Object mode versus native mode

So far, we have shown how Numba behaves when handling a fairly simple function. In this case, Numba worked exceptionally well, and we obtained great performance on arrays and lists.

The degree of optimization obtainable from Numba depends on how well Numba is able to infer the variable types and how well it can translate those standard Python operations to fast type-specific versions. If this happens, the interpreter is side-stepped and we can get performance gains similar to those of Cython.

When Numba cannot infer variable types, it will still try and compile the code, reverting to the interpreter when the types can't be determined or when certain operations are unsupported. In Numba, this is called object mode and is in contrast to the interpreter-free scenario, called native mode.

Numba provides a function, called inspect_types, that helps understand how effective the type inference was and which operations were optimized. As an example, we can take a look at the types inferred for our sum_sq function:


When this function is called, Numba will print the type inferred for each specialized version of the function. The output consists of blocks that contain information about variables and types associated with them. For example, we can examine the N = len(a) line:

    # --- LINE 4 --- 
# a = arg(0, name=a) :: array(float64, 1d, A)
# $0.1 = global(len: <built-in function len>) ::
Function(<built-in function len>)
# $0.3 = call $0.1(a) :: (array(float64, 1d, A),) -> int64
# N = $0.3 :: int64

N = len(a)

For each line, Numba prints a thorough description of variables, functions, and intermediate results. In the preceding example, you can see (second line) that the argument a is correctly identified as an array of float64 numbers. At LINE 4, the input and return type of the len function is also correctly identified (and likely optimized) as taking an array of float64 numbers and returning an int64.

If you scroll through the output, you can see how all the variables have a well-defined type. Therefore, we can be certain that Numba is able to compile the code quite efficiently. This form of compilation is called native mode.

As a counter example, we can see what happens if we write a function with unsupported operations. For example, as of version 0.30.1, Numba has limited support for string operations.

We can implement a function that concatenates a series of strings, and compiles it as follows:

def concatenate(strings):
result = ''
for s in strings:
result += s
return result

Now, we can invoke this function with a list of strings and inspect the types:

    concatenate(['hello', 'world'])
# Output: [(reflected list(str),)]

Numba will return the output of the function for the reflected list (str) type. We can, for instance, examine how line 3 gets inferred. The output of concatenate.inspect_types() is reproduced here:

    # --- LINE 3 --- 
# strings = arg(0, name=strings) :: pyobject
# $const0.1 = const(str, ) :: pyobject
# result = $const0.1 :: pyobject
# jump 6
# label 6

result = ''

You can see how this time, each variable or function is of the generic pyobject type rather than a specific one. This means that, in this case, Numba is unable to compile this operation without the help of the Python interpreter. Most importantly, if we time the original and compiled function, we note that the compiled function is about three times slower than the pure Python counterpart:

    x = ['hello'] * 1000
%timeit concatenate.py_func(x)
10000 loops, best of 3: 111 µs per loop

%timeit concatenate(x)
1000 loops, best of 3: 317 µs per loop

This is because the Numba compiler is not able to optimize the code and adds some extra overhead to the function call.

As you may have noted, Numba compiled the code without complaints even if it is inefficient. The main reason for this is that Numba can still compile other sections of the code in an efficient manner while falling back to the Python interpreter for other parts of the code. This compilation strategy is called object mode.

It is possible to force the use of native mode by passing the nopython=True option to the nb.jit decorator. If, for example, we apply this decorator to our concatenate function, we observe that Numba throws an error on first invocation:

def concatenate(strings):
result = ''
for s in strings:
result += s
return result

# Exception:
# TypingError: Failed at nopython (nopython frontend)

This feature is quite useful for debugging and ensuring that all the code is fast and correctly typed.

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