, and assertLessEqual all accept two comparable objects, and ensure that the named inequality holds.
  • assertIn ensures that the first of two arguments is an element in the container object (list, tuple, dictionary, and so on) that is passed as a second argument. The assertNotIn method does the inverse.
  • assertIsNone tests that a value is None. Unlike assertFalse, it will not pass for values of zero, False, or empty container objects; the value must be None. The assertIsNotNone method does, of course, the opposite.
  • assertSameElements accepts two container objects as arguments, and ensures that they contain the same set of elements, regardless of order.
  • assertSequenceEqual does enforce order. Further, if there's a failure, it will show a diff comparing the two lists to see exactly how it failed.
  • assertDictEqual, assertSetEqual, assertListEqual, and assertTupleEqual all do the same thing as assertSequenceEqual, except they also ensure that the container objects are the correct type.
  • assertMultilineEqual accepts two multiline strings and ensures they are identical. If they are not, a diff is displayed in the error message.
  • assertRegexpMatches accepts text and a regular expression and confirms that the text matches the regular expression.

Reducing boilerplate and cleaning up

After writing a few small tests, we often find that we have to do the same setup code for several related tests. For example, the following simple list subclass has three methods for simple statistical calculations:

	from collections import defaultdict

	class StatsList(list):
		def mean(self):
			return sum(self) / len(self)
		def median(self):
			if len(self) % 2:
				return self[int(len(self) / 2)]
				idx = int(len(self) / 2)
				return (self[idx] + self[idx-1]) / 2

		def mode(self):
			freqs = defaultdict(int)
			for item in self:
				freqs[item] += 1
			mode_freq = max(freqs.values())
			modes = []
			for item, value in freqs.items():
				if value == mode_freq:
			return modes

Clearly, we're going to want to test situations with each of these three methods that have very similar inputs; we'll want to see what happens with empty lists or with lists containing non-numeric values or with lists containing a normal dataset. We can use the setUp method on the TestCase class to do initialization for each test. This method accepts no arguments, and allows us to do arbitrary setup before each test is run. For example, we can test all three methods on identical lists of integers as follows:

	from stats import StatsList
	import unittest

	class TestValidInputs(unittest.TestCase):
		def setUp(self):
			self.stats = StatsList([1,2,2,3,3,4])
		def test_mean(self):
			self.assertEqual(self.stats.mean(), 2.5)
		def test_median(self):
			self.assertEqual(self.stats.median(), 2.5)
			self.assertEqual(self.stats.median(), 3)
		def test_mode(self):
			self.assertEqual(self.stats.mode(), [2,3])
			self.assertEqual(self.stats.mode(), [3])
	if __name__ == "__main__":

If we run this example, it indicates that all tests pass. Notice first that the setUp method is never explicitly called inside the three test_* methods. The test suite does this on our behalf. More importantly notice how test_median alters the list, by adding an additional 4 to it, yet when test_mode is called, the list has returned to the values specified in setUp (if it had not, there would be two fours in the list, and the mode method would have returned three values). This shows that setUp is called individually before each test, to ensure the test class has a clean slate for testing. Tests can be executed in any order, and the results of one test do not depend on results from another.

In addition to the setUp method, TestCase offers a no-argument tearDown method, which can be used for cleaning up after each and every test on the class has run. This is useful if cleanup entails more than just letting an object be garbage collected. For example, if we are testing code that does file IO, our tests may create new files as a side effect of testing; the tearDown method can be used to remove these files and ensure the system is in the same state it was before the tests ran. Test cases should never have side effects.

In general, we group test methods into separate TestCase subclasses depending on what setup code they have in common. Several tests that require the same or similar setup will be placed in one class, while tests that require unrelated setup go in their own class.

Organizing and running tests

It doesn't take long for a collection of unit tests to grow very large and unwieldy. It quickly becomes complicated to load and run all the tests at once. This is a primary goal of unit testing; it should be trivial to run all tests on our program and get a quick, "yes or no", answer to the question, "Did my recent changes break any existing tests?"

It is possible to collect groups of TestCase objects or modules containing tests into collections called TestSuites, and to load specific tests at specific times. In older versions of Python, this resulted in a lot of boilerplate code just to load and execute all the tests on a project. If this much control is needed, the functionality is still available, but most programmers can use test discovery, which will automatically find and run tests in the current package or subpackages.

Test discovery is built into Python 3.2 (and the simultaneously developed Python 2.7) and later, but can also be used in Python 3.1 or older versions of Python by installing the discover module available from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/discover/.

The discover module basically looks for any modules in the current folder or subfolders with names that start with the characters test. If it finds any TestCase or TestSuite objects in these modules, the tests are executed. It's a painless way to ensure you don't miss running any tests. To use it, simply ensure your test modules are named test_<something>.py and then run one of the following two commands, depending on which version of Python you have installed:

  • Python 3.1 or earlier: python3 -m discover
  • Python 3.2 or later: python3 -m unittest discover

Ignoring broken tests

Sometimes a test is known to fail, but we don't want the test suite to report a failure under those conditions. This may be because a broken or unfinished feature has had tests written, but we aren't currently focusing on improving it. More often, it happens because a feature is only available on a certain platform, Python version, or for advanced versions of a specific library. Python provides us with a few decorators to mark tests as expected to fail or to be skipped under known conditions.

These decorators are:

  • expectedFailure()
  • skip(reason)
  • skipIf(condition, reason)
  • skipUnless(condition, reason)

These are applied using the Python decorator syntax. The first one accepts no arguments, and simply tells the test runner not to record the test as a failure even if it does, in fact, fail. The skip method goes one step further and doesn't even bother to run the test. It expects a single string argument describing why the test was skipped. The other two decorators accept two arguments, one a Boolean expression that indicates whether or not the test should be run, and a similar description. In use, these three decorators might be applied like this:

	import unittest
	import sys
	class SkipTests(unittest.TestCase):
		def test_fails(self):
			self.assertEqual(False, True)
		@unittest.skip("Test is useless")
		def test_skip(self):
			self.assertEqual(False, True)
		@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.minor == 1,
				"broken on 3.1")
		def test_skipif(self):
			self.assertEqual(False, True)
				"broken on linux")
		def test_skipunless(self):
			self.assertEqual(False, True)
	if __name__ == "__main__":

The first test fails, but it is reported as an expected failure; the second test is never run. The other two tests may or may not be run depending on the current Python version and operating system. On my Linux system running Python 3.1 the output looks like this:

	FAIL: test_skipunless (__main__.SkipTests)
	Traceback (most recent call last):
	File "skipping_tests.py", line 21, in test_skipunless
	self.assertEqual(False, True)
	AssertionError: False != True

	Ran 4 tests in 0.001s
	FAILED (failures=1, skipped=2, expected failures=1)

The x on the first line indicates an expected failure; the two s characters represent skipped tests, and the F indicates a real failure, since the conditional to skipUnless was True on my system.

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