
The studies, data, results, and guidelines compiled in the book are the result of many talented engineers at Intel who have a strong passion for BIOS and firmware. The contributions they have made and the time they have spent, much of it outside their normal duties, deserve to be acknowledged.

For significant contributions to this book for analyses, cases studies, and written content, I’d like to thank these talented engineers:

Jim Pelner—who crafted the original white paper that echoes the main themes of this book and for contributing to several chapters early on.

Jaben Carsey—who wrote the shell chapter in the book above and beyond his many contributions to the UEFI shells in general.

Sam Fleming—who created Appendix A and has been one of my mentors in BIOS from the beginning.

Mike Rothman, Anton Cheng, Linda Weyhing, Rob Gough, Siddharth Shah, and Chee Keong Sim—for their exquisite multiyear collaboration around the fast boot concept and multiple case studies over the year.

BIOS vendor Insyde Software for donating feedback and volunteering for the foreword.

Thanks to my program manager, Stuart Douglas, for getting me through the writing phase and then on to the finish line (are we there yet?).

Reviewer comments and suggestions were extremely valuable for both editions of this work. I deeply appreciate those who took the time to provide indispensable feedback, including Drew Jensen, Mark Doran, Jeff Griffen, John Mitkowski, and Dong Wei and at my publisher, Jeff Pepper, Megan Lester, Mark Watanabe and Angie MacAllister for her work on fixing the art and tables.

I would also like to acknowledge my peers in the BIOS/FW engineering and architecture teams within the computer industry for their drive to make this technology an ever more valuable (and less obtrusive) part of people’s everyday lives. Lastly, I want to thank my wife, Anita, for her patience and everything she’s done to allow me time to complete this.

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