4115703111. Riemannian manifolds




Let E and F be vector bundles over X endowed with scalar products and D : 411571011E F be a differential operator of order k. We consider the scalar products on 411571411(E) and 411571411(F), defined in terms of these scalar products on E and F and the Riemannian measure of X, and the formal adjoint 11589, which is a differential operator of order k. If D is elliptic and X is compact, then D411571411(E) is a closed subspace of 411571411(F) and we have the orthogonal decomposition





LEMMA 1.1. Let Y be a totally geodesic submanifold of the Rieman-nian manifold (X, g). Let i : Y X be the natural imbedding and 411573211 be the Riemannian metric on Y induced by g. Let411573411 be a vector field on X. If411573611 is the vector field on Y whose value at x 411573811 Y is equal to the orthogonal projection of 411574011 onto the subspace TY,x of Tx, then we have




Let 411577911be a vector field on X. According to the second Bianchi identity and the relation (1.4), we see that


If the scalar curvature r(g) of (X, g) is constant and equal to 12037 and if is a conformal Killing vector field, then by (1.16) we see that the real-valued function f =−(2/n) 411578711dsatisfying 411578911fg is a solution of the equation


If X is compact, we know that the eigenvalues of the Laplacian411579411 acting on 411579611C(X) are411579811 0; hence from the previous observation, we obtain the following result due to Lichnerowicz [43, 83]:


be the linear differential operators, which are the linearizations along g of the non-linear operators h R(h), h (DR)(h) and h Ric(h), respectively, where h is a Riemannian metric on X. Let h be a section of 12043




is equal 411583911.

The following result is given by Proposition 4.1 of [13].


for all 12069 According to our hypothesis, we have B0 = 0; thus if we differentiate both sides of the above equation with respect to t, at t = 0, we obtain






4115863112. Einstein manifolds

We say that the Riemannian manifold (X, g) is an Einstein manifold if there is a real number 411586811 such that Ric = g. In this section, we suppose that g is an Einstein metric, i.e., that there is a real number 411587011 such that Ric =411587211 the scalar curvature r(g) of (X, g) is constant and equal to 411587411. By (1.29), we have




PROOF: Let h be a section of 411591511 over X. If x411591711 X and h(x) = 0, then by (1.20) and (1.21) we have


If411592311 is a vector field on X, then we know that 411592511 = 0; on the other hand, by the last relation of (1.18), we know that (1.38) holds. If x X, by the surjectivity of (D0) we know that there exists a vector field 411592711 on X such that 411592911 The commutativity of the diagram (1.40) is now a consequence of the previous observations.


The proof of Lemma 1.9 can be found in [3,411594011 7]. The following lemma is a generalization of Proposition 3.2 of [22].




(see also Koiso [41]). By definition, the space E(X) is contained in an eigenspace of the Lichnerowicz Laplacian 411596111, which is an elliptic operator, and is therefore finite-dimensional.

According to Lemma 1.7, when 12092 is a vector bundle, we may take N = 12092 and E = {0} in Lemma 1.10; from the latter lemma and the relation between the space H(X) and the cohomology of the sequence (1.24), we obtain the following result:

4115979113. Symmetric spaces

We say that the Riemannian manifold (X, g) is a locally symmetric space if 411598311R = 0. According to Lemma 1.4, if the equality


holds, then the manifold (X, g) is locally symmetric. Throughout this section, we shall suppose that the manifold (X, g) is a connected locally symmetric space. Since the set of local isometries of X acts transitively on X, we see that 411598811 is a vector bundle. According to [13], the infinitesimal orbit of the curvature is equal to 411599011 and so we have:

LEMMA 1.13. Suppose that (X, g) is a connected locally symmetric space. Then 411599411 is a vector bundle equal to the infinitesimal orbit of the curvature



If the dimension of X is -179867285 3, in 1 we saw that TrB = -179867085, and so we obtain the inequalities


Thus we see that, if the dimension of X is -179866585 2, the vector bundle -179866385 is always non-zero.

Let Y be a totally geodesic submanifold of X. Let i : Y X be the natural imbedding and gY = -179865985 be the Riemannian metric on Y induced by g. Then (Y, gY ) is a locally symmetric space; its Riemann curvature tensor RY is equal to the section -179865785 of BY and the infinitesimal orbit of Y is equal to -179865585 . For x-179865385 Y , the diagram



The equality (1.57) now follows from Proposition 1.3 and formula (1.21). Now suppose that Y is connected and let h be a section of -179864685. Let x be a point of Y and let -179864485u be an element of Bx satisfying u = (D1h)(x). First, suppose that h vanishes at the point x of Y . Then (Dgh)(x) is an element of Bx; by (1.25) and (1.58), we see that the vector u - (Dgh)(x) of Bx belongs to -179864285 and that


LEMMA 1.15. Assume that (X, g) is a connected locally symmetric space. Let Y be a totally geodesic submanifold of X of constant curvature. Let h be a section of -179862285over X. Let x-179862085 Y and u be an element of Bx such that (D1h)(x) =12258 If the restriction of h to the submanifold Y is a Lie derivative of the metric on Y induced by g, then the restrictions of Dgh and u to the submanifold Y vanish.

PROOF: Let i : Y X be the natural imbedding and gY = -179861485 be the Riemannian metric on Y induced by g. Assume that the restriction -179861285 of h to the submanifold Y is equal to the Lie derivative -179861085 of gY along a vector field -179860885 on Y . Since Y has constant curvature, by (1.49) and (1.57) we have


From Proposition 1.14,(ii) and (1.59), we infer that -179860385iu = 0.

