Building a web scraping bot – a practical example

At this point of time, our minds got enlightened with all sorts of clues to scrape the Web. With all the information acquired, let's look at a practical example. Now, we will create a web scraping bot, which will pull a list of words from a web resource and store them in a JSON file.

Let's turn on the scraping mode!

The web scraping bot

Here, the web scraping bot is an automated script that has the capability to extract words from a website named This website consists of various tests and Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) word lists. With this web scraping bot, we will scrape the previously mentioned website and create a list of GRE words and their meanings in a JSON file.

The following image is the sample page of the website that we are going to scrape:

The web scraping bot

Before we kick start the scraping process, let's revise the dos and don't of web scraping as mentioned in the initial part of the chapter. Believe it or not they will definitely leave us in peace:

  • Do refer to the terms and conditions: Yes, before scraping, refer to the terms and conditions of the site and obtain the necessary legal permissions to scrape it.
  • Don't bombard the server with a lot of requests: Keeping this in mind, for every request that we are going to send to the website, a delay has been instilled using Python's time.sleep function.
  • Do track the web resource from time to time: We ensured that the code runs perfectly with the website that is running on the server. Do check the site once before starting to scrape, so that it won't break the code. This can be made possible by running some unit tests, which conform to the structure we expected.

Now, let's start the implementation by following the steps to scrape that we discussed previously.

Identifying the URL or URLs

The first step in web scraping is to identify the URL or a list of URLs that will result in the required resources. In this case, our intent is to find all the URLs that result in the expected list of GRE words. The following is the list of the URLs of the sites that we are going to scrape:,,, and so on

Our aim is to scrape words from nine such URLs, for which we found a common pattern. This will help us to crawl all of them. The common URL pattern for all those URLs is written using Python's string object, as follows:

In our implementation, we defined a method called generate_urls, which will generate the required list of URLs using the preceding URL string. The following snippet demonstrates the process in a Python shell:

>>> START_PAGE, END_PAGE = 1, 10
>>> URL = ""
>>> def generate_urls(url, start_page, end_page):
...     urls = []
...     for page in range(start_page, end_page):
...         urls.append(url % page)
...     return urls
>>> generate_urls(URL, START_PAGE, END_PAGE)
['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']

Using an HTTP client

We will use the requests module as an HTTP client to get the web resources:

>>> import requests
>>> def get_resource(url):
...     return requests.get(url)
>>> get_resource("")
<Response [200]>

In the preceding code, the get_resource function takes url as an argument and uses the requests module to get the resource.

Discovering the pieces of data to scrape

Now, it is time to analyze and classify the contents of the web page. The content in this context is a list of words with their definitions. In order to identify the elements of the words and their definitions, we used Chrome DevTools. The perceived information of the elements (HTML elements) can help us to identify the word and its definition, which can be used in the process of scraping.

To carry this out open the URL ( in the Chrome browser and access the Inspect element option by right-clicking on the web page:

Discovering the pieces of data to scrape

From the preceding image, we can identify the structure of the word list, which appears in the following manner:

<div class="grid_9 alpha">
  <h3>Group 1</h3>
  <a name="1"></a>
  <table class="wordlist">
        <td>narrow-minded, prejudiced person</td>

By looking at the parts of the previously referred to web page, we can interpret the following:

  • Each web page consists of a word list
  • Every word list has many word groups that are defined in the same div tag
  • All the words in a word group are described in a table having the class attribute—wordlist
  • Each and every table row (tr) in the table represents a word and its definition using the th and td tags, respectively

Utilizing a web scraping tool

Let's use BeautifulSoup4 as a web scraping tool to parse the obtained web page contents that we received using the requests module in one of the previous steps. By following the preceding interpretations, we can direct BeautifulSoup to access the required content of the web page and deliver it as an object:

def make_soup(html_string):
    return BeautifulSoup(html_string)

In the preceding lines of code, the make_soup method takes the html content in the form of a string and returns a BeautifulSoup object.

Drawing the desired data

The BeautifulSoup object that we obtained in the previous step is used to extract the required words and their definitions from it. Now, with the methods available in the BeautifulSoup object, we can navigate through the obtained HTML response, and then we can extract the list of words and their definitions:

def get_words_from_soup(soup):
    words = {}

    for count, wordlist_table in enumerate(

        title = "Group %d" % (count + 1)

        new_words = {}
        for word_entry in wordlist_table.find_all('tr'):
            new_words[] =

        words[title] = new_words

    return words

In the preceding lines of code, get_words_from_soup takes a BeautifulSoup object and then looks for all the words contained in the wordlists class using the instance's find_all() method, and then returns a dictionary of words.

The dictionary of words obtained previously will be saved in a JSON file using the following helper method:

def save_as_json(data, output_file):
    """ Writes the given data into the specified output file"""
    with open(output_file, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(data, outfile)

On the whole, the process can be depicted in the following program:

import json
import time

import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

START_PAGE, END_PAGE, OUTPUT_FILE = 1, 10, 'words.json'

# Identify the URL
URL = ""

def generate_urls(url, start_page, end_page):
    This method takes a 'url' and returns a generated list of url strings

        params: a 'url', 'start_page' number and 'end_page' number
        return value: a list of generated url strings
    urls = []
    for page in range(start_page, end_page):
        urls.append(url % page)
    return urls

def get_resource(url):
    This method takes a 'url' and returns a 'requests.Response' object

        params: a 'url'
        return value: a 'requests.Response' object
    return requests.get(url)

def make_soup(html_string):
    This method takes a 'html string' and returns a 'BeautifulSoup' object

        params: html page contents as a string
        return value: a 'BeautifulSoup' object
    return BeautifulSoup(html_string)

def get_words_from_soup(soup):

    This method extracts word groups from a given 'BeautifulSoup' object

        params: a BeautifulSoup object to extract data
        return value: a dictionary of extracted word groups

    words = {}
    count = 0

    for wordlist_table in soup.find_all(class_='wordlist'):

        count += 1
        title = "Group %d" % count

        new_words = {}
        for word_entry in wordlist_table.find_all('tr'):
            new_words[] =

        words[title] = new_words
        print " - - Extracted words from %s" % title

    return words

def save_as_json(data, output_file):
    """ Writes the given data into the specified output file"""
            json.dump(data, open(output_file, 'w'))

def scrapper_bot(urls):
    Scrapper bot:
        params: takes a list of urls

        return value: a dictionary of word lists containing
                      different word groups

    gre_words = {}
    for url in urls:

        print "Scrapping %s" % url.split('/')[-1]

        # step 1

        # get a 'url'

        # step 2
        html = requets.get(url)

        # step 3
        # identify the desired pieces of data in the url using Browser tools

        #step 4
        soup = make_soup(html.text)

        # step 5
        words = get_words_from_soup(soup)

        gre_words[url.split('/')[-1]] = words

        print "sleeping for 5 seconds now"

    return gre_words

if __name__ == '__main__':

    urls = generate_urls(URL, START_PAGE, END_PAGE+1)

    gre_words = scrapper_bot(urls)

    save_as_json(gre_words, OUTPUT_FILE)

Here is the content of the words.json file:

    {"Group 10":
        {"Devoured": "greedily eaten/consumed",
         "Magnate": "powerful businessman",
         "Cavalcade": "procession of vehicles",
         "Extradite": "deport from one country back to the home...
..................Content has been hidden....................

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