From the above discussion concerning the parallel vector fields on the totally geodesic flat 2-torus Z and from the relations (6.8), we deduce the following result:

PROPOSITION 6.3. Let h be a section of -179220685 over -179220485, with n-179220285 3. The symmetric 2-form h satisfies the Guillemin condition if and only if the two symmetric 2-forms -179220085 and-179219885 satisfy the Guillemin condition.

Let N be an odd integer -1792194851; we consider the closed geodesic


-1792190853. Symmetric forms on the complex quadric

We now introduce certain symmetric 2-forms on X which are defined in [23-179218685, 4]; we shall also recall some of their properties which are established in [23].




for all p 0. Lemma 7.7 of [23] asserts the following:

LEMMA 6.5. Let r, s 0 be given integers. The non-zero elements of the set of generators of the space -179217785 form a basis of -179217585. More precisely, the dimensions and bases of the non-zero spaces -179217385 are given by the following table:



LEMMA 6.6. If -179216685 the non-zero elements of the set of generators of the spaces -179216485 and -179216085 form bases of these spaces. More precisely, the dimensions and bases of the non-zero spaces -179215585 and -179215085 are given by the following table:



-1792133854. Computing integrals of symmetric forms

In this section and the next one, we shall compute integrals of symmetric 2-forms over specific closed geodesics of X. Each of these geodesics is contained in one of the families of flat 2-tori of X considered in [23, -1792139854]. Thus many of the computations appearing in these two sections of this chapter are the same or similar to those of [23,-179213785 4].

We consider the torus Z0 introduced in -1792133852 and we shall use the objects associated there with this torus. In particular, we shall identify a function f on -179213185 satisfying



for -179210385 Since cos2 t sin2(r+s) t 0, the lemma is a consequence of the equality (6.13) and the above relation.

Let -179209985be a given real number; we set -179209785ì = cos and -179209585= sin . If -179209385 is the inclusion mapping of the complex hypersurface -179209185V into V , the symmetric 2-forms -179208885 and -179208685 on -179208485 satisfy the relations


LEMMA 6.10. Let r, s -1792079850 be given integers. Then there exists -1792077850


does not vanish.

PROOF: The coefficient of -179207085 of the polynomial -179206885 is equal


which is positive, and so the polynomial -179206385 is non-zero. Hence there exists a real number -179206185 such that the expressions cos 0 and -179205985 do not vanish. Therefore by (6.12) and (6.22), we infer that the integral of the lemma corresponding to this element -179205785 does not vanish.

Let -179205385be the element of G defined by



-1792047855. Computing integrals of odd symmetric forms

This section is a continuation of the preceding one. Its results will only be used in the proofs of the lemmas of 6,-179204385 which we require for Propositions 6.28 and 6.34 and for Theorem 6.36. This last theorem is needed in -1792041858 to establish the infinitesimal rigidity of the quadric -179203985 of dimension 3.

If k, l 0 are given integers, we set




does not vanish.

LEMMA 6.14. Let -179200785r 0 and s 2 be given integers, with s even. Then there exists 12628 such that the integral


does not vanish.

Let r 0 and s 1 be given integers. Since the elements-179197685 of G induce isometries of X, according to Lemmas 6.13 and 6.14, the symmetric


PROOF: By formulas (6.32) and (6.35), there exists an explicit polynomial P(u) of degre-179197185e 3 in u such that



PROOF: By formulas (6.32) and (6.37), there exists an explicit polynomial -179196485 of degree 3 in u such that


for -179195985 moreover, we verify that the coefficient of u2 of -179195785 is equal to


If the symmetric 2-form h satisfies the zero-energy condition, the polynomial Q vanishes and so, by Lemma 6.12, we obtain the relation (6.38).


PROOF: By (6.30) and the formulas involvin-179194885g which appear after Lemma 6.15, we obtain expressions for the functions-179194685 on Z0, with 1 -179194485j 8. By the relations (6.11)–(6.13), with N = 1, there exists an explicit polynomial P(u) of degree-179194285 in u such that


for -179193785all R. Since the symmetric 2-form h satisfies the zero-energy condition, this polynomial P vanishes. The vanishing of the coefficient of-179193585 of P(u) gives us the relation (6.41). Next, we give equalities analogous to those appearing after Lemma 6.14, with-179193385 replaced by the element-179193185 of G defined in -179192985 4. Then by (6.19) and these formulas, we obtain expressions for the functions-179192685 on Z0, with 1 j -1791924858. Using relations (6.11)–(6.13), with N = 1, we compute an explicit polynomial -179192285 of degree -179192085 in u such that


for -179191585 Our hypotheses imply that this polynomial -179191385 vanishes. The vanishing of the coefficient of -179191185(resp. of gives us the relation (6.39) (resp. the relation (6.40)). Moreover, when r is odd, the equality (--179190985 = 0 is equivalent to (6.42), while the equality -179190785 = 0 is equivalent to (6.43). On the other hand, when r is even, the equality Q(1) = 0 is equivalent to (6.44), while the equality -179190485 = 0 is equivalent to (6.45).

