-1798427851. Outline

In this chapter, we introduce the Radon transforms for functions and symmetric forms on a symmetric space (X, g) of compact type, namely the X-ray transform and the maximal flat transform. In -179842385 we present results concerning harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces and use them to study these Radon transforms in -179842185 and to describe properties of certain spaces of symmetric forms in -179841985 The notions of rigidity in the sense of Guillemin and of infinitesimal rigidity of the space X are introduced in -179841785 in this section, we also state the fundamental result of Guillemin [35] concerning isospectral deformations of the metric g of X (Theorem 2.14). In 4, we present Grinberg’s theorem concerning the injectivity of the maximal flat Radon transform for functions on X; when the space (X, g) is irreducible, from this result we infer that, if the space X is rigid in the sense of Guillemin, it is necessarily equal to its adjoint space. In -179841585 criteria for the rigidity of the space X are given in terms of harmonic analysis. Some lemmas concerning irreducible G-modules, where G is a compact semi-simple Lie group, proved in -179841285 are used in our study of symmetric forms on an irreducible symmetric space presented in -179841085. Results concerning the space of infinitesimal Einstein deformations of an irreducible symmetric space can be found in -179840885 Our criteria for the infinitesimal rigidity or the rigidity in the sense of Guillemin of an irreducible symmetric space are given in -179840685

-179842385 Homogeneous vector bundles and harmonic analysis

Let (X, g) be a Riemannian manifold which may be written as a homogeneous space G/K, where G is a compact Lie group and K is a closed subgroup of G. We assume that the group G acts by isometries on the Riemannian manifold X. If F is a homogeneous vector bundle over X, then the space -179839985(F) is a G-module.

Let F be a complex homogeneous vector bundle over X endowed with a Hermitian scalar product. We endow the space -179839585 of sections of F over X with the Hermitian scalar product obtained from the scalar product on F and the Riemannian measure dX of X. If the vector bundle F is unitary in the sense of [56,-179839385 2.4], then the space -179839185(F) is a unitary G-module. Let x0 be the point of X corresponding to the coset of the identity element of G. The action of G on the fiber F0 of F at the point x0 of X induces a representation-179838985 of K on F0. Then F is isomorphic to the homogeneous vector bundle -179838785 and we shall identify these two homogeneous vector



Let -179838185 and -179837985 be the Lie algebras of G and K, respectively. In this section, we henceforth suppose that G/K is a reductive homogeneous space; this means that there is an Ad(K)-invariant complement of -179837785 in-179837585 This assumption always holds when the compact group G is connected and semi-simple and (G,K) is a Riemannian symmetric pair of compact type. Let F1, F2, F3 be complex homogeneous vector bundles over X endowed with Hermitian scalar products. Assume that these vector bundles are unitary.



PROOF: First, suppose that assertion (ii) holds. Then according to Proposition 2.2,(i) the subspace Ker-179836885Q2 is equal to the closure of


Now suppose that X is a complex manifold, that g is a Hermitian metric and that the group G acts by holomorphic isometries on X. Then the vector bundles -179836385and -179836185are homogeneous sub-bundles of TC, while the vector bundles -179835685and-179835485 are homogeneous sub-bundles of -179835185 The isomorphisms of vector bundles (1.70) are G-equivariant. Therefore for all -179834685G, the isomorphism of vector bundles -179834485: induces isomor-phisms of G-modules


-1798334853. The Guillemin and zero-energy conditions

Let (X, g) be a Riemannian manifold. For p 0, we consider the symmetrized covariant derivative



Definition 2.5. We say that a symmetric p-form u on X satisfies the zero-energy condition if, for every closed geodesi-179832685 of X, the integral of u over-179832485 vanishes.

Let Y be a totally geodesic submanifold of X; clearly, if -179832085 is a symmetric p-form on X satisfying the zero-energy condition, then the restriction of -179831885u to Y also satisfies the zero-energy condition. From Lemma 2.4, we obtain the following result:

LEMMA 2.6. If u is a symmetric p-form on X, then the symmetric (p + 1)-form Dpu satisfies the zero-energy condition. A symmetric 2-form on X, which is equal to a Lie derivative of the metric g, satisfies the zero-energy condition.