From Lemmas 1.1 and 1.15, we deduce the following result:

LEMMA 1.16. Assume that (X, g) is a connected locally symmetric space. Let Y , Z be totally geodesic submanifolds of X; suppose that Z is a submanifold of Y of constant curvature. Let -179859785 be a section of -179859585over X. Let x-179859385 Z and u be an element of Bx such that (D1h)(x) = 12262 If the restriction of h to the submanifold Y is a Lie derivative of the metric on Y induced by g, then the restriction of -179858985u to the submanifold Z vanishes.

We consider the third-order differential operator



the complex (1.63) to the cohomology of the sequence (1.24) induces an injective mapping from the cohomology group -179858085 to the cohomology of the complex (1.24).

According to Theorem 7.3 of [13], if the equality (1.48) holds, a section h of -179857685satisfying D1h = 0 also satisfies the equation D2h = 0. Therefore if (1.48) is true, the complex (1.23) is exact and the two mappings considered above involving cohomology groups are isomorphisms. Moreover, if the equality (1.48) holds and X is simply-connected, the sequence (1.24) is exact; on the other hand, if the equality (1.48) holds and X is compact, the cohomology group (-179857485 is isomorphic to H(X).

THEOREM 1.18. Suppose that (X, g) is a connected locally symmetric space satisfying one of the following conditions:

(ii) (X, g) is a symmetric space of compact type.

Then the sequence (1.63) is exact. If the equality (1.48) holds, the sequence (1.24) is also exact.

We now suppose that (X, g) has constant curvature K; then the vector bundle -179854185vanishes and so the equality (1.48) holds. Thus the complex (1.50) is exact. If X is simply-connected, the sequence (1.51) is also exact. These two results were first proved by Calabi [8] (see also [2]); other direct proofs are given in [13,-179853985 6]. Furthermore if (X, g) is a compact surface of constant curvature K, from the equalities (1.53) and (1.54) we obtain the following proposition, whose first assertion is given by [2, p. 24].

PROPOSITION 1.19. Let (X, g) be a compact surface of constant curvature K.


(ii) If K -179853185 0 and the cohomology group -179852985 vanishes, then we have E(X) = {0}.

We now suppose that X is equal to the sphere (Sn, g0) of constant curvature 1, which is a symmetric space of compact type. We know that the sequences (1.24) and (1.51) are exact and that the cohomology groups -179852585 and H(X) vanish. When X is equal to the sphere (S2, g0), according to Proposition 1.19,(i) and the decomposition (1.12) we see that


where -179852085is a vector field and f is a real-valued function on X = S2. Moreover, by Proposition 1.19,(ii), we have E(X) = {0} when X = S


If (X, g) is a compact manifold with positive constant curvature, then its universal covering manifold is isometric to-179851485 where -179851285 is a positive real number. Thus from Theorem 1.18 and the above results, we obtain the following:

PROPOSITION 1.20. Let (X, g) is a compact manifold with positive constant curvature. Then cohomology group -179850885 and the space H(X) vanish, and the sequence (1.51) is exact.

We now suppose that (X, g) is a symmetric space of compact type. Then there is a Riemannian symmetric pair (G,K) of compact type, where G is a compact, connected semi-simple Lie group and K is a closed subgroup of G, such that the space X is isometric to the homogeneous space G/K endowed with a G-invariant metric. We identify X with G/K, and let x0 be the point of X corresponding to the coset of the identity element of G in G/K. If -179850485 and -179850285 are the Lie algebras of G and K, respectively, we consider the Cartan decomposition -179850085 corresponding to the Riemannian symmetric pair (G,K), where -179849885p0 is a subspace of -179849685. We identify p0 with the tangent space to X at the point x0. If B is the Killing form of the Lie algebra -179849385, the restriction of -B to -179849185 induces a G-invariant Riemannian metric -179848985on X. According to Theorem 7.73 of [6], we know that


LEMMA 1.21. Let (X, g) be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type. Then g is an Einstein metric and there is a positive real number such that Ric =-179848385 moreover, the metric g0 induced by the Killing form of -179848185 is equal to -179847985

In [41] and [42], Koiso proved the following:

Theorem 1.22. Let X be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type whose universal covering manifold is not equal to one of the following:


Some of the methods used by Koiso to prove Theorem 1.22 will be described in -179847085 Chapter II; in fact, we shall give an outline of the proof of this theorem for an irreducible symmetric space X which is not equal to a simple Lie group. According to the remarks preceding Theorem 1.18, from Lemma 1.12 and Theorem 1.22 we deduce:

THEOREM 1.23. Let X be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type whose universal covering manifold is not equal to one of the spaces (i)–(v) of Theorem 1.22. Then the sequence (1.24) is exact.

In [13] and [10], the equality (1.48) is proved for the complex projective space -179846485 with n 2, and the complex quadric of dimension-179846285 3 (see Propositions 3.32 and 5.14). Thus from Theorem 1.18, without the use of the space of infinitesimal Einstein deformations, we obtain the exactness of the sequence (1.24) when X is an irreducible symmetric space of compact type equal either to a sphere, to a real or complex projective space, or to the complex quadric of dimensio-179846085n 3. Theorem 1.23 also gives us the exactness of the sequence (1.24) for these irreducible symmetric spaces other than the complex quadric of dimension 4. In fact, we conjecture that the equality (1.48) holds for any irreducible symmetric space.

-1798450854. Complex manifolds

In this section, we suppose that X is a complex manifold endowed with a Hermitian metric g. We consider the sub-bundles -179844685Tand -179844485Tof TC of complex vector fields of type (1, 0) and (0, 1), respectively; then we have the decomposition






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