
Concurrency is a way to implement a system that is able to deal with multiple requests at the same time. The idea is that we can move on and start handling other resources while we wait for a resource to become available. Concurrency works by splitting a task into smaller subtasks that can be executed out of order so that multiple tasks can be partially advanced without waiting for the previous tasks to finish.  

As a first example, we will describe how to implement concurrent access to a slow network resource. Let's say we have a web service that takes the square of a number, and the time between our request and the response will be approximately one second.  We can implement the network_request function that takes a number and returns a dictionary that contains information about the success of the operation and the result. We can simulate such services using the time.sleep function, as follows:

    import time

def network_request(number):
return {"success": True, "result": number ** 2}

We will also write some additional code that performs the request, verifies that the request was successful, and prints the result. In the following code, we define the fetch_square function and use it to calculate the square of the number two using a call to network_request:

    def fetch_square(number):
response = network_request(number)
if response["success"]:
print("Result is: {}".format(response["result"]))

# Output:
# Result is: 4

Fetching a number from the network will take one second because of the slow network. What if we want to calculate the square of multiple numbers? We can call fetch_square, which will start a network request as soon as the previous one is done:

# Output:
# Result is: 4
# Result is: 9
# Result is: 16

The previous code will take three seconds to run, but it's not the best we can do. Waiting for the previous result to finish is unnecessary as we can technically submit multiple requests at and wait for them parallely.

In the following diagram, the three tasks are represented as boxes. The time spent by the CPU processing and submitting the request is in orange while the waiting times are in blue. You can see how most of the time is spent waiting for the resources while our machine sits idle without doing anything else:

Ideally, we would like to start other new task while we are waiting for the already submitted tasks to finish. In the following figure, you can see that as soon as we submit our request in fetch_square(2), we can start preparing for fetch_square(3) and so on. This allows us to reduce the CPU waiting time and to start processing the results as soon as they become available:

This strategy is made possible by the fact that the three requests are completely independent, and we don't need to wait for the completion of a previous task to start the next one. Also, note how a single CPU can comfortably handle this scenario. While distributing the work on multiple CPUs can further speedup the execution, if the waiting time is large compared to the processing times, the speedup will be minimal.

To implement concurrency, it is necessary to think and code differently; in the following sections, we'll demonstrate techniques and best practices to implement robust concurrent applications.

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