Supervised social media mining – lexicon-based sentiment

Lexicon-based sentiment classification is perhaps the most basic technique for measuring the polarity of the sentiment of a group of documents (that is, a corpus). Lexicon-based sentiment measurement requires a dictionary of words (a lexicon) and each word's associated polarity score. For example, a lexicon may contain the word excellent, which might have a score of positive two. Similarly, the word crummy may score negative one and a half. In the simplest implementation of lexicon-based sentiment analysis, all of the words in a document are compared to the words in the lexicon. Every time a word is used that is in the lexicon, the associated score is added to that text's overall sentiment score. For example, the sentence "I found the customer assistance to be excellent," would score a positive two.

A lexicon-based sentiment often entails merely counting the opinion words from a subset of data from a particular source. This approach certainly has errors, as does perhaps all natural language processing; however, in aggregate, the lexicon-based approach has proven to be fairly robust, even when only used on subsets. Additionally, there are many possible ways to aggregate the sentiment scores of each word, but most commonly, they are simply summed up to form an overall score for a document.

Despite lexicon-based sentiment classification being considered here as basic, it is still difficult. This is primarily due to the fact that when counting words with positive or negative valences, one must decide which words to count as each. Different dictionaries of positive and negative words can generate different sentiment scores for the same sentences. Some words with perceived sentiment are more neutral, while others have perceived neutrality, but are in fact more extreme. This challenge arises, in part, due to varied usages of words within and across contexts.

Preassembled lexicons are incredible resources and are applicable for a wide variety of problems—we use several in Chapter 6, Social Media Mining – Case Studies. Despite subtle differences, they are all good starting points, but they are just that, starting points and not end points. Rather than utilizing a preassembled lexicon indiscriminately, researchers should often develop lexicons that are sensitive to the domain they are analyzing. For instance, a lexicon that is useful for economic atmospherics (where moderate and stable are positive) may prove useless for examining political leanings. Preassembled domain-specific lexicons exist as well and two popular economic lexicons will be used later. There are many approaches to extending both generic preassembled lexicons as well as domain-specific preassembled lexicons, and we will describe two rather intuitive ones, dictionary-based lexicons, and corpus-based lexicons in addition to preassembled lexicons.

Both dictionary-based and corpus-based approaches augment preassembled lexicons in one of the following two ways:

  • Using a dictionary (that is, synonyms and antonyms) to add keywords external to our corpus to enhance our preassembled lexicon(s)
  • Using the corpus directly to add words already internal to our corpus that are keywords but are not accounted for by preassembled lexicons

Merging preassembled lexicons, dictionary-based lexicons, and corpus-based lexicons offers the best chance to successfully estimate sentiment.

The two approaches (dictionary and corpus) produce empirically constructed lexicons that seek to calibrate the underlying sentiment by adding to the preassembled lexicons. The intuition is words appearing in the complete collection of lexicons (preassembled, dictionary, and corpus) within our set of documents returned from a narrow topic (the search set) are more likely to objectively describe sentiment information. In the lexicon approach, it is sufficient to simply count the frequency of words from our lexicons with the set of documents returned from our topic of interest and sum the results over time, by space or by product. The next chapter outlines this process in detail and sums the results' set over time where the target is the US economy.

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