1. The real Grassmannians


The involutio-179485985n of X, corresponding to the change of orientation of an m-plane of F, is an isometry of X. The group -179485785of isometries of X generated by -179485585, which is of order 2, acts freely on X and we may consider the Riemannian manifold -179485385endowed with the Riemannian metric gY induced by g. The natural projection -179485185 is a two-fold covering. We identify Y with the real Grassmannian -179484885 of all m-planes in F. When m = 1, the Grassmannian -179484685 is the projective space of F.

Let VY and WY be the vector bundles over Y whose fibers at the point y-179484285 Y are equal to Vx and Wx, respectively, where x is one of the points of X satisfying -179484085 (x) = y. Then the tangent space T-179483885Y,y of Y at y Y is identified with -179483685

For x-179483285 X, the tangent space T(x) is equal to -179482785 it is easily verified that the mappin-179482585 is equal to the identity mapping of -179482385 A vector field on X is even (resp. odd) with respect to the involu-179482085tion if = (resp. = -). We say that a symmetric p-form u on X is even (resp. odd) with respect to -179481885if -179481685 where = 1 (resp.-179481485 = -1). Such a form u is even if and only if we can write -179481285 where -179481085is a symmetric p-form on Y . If E is a sub-bundle of -179480785invariant under the isometry-179480585 , there exists a unique sub-bundle EY of -179480385 such that, for all x-179479885 X, the isomorphism -179479685 where y =-179478885 induces by restriction an isomorphism : E-179478685 symmetric p-form u on Y is a section of EY if and only if the even symmetric p-form -179478485 on X is a section of E.

Throughout the remainder of this section, we suppose that n 1. The curvature R of the Riemannian manifold (X, g) is determined by


We denote by -179477685 the sub-bundle of -179477485 which is the orthogonal complement, with respect to the scalar product induced by g1, of the line bundle {g1} generated by the section g1 of -179477285. Similarly, we denote by -179477085Wthe sub-bundle of -179476885which is the orthogonal complement of the line bundle {g2} generated by the section g2. We consider the sub-bundles


We also consider the Grassmannians -179476385= and -179475885 the natural projection : -179475385 and the involution of -179475085 Let -179474885 be the canonical vector bundle of rank n over -179474685whose fiber at -179474485 is the subspace of F determined by the oriented n-plane a, and let -179474285 be the vector bundle of rank m over -179474085whose fiber over a-179473785 Xis the orthogonal complement -179473585 of -179473085 in F. As above, we identify the tangent bundle of -179472585Xwith the bundle -179472285 the scalar product on F induces Riemannian metrics on -179472085and -179471885 . There is a natural diffeomorphism


sending an m-plane of F into its orthogonal complement. When m = n, this mapping is an involution of -179471385 in this case, we say that a symmetric p-form u on Y is even (resp. odd) if -179470885 where-179470685 = 1 (resp-179470485. = -1).

Now suppose that the vector space F is oriented and let-179470085 be a unit vector of-179469885 which is positive with respect to the orientation of F. The oriented m-plane x-179469685 X gives us an orientation of Vx, which in turn induces an orientation of Wx: if {v1, . . . , vm} is a positively oriented orthonormal basis of Vx, then the orientation of Wx is determined by an orthonormal basis {w1, . . . ,wn} of Wx satisfying


endowed with the Riemannian metrics g and gY induced by the standard Euclidean scalar product of -179469185 Throughout the remainder of this section, we also suppose that m + n 3.

The group SO(m + n) acting on -179468485 sends every oriented m-plane into another oriented m-plane. This gives rise to an action of the group SO(m + n) on X. In fact, the group SO(m + n) acts transitively on the Riemannian manifold (X, g) by isometries. The isotropy group of the point x0 of X corresponding to the vector e-179467985 is the subgroup -179467785 of SO(m + n) consisting of the matrices



If B is the Killing form of -179465085 the restriction to -179464885 of the scalar product -B is invariant under the adjoint action of K and therefore induces an SO(m + n)-invariant metric -179464685 on the homogeneous space SO(m + n)/K. Endowed with this metric g0, the manifold SO(m + n)/K is a symmetric space of compact type of rank min(m, n). It is easily verified that -179464485 Thus is an isometry from the symmetric space SO(m + n)/K, endowed with the metric


to X; henceforth, we shall identify these Riemannian manifolds by means of this SO(m + n)-equivariant isometry. From Lemma 1.21, we again obtain the equality (4.3). Moreover, the symmetric space SO(m + n)/K is irreducible unless m = n = 2. On the other hand, we shall see below that the Grassmannian -179463985 is not irreducible and is in fact isometric to a product of 2-spheres (see Proposition 4.3).