Let r, s 0 be fixed integers; we now consider the sections -179190085 with -179189885 defined in 3.


PROOF: We first derive equalities analogous to (6.30) and to those appearing after Lemma 6.14, wit-179189385h replaced by -179189185, with -179188985 Since we ha-179188785ve = ,0, these new formulas generalize those given above; we also remark that -179188585. We then obtain expressions for the ,functions -179187985 and



for all -179187285 If the symmetric 2-form h satisfies the zero-energy condition, the polynomials Q1 and Q2 vanish; the vanishing of the coefficients of -179187085 and -179186885 in the polynomial Q1(u) give us the relations (6.48) and (6.49), respectively, while the vanishing of the coefficient of-179186685 in the polynomial Q2(u) give us the relation (6.50).

LEMMA 6.20. Let r, s 0 be given integers, with s even, and let a1, a2, a3, a4 be given complex numbers. Suppose that a3 = 0 when r = 0, and that a4 = 0 when s = 0. If the section


for -179185985 Here we require formulas (6.19) and (6.21) and certain formulas used in proving Lemma 6.17. The equality P(0) = 0 is equivalent to (6.52), while the equality -179185785 = 0 is equivalent to (6.51). On the other hand, when r is even, the equality P(1) = 0 is equivalent to (6.53). When r is odd, the equality P(-1) = 0 is equivalent to the relation


We easily see that the relations (6.52) and (6.54) imply that (6.53) holds. If the symmetric 2-form h satisfies the zero-energy condition, the polynomial P vanishes, and we obtain the desired equalities.

LEMMAS 6.17–6.20 are due to Tela Nlenvo; details of the proofs of these lemmas can be found in [52].

-1791849856. Bounds for the dimensions of spaces of symmetric forms

In this section, we use the results of -179184585 4 and 5 to give bounds for the dimension of certain spaces which we shall need in-179184385 7.

LEMMA 6.21. Let r, s 0 be given integers, with s even. Then we have


PROOF: For r -1791835851, s 2, the determinant of the -179183385 matrix, whose entries are the coefficients of a1, a2 and a3 in the relations (6.51), (6.52) and (6.53), is equal to


If r = 0 and s -1791828852 (resp. if r 1 and s = 0), the relations (6.51) and (6.52), with a3 = 0 (resp. with a4 = 0), are clearly linearly independent. Finally, if r = s = 0, the relations (6.51), (6.52) and (6.53) reduce to a1 + a2 = 0. We remark that the symmetric 2-form h of Lemma 6.20 is an element of -179182685 From Lemmas 6.6 and 6.20, we then deduce the desired inequality.

LEMMA 6.22. Let r, s 0 be given integers, with s even. Then we have


PROOF: If r 1, the determinant of the -179181785 matrix, whose entries are the coefficients of a2, a3 and a4 in the relations (6.48), (6.49) and (6.50), is equal to


If r = 0, the relations (6.48) and (6.50), with a3 = 0, are linearly independent; in fact, the determinant of the -179181285 matrix, whose entries are the coefficients of a2 and a4 in these two relations, is equal to -8(s + 1)2. We remark that the symmetric 2-form h of Lemma 6.19 is an element of -179181085 From Lemmas 6.6 and 6.19, we then obtain the desired inequality.

LEMMA 6.23. Let r, s 0 be given integers, with s even. Then we have


PROOF: If r, s 2, the determinant of the -179180085 matrix, whose entries are the coefficients of a3 and a4 in the relations (6.46) and (6.47), is equal to the non-zero expression 4s(s - 1)2. If r = 1 and s 2, or if r -1791798852 and s = 0, the relation (6.46) is non-trivial. We note that the relations (6.46) and (6.47) do not involve the coefficient a2; when r -1791796851 and s -1791794852, according to Lemma 6.14, the symmetric 2-form -179179285 which belongs to -179178985 does not satisfy the zero-energy condition. We remark that the symmetric 2-form h of Lemma 6.18 is an element of -179178785 These observations, together with Lemmas 6.5 and 6.18, give us the desired inequality.