DEFINITION 2.7. We say that the Riemannian metric g on X is a CL-metric if all its geodesics are periodic and have the same length L.

If g is a CL-metric, we say that X is a CL-manifold; then the geodesic flow on the unit tangent bundle of (X, g) is periodic with least period L.

The following proposition is due to Michel (Proposition 2.2.4 of [45]; see also Proposition 5.86 of [5]).

PROPOSITION 2.8. Let-179830585 be a one-parameter family of CL-metrics on X, for -179830385 with g0 = g. Then the infinitesimal deformation h = -179830185 of {gt} satisfies the zero-energy condition.


From the previous equalities, we infer that


and so h satisfies the zero-energy condition.

DEFINITION 2.9. We say that a symmetric p-form u on a compact locally symmetric space X satisfies the Guillemin condition if, for every maximal flat totally geodesic torus Z contained in X and for all unitary parallel vector fields -179828585 on Z, the integral



From Lemma 2.4, we obtain:

LEMMA 2.10. Let X be a compact locally symmetric space. If u is a symmetric p-form on X, then the symmetric (p+1)-form Dpu satisfies the Guillemin condition. If -179827585 is a vector field on X, the symmetric 2-form -179827385 on X satisfies the Guillemin condition.

Thus every exact one-form on a compact locally symmetric space satisfies the Guillemin and zero-energy conditions.

LEMMA 2.11. Let X be a flat torus. A symmetric p-form on X satisfying the zero-energy condition also satisfies the Guillemin condition.



If u satisfies the zero-energy condition, then the functions f and -179826385vanish, and so, by the preceding formula, -179826185 satisfies the Guillemin condition.

If (X, g) is a compact locally symmetric space, according to Lemma 2.11 a symmetric p-form on X satisfying the zero-energy condition also satisfies the Guillemin condition.

DEFINITION 2.12. We say that a compact locally symmetric space X is rigid in the sense of Guillemin (resp. infinitesimally rigid) if the only symmetric 2-forms on X satisfying the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition are the Lie derivatives of the metric g.

If X is a compact locally symmetric space X and p 0 is an integer, we consider the space -179825385 of all sections of -179825185 satisfying the zero-energy condition. According to Lemma 2.6, we have the inclusion


By formula (1.4), we see that the infinitesimal rigidity of the compact locally symmetric space X is equivalent to the equality -179824585 On the other hand, the equality -179824385 means that every differential form of degree 1 on X satisfying the zero-energy condition is exact.

PROPOSITION 2.13. Let X be a compact locally symmetric space. Then the following assertions are equivalent:

(i) Every symmetric 2-form h on X, which satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition and the relation div h = 0, vanishes.

(ii) The space X is rigid in the sense of Guillemin (resp. is infinitesimally rigid).

PROOF: First assume that assertion (i) holds. Let -179823385h be a symmetric 2-form on X satisfying the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition. According to the decomposition (1.11), we may write


where -179822885 is an element of -179822685 satisfying div h0 = 0 and -179822485 Clearly, by Lemma 2.10 (resp. Lemma 2.6), the symmetric 2-form h0 also satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition; our assumption implies that-179822285 vanishes, and so h is a Lie derivative of the metric. Therefore (ii) is true. According to the decomposition (1.11), we see that assertion (i) is a direct consequence of (ii).

We now assume that (X, g) is a symmetric space of compact type. If the space X is rigid in the sense of Guillemin, it is also infinitesimally rigid. If X is a space of rank one, the closed geodesics of X are the maximal flat totally geodesic tori of X, and so the notions of Guillemin rigidity and infinitesimal rigidity for X are equivalent.