We now suppose that m = n = 3. If we identify the vector bundle -179455185 with V and the vector bundle -179454985with W by means of the scalar products g1 on V and g2 on W, the Hodge operators


when m = n = 3. We recall that the Grassmannian -179454485 is isometric to the symmetric space SU(4)/SO(4) (see [36, p. 519]). Thus by Lemma 2.41, we know that the space Hom-179453985 vanishes for the space -179453085 when m, n 3 and m + n 7, and that Hom-179452885 is one-dimensional for the space -179451785 as we have just seen, both of these assertions are also consequences of Lemma 4.1.

Let -179451385 be the element of the dual of the group SO(m + n) which is the equivalence class of the irreducible SO(m + n)-module -179451185. We denote by K the SO(m + n)-module of all Killing vector fields on X and by KC its complexification. The irreducible symmetric space X is not equal to-179450985 a simple Lie group. Thus according to (2.27), we know that the SO(m+n)module -179450785 is irreducible and is equal to KC. When m + n 7, by (4.16) the Frobenius reciprocity theorem tells us that


(ii) If m = n = 3, then E(X) is an irreducible SO(6)-module isomorphic to the Lie algebra -179449585 and is equal to the SO(6)-submodule


When m + n 7, the vanishing of the space E(X) is also given by Theorem 1.22 (see Koiso [41] and [42]).

For the remainder of this section, we suppose that m = n 2. Then the isometry-179448885 of the Grassmannian -179448685 is an involution. The group of isometries of Y generated by -179448485, which is of order 2, acts freely on Y and we may consider the Riemannian manifold -179448085 equal to the quotient -179447885Y/endowed with the Riemannian metric -179447585 induced by g. The natural projections -179447385 and -179447185 are two-fold and four-fold coverings, respectively. The action of the group SO(2n) on Y passes to the quotient -179446985 In fact, SO(2n) acts transitively on -179446785 and it is easily verified that the isotropy group of the point -179446585 is equal to the subgroup of SO(2n) generated by -179446285and the matrix


of SO(2n). In fact, -179445685 is a symmetric space of compact type of rank n. When n 3, it is irreducible and equal to the adjoint space of X and of Y . On the other hand, when n = 2, it is not irreducible, and we have the following result, whose proof appears below i-179445485n 9, Chapter V:

PROPOSITION 4.3. The symmetric space (-179445085 endowed with the Riemannian metric which is the product of the metrics of constant curvature 1 on each factor is isometric to the Grassmannian -179444285 endowed with the Riemannian metric -179444085Y ).

The following proposition is a direct consequence of Propositions 4.3 and 10.2, and of Theorem 2.23,(ii).

PROPOSITION 4.4. The maximal flat Radon transform for functions on the symmetric space -179443485G

R2 ,2 is injective.

The notion of even or odd tensor on Y (with respect to the involutive isometry -179442885 defined here coincides with the one considered in 4, Chapter II. In fact, a section u of -179442685 over Y is even if and only if we can write -179442185 where -179441985 is a symmetric p-form on -179441685Y . Lemma 2.17 gives us the following result:

LEMMA 4.5. A symmetric p-form u on -179441085 satisfies the Guillemin condition if and only if the even symmetric p-form -179440885 on -179440685 satisfies the Guillemin condition.

-1794403852. The Guillemin condition on the real Grassmannians

Let m, n 1 be given integers. In this section, we again consider the real Grassmannians X = -179439985 and Y = -179439785 endowed with the metrics g and gY , and the natural Riemannian submersion -179439585 and continue to identify the tangent bundle T of X with the vector bundle -179439385 as in-179439185 1.



of closed totally geodesic submanifolds of -179438485 Indeed, using the above description of the mappin-179438285 at (x1, . . . , xr), we see that the tangent spaces of these two submanifolds of -179438085 at x are equal. From the formula for the curvature of -179437885 we infer that ExpxV 1 W1 is a totally geodesic submanifold of -179437285 and a globally symmetric space. Clearly, the sub-manifold -179436585 possesses these same properties. In fact, the subgroup SO(m+n, V1) of SO(m+n) consisting of all elements of SO(m+n) which preserve the subspace V1 and which are the identity on the orthogonal complement of V1 acts transitively on these submanifolds by isometries. These various observations yield the relation (4.21), which in turn gives us the equality


From the above observations and the equalities (4.21) and (4.22), we obtain:


(ii) if u is an even (resp. odd) symmetric form on X, the form -179435785iu on Z is even (resp. odd);

(iii) if h is a section of the sub-bundle E of -179435385over X, then -179435185ih is a section of the sub-bundle EZ of -179434985.