LEMMA 6.24. Let r-179178385 0, s 1 be given integers, with s odd. Then we have


PROOF: We note that the relations (6.39)–(6.45) do not involve the coefficient -179177885 when r 1 and 2r + s - 3 > 0, according to Lemma 6.13, the symmetric 2-form h4, which belongs to -179177685 does not satisfy the zero-energy condition. Also the symmetric 2-form h of Lemma 6.17 is an element of -179177485r,s.

(i) We first consider the case when r, s 3 and r is odd. In view of the above observations and Lemmas 6.4 and 6.17, it suffices to show that the -179177085 matrix, corresponding to the linear system consisting of the equations (6.39)–(6.43) in the scalars aj , with 1 -179176885j 8 and j -179176685= 4, is of maximal rank. The determinant of the-179176485 matrix, whose entries are the coefficients of the aj , with j = 1 and 5 -179176285 in these relations, is equal to


Therefore the determinant-179175785 is > 0 and our 5 × -1791755857 matrix is of maximal rank.

(ii) We next consider the case when r -1791751852 is even and s 3. In view of the observations which precede the case (i), and Lemmas 6.4 and 6.17, it suffices to show that the -179174985 matrix, corresponding to the linear system consisting of the equations (6.39)–(6.41), and (6.44) and (6.45) in the scalars aj , with 1 -179174785 8 and -179174585 is of maximal rank. The determinant of the 5 -179174385× 5 matrix, whose entries are the coefficients of the aj , with j = 1 and -179174085 in these relations, is equal to


Since 2r +s-3 = s-1 > 0, in view of the observations which precede the case (i), and Lemmas 6.4 and 6.17, it suffices to show that the-179173585 matrix, corresponding to the linear system consisting of equations (6.55)–(6.58) in the scalars aj , with 1 -179173385 8 and j -179173185 4, 5, is of maximal rank. The determinant of the 4 -179172985× 4 matrix, whose entries are the coefficients of the scalars a1, a2, a3, a6 in the equations (6.55)–(6.58), is equal to


Since 2r+s-3 = 2r-2 > 0, in view of the observations which precede the case (i), and Lemmas 6.4 and 6.17, when r is odd (resp. even) it suffices to know that the -179172385 matrix corresponding to the linear system consisting of equations (6.59)–(6.61) (resp. of equations (6.59), (6.60) and (6.62)) in the scalars a1, a2, a5, a6, a8 is of maximal rank. Since the determinant of the matrix


is equal to 128r( r + 1)2), our -179171885 matrix is of maximal rank when r is odd (resp. even).


in this case, we also consider the relation (6.38) of Lemma 6.16. Since the determinant of the matrix


is equal to 104, the-179171085 matrix of the linear system consisting of equations (6.65), (6.67) and (6.38) in the scalars a1, a3, a7, a8 is of maximal rank. For all s 3, we then obtain the desired inequality from Lemmas 6.4, 6.16 and 6.17.

(vii) We finally consider the case when r = 0 and s = 1. In this case, we set


and then Lemmas 6.4 and 6.17 imply the desired result.

-1791702857. The complex quadric of dimension three

In this section, we suppose that n = 3 and that X is the quadric -179169785 of dimension 3, which is a homogeneous space of the group G = SO(5). Let be the dual of the group G.

The Casimir element of the Lie algebra -179169385g0 of G operates by a scalarcon -179169185 an irreducible G-module which is a representativ-179168985e of . We know that, -179168785for , the G-module -179168585 is an eigenspace of the Lich-nerowicz Laplacia-179167985n with eigenvalue = 12c. If W is a G-submodule of -179167785 with , we denote by C(W) the weight subspace of W corresponding to its highest weight ;-179167285 we recall that the multiplicity of the G-module W is equal to the dimension of the space C(W).


From the branching law for SO(5) and its subgroup K described in Theorem 1.2 of [54], using the computation of the highest weights of the irreducible K-modules given in-179166785 7, Chapter V, we obtain the following result given by Proposition 9.1 of [23] (see also [54, -1791665854]):





Moreover since the section h is either even or odd, we know that one (and only one) of the coefficients c1, c2 must vanish. If c2 = 0, then from (6.71) we obtain the relation


which contradicts (6.69). Therefore we must have c1 = 0, and the vector h is a non-zero multiple of k- and so is an odd section of -179160885 Hence the vector -179160385 satisfies the conclusion of the lemma.

