Supervised social media mining – Naive Bayes classifiers

Methods to extract sentiments from documents can be broadly classified into supervised and unsupervised approaches (semisupervised approaches are also available but are outside the scope of this text. Interested readers can consult Abney (2007)). Supervised methods are those that utilize data that has been tagged or labeled. In the parlance of statistics, these approaches utilize observations with both independent and dependent variables. For instance, the following Naive Bayes classifier approach involves a training dataset of documents that have already been scored as having positive or negative sentiment; a statistical model based on these forms the basis of scoring further documents. In contrast, unsupervised learning algorithms do not require a dependent variable to be provided. For instance, the IRT-based method described later in this chapter scales documents along a continuum of sentiments with no need to provide a labeled training set. Additionally, lexicon-based approaches mentioned earlier can also function without prelabeled observations.

The Naive Bayes classifier, in spite of its unfortunate name, turns out to be a highly useful tool for sentiment analysis. At the most general level, the Naive Bayes classifier is exactly that: a classifier. Classifiers are statistical tools that are used for, among other things, predicting which of two or more classes a new observation belongs to. In our case, we want to train our classifier to be able to distinguish documents featuring positive sentiment from those featuring negative sentiment (the two types or classes of interest). To do so, we feed the algorithm a large set of documents that are already coded as containing positive or negative sentiments about a particular topic. Then, if all goes as planned, we can pass new documents to the model and have it predict the direction of their sentiment, or valence, for us. The downside to this and other supervised techniques is having to handcode a sufficient set of initial training data.

So, where did the naive part of the name come from, and why is this method useful in spite of its self-assumed simplicity? The goal of any classifier is to determine which class or type a new observation belongs to based on its characteristics and previous examples from both types that we have seen before (that is, from existing data). Some types of classifiers can account for the fact that the characteristics we use for this prediction may be correlated. That is, if we are trying to predict whether an e-mail is spam or not by looking at what words and phrases the e-mail contains, the words easy and money are likely to co-occur (and are likely to be indicative of spam messages). The Naive Bayes classifier does not try to account for correlations between characteristics. It just uses each characteristic separately to try to determine each new observation's class membership.

The naive assumption that all of the characteristics of an observation are unrelated is always wrong. In predicting whether or not to extend a loan to an individual, a bank may look at their credit score, whether or not they own a home, their income, and their current debt level. Obviously, all of these things are likely to be correlated. However, ignoring the correlations between predictive characteristics allows us to do two things that would otherwise be problematic. First, it allows us to include a huge number of characteristics, which becomes important. This is because in text analysis, individual words often have predictive characteristics, and documents often contain thousands of unique words. Other models have a difficult time accommodating this number of predictors. Secondly, the Naive Bayes classifier is fast, thus allowing us to use large training sets to train a model and to generate results quickly.

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