If the subspaces Vj are all 2-dimensional and the integers pj are all equal to 1, then the images of the mappings-179434285 and are totally geodesic flat r-tori of -179434085 and -179433885 In particular, when m -179433685n and r = m, these images are maximal flat totally geodesic tori of -179433485 and -179433185 and all maximal flat totally geodesic tori of -179432985 and -179432785 arise in this way. On the other hand when n < m and r = n + 1, if the subspaces Vj are 2-dimensional and pj = 1 for -179432585 and if -179432385 = m - n, then the images


m-From Lemma 2.17, or from the commutativity of diagram (4.23) and the above remarks concerning totally geodesic flat tori of the Grassmanni-ans, we obtain the following result:

LEMMA 4.7. A symmetric p-form u on Y satisfies the Guillemin condition if and only if the even symmetric p-form -179431685 on X satisfies the Guillemin condition.


of Y , which is isometric to -179431085 If u is a symmetric p-form on Y satisfying the Guillemin condition, then the restriction of u to -179430885 satisfies the Guillemin condition.



holds. Now we suppose that u satisfies the Guillemin condition; then the above integral vanishes, and so the function f on the real projective space -179430285 of dimension-179430085 2 satisfies the zero-energy condition. The injec-tivity of the X-ray transform for functions on the real projective space of dimension -1794298852, given by Theorem 2.23,(ii), tells us that the function f vanishes. From the equality f(x0) = 0, we infer that the restriction of u to -179429685 satisfies the Guillemin condition.

The following proposition is a generalization of Lemma 5.3 of [23].



From Proposition 4.10 and Lemma 4.6, by means of the isometries : GR ,p we deduce the following: -179424185

PROPOSITION 4.12. Let y be a point of the real Grassmannian Y = -179423185 Let -179422985 be a closed totally geodesic submanifold of Y isometric to the real Grassmannian -179422785 which can be written in the form Expy-179422085 where -179421785 is a q-dimensional subspace of V-179421585 and -179421385 is an r-dimensional subspace of -179421185 Assume either that 2 -179420985m < n and r = n, or that 2 n < m and q = m. If u is a symmetric p-form on Y satisfying the Guillemin condition, then the restriction of u to -179420785 satisfies the Guillemin condition.

When -179420385 the following proposition is a consequence of Propositions 4.11 and 4.12 and Lemma 4.6. If -179420185 in the following proposition, the submanifold -179419985 of Y considered there has the same rank as Y , and in this case the conclusion of the proposition is immediate.

PROPOSITION 4.13. Let y be a point of the real Grassmannian Y = -179419585 with 2 -179419385m < n. Let -179419185Y be a closed totally geodesic submanifold of Y isometric to the real Grassmannian -179418985 which can be written in the form -179418785 where -179417885is a q-dimensional subspace of -179417685 If u is a symmetric p-form on Y satisfying the Guillemin condition, then the restriction of u to -179417485 satisfies the Guillemin condition.

From Proposition 4.12 and the injectivity of the X-ray transform for functions on a real projective space, we now obtain the following proposition, which is also given by Theorem 2.24.

PROPOSITION 4.14. For m, -179416885n 2, with -179416685 the maximal flat Radon transform for functions on the real Grassmannian -179416485 is injective.


PROOF: Let Z be the closed totally geodesic submanifold of Y equal ,n; clearly to Expy-179415985 which is isometric to the real Grassmannian -179415785 is a totally geodesic submanifold of Z. Let-179415585 be a 1-form on Y satisfying the Guillemin condition. By Proposition 4.12, the restriction of-179415385 to the submanifold Z satisfies the zero-energy condition; therefore so does the restriction -179415185 of to the submanifold -179414885 By Theorem 3.26, we know that is exact.

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