For r 0, the highest weight vector-179159685 of the SO(5)-module C-179159485((S2T)C+-)ev generates (over -179158685C) a subspace -179158385V r,0 of this module. By Lemma 6.30 we have


for r, s 0, and so the symmetric 2-form -179157885 belongs to the subspace -179157685 for all r, s 0.

From Proposition 6.25, Lemma 6.6, the inclusions (6.16) and the remark preceding Lemma 6.30, we deduce the following result given by Lemma 9.5 of [23]:

LEMMA 6.31. For r, -179157085s 0, we have



LEMMA 6.32. For r,-179156485 s 0, with s even, the symmetric 2-form -179156285 on X does not satisfy the Guillemin condition.

For r 0, we have -179155885 From Proposition 5.22 and from Lemmas 6.8, 6.29, 6.31 and 6.32, we then obtain the following result:

PROPOSITION 6.33. For r, -179155085s 0, we have


We now complete the proof of the following result of [23].

THEOREM 6.35. An even symmetric 2-form on the quadric X = -179154385 satisfies the Guillemin condition if and only if it is a Lie derivative of the metric.

PROOF: From Proposition 2.30,(i), with -179153985, and -179153785 and Propositions 6.25, 6.27 and 6.33, we obtain the equality


which implies the desired result.

The following is a consequence of joint work with Tela Nlenvo (see [52] and -1791530855).

THEOREM 6.36. An odd symmetric 2-form on the quadric -179152685 satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is a Lie derivative of the metric.

PROOF: From Proposition 2.30,(ii), with -179152285 and 12715 and Propositions 6.25, 6.28 and 6.34, we obtain the equality


which implies the desired result.

Let r, s 0 be given integers. By Lemma 4.5 of [23], when s 2 is even, the highest weight vector


PROPOSITION 6.37. Let X be the complex quadric Q3. For -179148185r, s 0, we have


The following theorem is a direct consequence of Propositions 5.24, 6.25 and 6.37.

THEOREM 6.38. An even section of -179147485 over the quadric -179147285 which satisfies the Guillemin condition, vanishes identically.

Let r 0, s -1791468851 be given integers. By Lemma 6.9, when s is an odd integer, the highest weight vector


PROPOSITION 6.39. Let X be the complex quadric Q3. For r, s 0, we have


The following theorem is a direct consequence of Propositions 5.25, 6.25 and 6.39.

THEOREM 6.40. An odd section of -179143085 over the quadric Q3, which satisfies the zero-energy condition, vanishes identically.

8. The rigidity of the complex quadric

In this section, we assume that X is the complex quadric -179142485 with n 3, and we extend the main results of-179142285 7 to the quadric Qn; in particular, we shall prove the four following theorems.

THEOREM 6.41. An even symmetric 2-form on the quadric X = Qn, with n-179141885 3, satisfies the Guillemin condition if and only if it is a Lie derivative of the metric.

THEOREM 6.42. An odd symmetric 2-form on the quadric X = Qn, with n-179141485 3, satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is a Lie derivative of the metric.

THEOREM 6.43. An even section of -179141085 over the quadric Qn, with n-179140885 3, which satisfies the Guillemin condition, vanishes identically.

THEOREM 6.44. An odd section of (-179140485 over the quadric Qn, with n-179140285 3, which satisfies the zero-energy condition, vanishes identically.

From Theorems 6.41 and 6.42, we shall deduce the following:

THEOREM 6.45. The complex quadric X = Qn, with n-179139585 3, is infinitesimally rigid.

From Theorems 6.43 and 6.44, we shall deduce the following:

THEOREM 6.46. A section of -179138985 over the complex quadric Qn, with n-179138785 3, which satisfies the zero-energy condition, vanishes identically.

We now prove these last two theorems simultaneously. Let h be a symmetric 2-form on X satisfying the zero-energy condition. We write -179138385 where


section of -179137885 so are the forms h+ and h-. By Lemma 2.11, the even form h+ satisfies the Guillemin condition. First, by Theorems 6.41 and 6.42 we know that the even form h+ and the odd form h- are Lie derivatives of the metric. Finally, if h is a section of -179137685 by Theorems 6.43 and 6.44 we know that the forms h+ and h- vanish.

From Theorems 6.41 and 6.43, and from Propositions 2.18 and 2.21, with-179137285 and F = E = -179137085 we deduce the following two results:

THEOREM 6.47. The real Grassmannian Y = -179136385 with n-179136185 3, is rigid in the sense of Guillemin.

