How to do it...

The entire code of our module is present in the code folder of this chapter, which is available for download from It creates the database, adds tables to it, and then inserts data into the two tables we created.

Here, we will outline the code without showing all the implementation details in order to preserve space because it would take too many pages to show the entire code:

import MySQLdb as mysql 
import Ch07_Code.GuiDBConfig as guiConf

class MySQL():
# class variable
def connect(self):
# connect by unpacking dictionary credentials
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**guiConf.dbConfig)
# create cursor
cursor = conn.cursor()
return conn, cursor
def close(self, cursor, conn):
# close cursor
def showDBs(self):
# connect to MySQL
def createGuiDB(self):
# connect to MySQL
def dropGuiDB(self):
# connect to MySQL
def useGuiDB(self, cursor):
'''Expects open connection.'''
# select DB
def createTables(self):
# connect to MySQL
# create Table inside DB
def dropTables(self):
# connect to MySQL
def showTables(self):
# connect to MySQL
def insertBooks(self, title, page, bookQuote):
# connect to MySQL
# insert data
def insertBooksExample(self):
# connect to MySQL
# insert hard-coded data
def showBooks(self):
# connect to MySQL
def showColumns(self):
# connect to MySQL
def showData(self):
# connect to MySQL
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create class instance
mySQL = MySQL()

Running the preceding code creates the following tables and data in the database we created:

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