
Thanks to the team at Morgan Kaufmann for inviting us to prepare a second edition. Many thanks to Lynda Finn, Linda Lior, and Phil Kortum for their thoughtful reviews of various draft chapters of this book. We deeply appreciate their time and helpful comments.


This book represents 10 years of research, resampling, and reading dozens of journal articles from many disciplines to help answer questions in an exciting field. Through the process not only am I satisfied with the answers I’ve found but also with what I’ve learned and the people whom I’ve met, most notably my coauthor Jim Lewis. Thank you to my family for the patience and encouragement through the process.


Thanks to everyone who has made my career in usability and user experience so interesting and enjoyable—from my co-author Jeff Sauro to the user experience teams at IBM and State Farm to those who chose to pursue careers in teaching and under whom I had the great fortune to study. As always, thanks to my family for their encouragement and support.


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