THEOREM 6.48. A section of the vector bundle EY over the real Grassmannian -179135785 with n-179135285 3, which satisfies the Guillemin condition, vanishes identically.


of submanifolds of X and we saw that a submanifold of X belonging to Fis isometric to the complex quadric -179133085 of dimension 3.

From Lemma 4.8, with p = 2 and q = 3, we obtain:

LEMMA 6.49. Let X be the complex quadric -179132485 with n-179132285 3. Let

xx-179131885 and h be an element of -179131685 If the restriction of h to an arbitrary submanifold of the family -179131485Fvanishes, then h vanishes.

PROPOSITION 6.50. Let h be a symmetric 2-form on the quadric X = Qn, with -179131085n 3.

PROOF: We consider the complex quadric Z = -179129485 of dimension 3. Let -179129285 be a submanifold of X belonging to the family -179129085 According to Lemma 4.6 and the equality (5.64), there is a totally geodesic imbedding -179128885 whose image is equal to -179128685and which possesses the following properties:

We note that Proposition 6.50,(iii) gives us Theorems 6.43 and 6.44. We therefore know that Theorem 6.46 also holds.

We consider the G-invariant family F = F1 of closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X defined in 6, Chapter V; there we saw that each surface of F is contained in a totally geodesic submanifold belonging to the family -179123885 and that all the totally geodesic flat 2-tori of X belong to the family F. Thus any closed geodesic of X is contained in a totally geodesic surface of X belonging to the family F; it follows that


According to the inclusion (6.73) and Theorem 6.46, we know that the equality


holds. By Lemma 5.8, relation (6.74) and Proposition 5.17, we see that the families F and -179123085and the vector bundle -179122885 satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 2.48,(iii). Hence from this theorem, we deduce the following result:

This theorem together with the first two parts of Proposition 6.50 implies Theorems 6.41 and 6.42. According to the proofs of Theorem 2.45,(iii) and Proposition 6.50, we see that the only results of-179121885 7 which we require for the proof of Theorem 6.41 (resp. Theorem 6.42) are Theorems 6.35 and 6.38 (resp. Theorem 6.36 and 6.40).

None of our results concerning forms on the quadric satisfying the zero-energy condition enter into our proof of Theorem 6.41 given above. Previously, in [23] we deduced Theorem 6.41 for the quadric -179121485 with n 4, from Theorem 6.35 by means of the infinitesimal rigidity of this quadric. In fact, if h is an even symmetric 2-form on X = Qn, with n 4, satisfying the Guillemin condition, by Proposition 6.50,(i) and the inclusion (6.73) we know that h satisfies the zero-energy condition; the infinitesimal rigidity of Qn implies that h is a Lie derivative of the metric.

From Theorems 5.27 and 6.41, we obtain the following:

THEOREM 6.52. An even section of L over the quadric -179120785 with n-179120585 3, which satisfies the Guillemin condition, vanishes identically.

From Theorem 6.41 and the decomposition (1.11), we obtain the relation


-1791199859. Other proofs of the infinitesimal rigidity of the quadric

In this section, we suppose that X is the complex quadric -179119585, with n 4. This section and the next one are devoted to other proofs of the infinitesimal rigidity of the quadric X = -179119385 with n 4. Some of the methods used here were introduced in [18] and [22].

The essential aspects of the proof of the following proposition were first given by Dieng in [10].

PROPOSITION 6.53. The infinitesimal rigidity of the quadric -179118785 implies that all the quadrics Qn, with n 3, are infinitesimally rigid.

PROOF: We consider the G-invariant family F3 of closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X introduced in-179118385 6, Chapter V and the family -179118185 of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X isometric to the quadric Q3 introduced in-179117985 6, Chapter V and in 8. According to a remark made in -1791177856, Chapter V, we know that each surface belonging to the family F3 is contained in a totally geodesic submanifold of X belonging to the family -179118185 Assume that we know that the quadric Q3 is infinitesimally rigid; then the family -179118185 possesses property (III) of-179117085 8, Chapter II; moreover, by Propositions 5.13 and 5.14, the families F = F3 and -179118185 satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 2.47,(iii). From this last theorem, we deduce the infinitesimal rigidity of X.

We now consider the G-invariant family F = F2 of closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X. The sub-bundle N2 = NF of B consisting of those elements of B, which vanish when restricted to the closed totally geodesic submanifolds of F, was introduced in-179116485 8, Chapter II and was considered in-179116285 6, Chapter V. We also consider the differential operator


of-179115785 8, Chapter II.