Consider a family of Riemannian metrics {gt} on X, for -179821685 , with

tg0 = g. We say that {gt} is an isospectral defo-179821285rmation of g if the spectrum Spec(X, gt) of the metric -179821085gt is equal to Spec(X, g), for all -179820885< . We say that the space (X, g) is infinitesimally spectrally rigid (i.e., spectrally rigid to first-order) if, for every such isospectral deformation {gt} of g, there is a one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms -179820685t of X such that gt -179820485 to first-order in t at t = 0, or equivalently if the infinitesimal deformation d -179820185 is a Lie derivative of the metric g.

In [35], Guillemin proved the following result:

THEOREM 2.14. A symmetric 2-form on a symmetric space (X, g) of compact type, which is equal to the infinitesimal deformation of an isospectral deformation of g, satisfies the Guillemin condition.

This theorem leads us to Guillemin’s criterion for the infinitesimal spectral rigidity of a symmetric space of compact type which may be expressed as follows:

Theorem 2.15. If a symmetric space of compact type is rigid in the sense of Guillemin, it is infinitesimally spectrally rigid.

-1798177854. Radon transforms

Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type. Then there is a Riemannian symmetric pair (G,K) of compact type, where G is a compact, connected semi-simple Lie group and K is a closed subgroup of G such that the space X is isometric to the homogeneous space G/K endowed with a G-invariant metric. We identify X with G/K, and let x0 be the point of X corresponding to the coset of the identity element of G in G/K. Since the maximal flat totally geodesic tori of X are conjugate under the action of G on X, the space-179817385 of all such tori is a homogeneous space of G. We also consider the set-179817185 of all closed geodesics of X; when the rank of X is equal to one, the-179816985n is equal to .

A Radon transform for functions on X assigns to a function on X its integrals over a class of totally geodesic submanifolds of X of a fixed dimension. Here we shall consider two such Radon transforms, the maximal flat Radon transform and the X-ray transform.

The maximal flat Radon transform for functions on X assigns to a real-valued function f on X the function -179816385f on -179816185, whose value at a torus Z is the integral


of f over Z. Clearly this transform is injective if every function on X satisfying the Guillemin condition vanishes. The X-ray transform for functions on X assigns to a real-valued function f on X the function -179815585 on -179815385, whose value at a closed geode-179815185sic is the integral


Clearly this transform is injective if every function on X satisfying the zero-energy condition vanishes. If the rank of X is equal to one, the maximal flat Radon transform for functions on X coincides with the X-ray transform for functions on X.

Let f be a real-valued function on X. If Z is a torus belonging to and if is a unitary parallel vector field on Z, then we see that


On the other hand, if -179814185is a closed geodesic of X, we have


Thus the maximal flat Radon (resp. the X-ray) transform of f vanishes if and only if the symmetric 2-form fg satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition.

If X is an irreducible symmetric space of compact type, we recall that g is an Einstein metric and that Ric -179813485= g, where is a positive real number; moreover, the space E(X) of infinitesimal Einstein deformations of the metric g is a G-submodule of -179813285

PROPOSITIOn 2.16. Let X be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type, which is not isometric to a sphere. If X is rigid in the sense of Guillemin (resp. is infinitesimally rigid), then the maximal flat Radon (resp. the X-ray) transform for functions on X is injective.

PROOF: Assume that X is rigid in the sense of Guillemin (resp. is infinitesimally rigid). Let f be real-valued function on the Einstein manifold X; suppose that the function -179812685 (resp. the function -179812485 vanishes. Then the symmetric 2-form fg on X satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition. Therefore we may write -179812285 where is a vector field on X. According to Proposition 1.6, the function f vanishes, and so the corresponding Radon transform for functions is injective.

Let -179811785be a finite group of isometries of X of order q. If F is a vector bundle equal either to a sub-bundle of -179811585TC or to a sub-bundle of -179811085 invariant under the group-179810485 , we denote by -179810285)the space consisting of all-179810085 -invariant sections of F; if the vector bundle F is also invariant under the group G and if the isometries -179809885of commute with the action of G, then -179809685 is a G-submodule of -179809485 If F is the trivial complex line bundle, we consider the G-submodule -179809185of -invariant functions on X.

