Section 2: Practical Python Machine Learning By Example

In this section, readers will learn several important machine learning algorithms and techniques through the process of solving real-world problems. The journey of learning machine learning by example includes mining natural language text data with dimensionality reduction and clustering algorithms, content topic discovery and categorization, online ad click-through prediction with various supervised learning algorithms, scaling up learning to a million records, and predicting stock prices with various regression algorithms.

This section includes the following chapters:

  • Chapter 2, Exploring the 20 Newsgroups Dataset with Text Analysis Techniques
  • Chapter 3, Mining the 20 Newsgroups Dataset with Clustering and Topic Modeling Algorithms
  • Chapter 4, Detecting Spam Email with Naive Bayes
  • Chapter 5, Classifying News Topic with Support Vector Machine
  • Chapter 6, Predicting Online Ads Click-Through with Tree-Based Algorithms
  • Chapter 7, Predicting Online Ads Click-Through with Logistic Regression
  • Chapter 8, Scaling Up Prediction to Terabyte Click Logs
  • Chapter 9, Stock Price Prediction with Regression Algorithms
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