We consider the families -179115285 and -179115085 of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X introduced in-179114885 6, Chapter V and we set


A submanifold of X belonging to -179114385 (resp. to -179114185 is a surface isometric to the flat 2-torus (resp. to the real projective plane -179113985, while a submanifold of X belonging to -179113485 is isometric to the complex projective space CP2. In 6, Chapter V, we saw that each surface belonging to -179113185 is contained -179112985 in a submanifold of X belonging to the family -179112785 therefore each surface of X belonging to F is contained in a submanifold of X belonging to the family -179112585 According to Proposition 3.19 and Theorems 3.7 and 3.39, we see that the family -179112385possesses property (III) o-179112185f 8, Chapter II. Hence a symmetric 2-form h on X satisfying the zero-energy condition belongs to -179111885) and, by Proposition 2.44, verifies the relation



vanishes identically.

We now give an alternate proof of Theorem 6.45, with n 4, using Propositions 6.54, 6.55 and 5.26. In the case n = 4, this proof appears in [22]. Let h be a symmetric 2-form on the quadric X = Qn, with n 4, satisfying the zero-energy condition and the relation div h = 0. When n 5, Proposition 6.54 tells us that h is a section of L; by Proposition 5.26, we see that h vanishes identically. When n = 4, Proposition 6.54 tells us that h is a section of -179108185 and, as we saw above, Proposition 2.44 gives us the relation -179107985 by Proposition 6.55, we see that h vanishes. Then Proposition 2.13 gives us the infinitesimal rigidity of X.

Finally, we present an outline of the proof of the infinitesimal rigidity of Qn, with n 5, given in [18]. This proof completely avoids the use of harmonic analysis on the quadric; it requires the description of the explicit complement of -179107485 in the vector bundle N2 = NF given by Proposition 5.12.


By Lemma 1.17, we obtain the relation (6.76). Then Proposition 6.56 tells us that v = 0 and-179106685 Since a harmonic differential 2-form on X is a constant multiple of the Kahler form of X, we immediately deduce that-179106485 Thus we know that D1h = 0. We know that the sequence (1.24) is exact (see-179106285 6, Chapter V); therefore h is a Lie derivative of the metric. We have thus shown that the infinitesimal rigidity of the quadric -179106085 with -179105885 is a consequence of Propositions 5.12, 5.14 and 6.56.

-17910558510. The complex quadric of dimension four

In this section, we suppose that X is the complex quadric Q4 of dimension 4, which is a homogeneous space of the group G = SO(6), and we present an outline of the proof of Proposition 6.55.




-17910478511. Forms of degree one






PROPOSITION 6.68. The space g(K) belongs to the kernel of -179100885 and is isomorphic to the cohomology of the complex (6.87), with j = 1.

PROOF: By Proposition 3.10,(i), we know that g-179100485(K) belongs to the kernel of -179100285 Let -179100085 be a 1-form on X satisfying -179099885= 0. We consider


PROPOSITION 6.69. An even 1-form-179099385 on X satisfying the Guillemin condition verifies the relation -179099185


From Propositions 2.20, 6.67 and 6.69, we deduce the following two results given by Theorems 11.1 and 11.2 of [23]:

THEOREM 6.70. An even 1-form on the quadric -179098385 with n-179098185 3, satisfies the Guillemin condition if and only if it is exact.

THEOREM 6.71. A 1-form on the Grassmannian -179097485 with n-179097285 3, satisfies the Guillemin condition if and only if it is exact.

The following result is given by Theorem 2 of [20].

THEOREM 6.72. A 1-form on the quadric X = with n-179096685 3, satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is exact.

PROOF: Let -179096285be a 1-form on X satisfying the zero-energy condition. From Theorem 3.8, it follows that the restriction of -179096085to a flat torus of X belonging to the family -179095885 is exact. Therefore we have -179095685 According to Proposition 6.68, we may write


When n 4, we are able to give a proof of the preceding theorem which avoids the use of Proposition 6.68. In-179094885 6, Chapter V, we saw that each surface belonging to the family F2 is contained in a submanifold belonging to the family -179094685 of closed totally-179094485 geodesic submanifolds of X introduced there. Since a submanifold belonging to the family -179094285 is isometric to the complex projective space -179094085 according to Theorems 3.8 and 3.40 we know that the family -179093485 possesses property (VI) of 8, Chapter II. When n 4, Theorem 6.72 is thus a consequence of the last equality of (6.86) and Theorem 2.51,(ii), with F = -179093285 and -179093085.

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