We suppose that the group acts without fixed points. Then the quotient -179808785 is a manifold and the natural projection-179808585 : X Y is a covering projection. Thus the metric g induces a Riemannian metric -179808385 on Y such -179808185 at gY = g. Clearly the space Y is locally symmetric.

A symmetric p-form -179807785 on X is invariant under the group if and only if there is a symmetric p-form -179807585 on Y such that -179807385 The projection induces an isomorphism


If X is an irreducible symmetric space, then X and Y are Einstein manifolds; according to the definition of the spaces E(X) and E(Y ) of infinitesimal Einstein deformations, we see that the projection-179806885 and the isomorphism (2.5) induce an isomorphism


Throughout the remainder of this section, we also suppose that the isometries of commute with the action of G on X; then Y is a homogeneous space of G. Assume furthermore that there is a subgroup -179806385of G containing K and a G-equivariant diffeomorphism -179806185which have the following properties:

(i) (G,-179805785) is a Riemannian symmetric pair;

(ii) when we identify X with G/K, the project-179805385ion is equal to the natural projection -179805185.

Under these conditions, the space (Y, gY ) is isometric to the symmetric space -179804785 of compact type endowed with a G-invariant metric.


holds for all symmetric p-forms -179804185 on Y .

From the above observations, we deduce

From the above observations, we deduce the following:

LEMMA 2.17. Suppose that the quotient -179803385 is a symmetric space. Then a symmetric p-form u on Y satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition if and only if the symmetric p-form -179803185u on X, which is invariant under the group , satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition.

By Lemma 2.17, we see that the maximal flat Radon (resp. the X-ray) transform for functions on Y is injective if and only if the restriction of the the maximal flat Radon (resp. the X-ray) transform for functions on X to the space -179802785is injective. From Lemma 2.17 and the equality (2.6), we deduce the following three results:

PROPOSITION 2.18. Suppose that the quotient -179802385 is a symmetric space. Then the following assertions are equivalent:

(i) Every symmetric 2-form on the space X, which is invariant under the group and satisfies the Guillemin condition, is a Lie derivative of the metric.

(ii) The space Y is rigid in the sense of Guillemin.

PROPOSITION 2.19. Suppose that the quotient -179801585 is a symmetric space. Then the following assertions are equivalent:

(i) Every symmetric 2-form on the space X, which is invariant under the group and satisfies the zero-energy condition, is a Lie derivative of the metric.

(ii) The space Y is infinitesimally rigid.

PROPOSITION 2.20. Suppose that the quotient -179800685 is a symmetric space. Then the following assertions are equivalent:

(i) Every differential form of degree 1 on the space X, which is invariant under the group and satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition, is exact.

(ii) Every differential form of degree 1 on the space Y , which satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition, is exact.


induced by (2.5), is an isomorphism of G-modules.

The following proposition is a consequence of Lemma 2.17.

PROPOSITION 2.21. Suppose that the quotient -179799385 is a symmetric space. Let F be a sub-bundle of -179799185SpTinvariant under the groups G and -179798985, and let FY be the G-invariant sub-bundle of -179798785 induced by F. Then the following assertions are equivalent:

(i) Any section of the vector bundle F over the space X, which is invariant under the group and satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition, vanishes.

(ii) Any section of the vector bundle FY over the space Y , which satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition, vanishes.


Let Z be a maximal flat totally geodesic torus of X. Since pr-179797585eserves Z, if f is an odd function on X, we see that the integral of f over Z vanishes. Therefore the odd functions on X satisfy the Guillemin condition, and so belong to the kernel of the maximal flat Radon transform for functions.

PROPOSITION 2.22. We suppose that the group -179797085is equal to the group {id, -179796885} of order 2, where-179796685 is an involutive isometry of X, and that the quotient -179796485 is a symmetric space. Then an odd symmetric p-form on X satisfies the Guillemin condition, and the maximal flat Radon transform for functions on X is not injective. Moreover, the space X is not rigid in the sense of Guillemin.

PROOF: Let -179796085u be an odd symmetric p-form on X and let Z be a maximal flat totally geodesic torus of X. I-179795885f is a parallel vector field on Z, then the function (-179795685 on Z is odd, that is,


for all -179795185 hence its integral over Z vanishes. We now construct an odd symmetric 2-form -179794985on X which is not a Lie derivative of the metric. Let -179794785 be a point of X and U be a open neighborhood of x for which -179794585 . By Lemma 1.13 and remarks made in -179794385, Chapter I, we know that the infinitesimal orbit of the curvature -179794085Bis a vector bundle and that the quotient bundle -179793885B/Bis non-zero. According to-179793685 1, Chapter I, the morphism (D1) : S2TS2-179793485TB/Bis surjective; hence we may choose a symmetric 2-form h on X whose support is contained in U and which satisfies (D1h)(x-179793285) = 0. We know that h is not a Lie derivative of the metric on any neighborhood of x. The symmetric 2-form h-179793085= h - h on X is odd and its restriction to U is equal to h. Hence the form -179792785hsatisfies the Guillemin condition, and so the space X is not rigid in the sense of Guillemin.


In -179792285 Chapter III, we shall prove that the X-ray transform for functions on the sphere Sn, with -179792085 is injective on the space of all even functions (see Proposition 3.17). Clearly, this result is equivalent to assertion (i) of the following theorem. By Lemma 2.17, we know that assertions (i) and (ii) of this theorem are equivalent. We point out that assertion (i) of this theorem in the case of the 2-sphere S2 is a classic result due to Funk.

THEOREM 2.23. (i) The kernel of the X-ray transform for functions on the sphere (Sn, g0), with n-179791685 2, is equal to the space of all odd functions on Sn.

(ii) The X-ray transform for functions on the real projective space -179791285 with n-179791085 2, is injective.

The adjoint space of the symmetric space X is the symmetric space which admits X as a Riemannian covering and is itself not a Riemannian covering of another symmetric space. For example, the adjoint space of the n-sphere Sn, with n 2, is the real projective space -179790285

In [34], Grinberg generalized Theorem 2.23 and proved the following:

THEOREM 2.24. The maximal flat Radon transform for functions on a symmetric space X of compact type is injective if and only if X is equal to its adjoint space.

By Proposition 2.22, the sphere -179788985 is not infinitesimally rigid. Hence from Proposition 2.16 and Theorem 2.24, we obtain the following necessary condition for Guillemin rigidity:

THEOREM 2.25. Let X be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type. If X is rigid in the sense of Guillemin, then X is equal to its adjoint space.

In Chapter III, we shall show that the X-ray transform for functions on a flat torus of dimension > 1 is injective; this result is due to Michel [46] (see Proposition 3.5). If the symmetric space X is of rank q, each point of X is contained in a totally geodesic flat torus of dimension q of X (see Theorem 6.2 in Chapter V of [36]). Thus from the injectivity of the X-ray transform for functions on a flat torus, we deduce the following:

PROPOSITION 2.26. The X-ray transform for functions on a symmetric space X of compact type of rank > 1 is injective.

We now extend the definitions of the maximal flat Radon transform and the X-ray transform to symmetric p-forms. Let L be the vector bundle over-179787985 whose fiber at a point Z is the space of all parallel vector fields on the flat torus Z. This vector bundle is a homogeneous G-bundle over and its rank is equal to the rank of the symmetric space X. We consider the p-th symmetric product -179787785 of the dual -179787585Lof L. The space -179787385 of all symmetric p-forms on X and the space (-179787185 of all sections of -179786885 ove -179786685 are G-modules. The maximal flat Radon transform for symmetric p-forms on X is the morphism of G-modules


which assigns to a symmetric p-form u on X the section -179786185 of -179785985 who se value at the point -179785785Z is determined by


where 1, 2-179785285, . . . , p are elements of LZ. The kernel Np of this mapping Ip is the G-submodule of -179785085 equal to the space consisting of all symmetric p-forms on X which satisfy the Guillemin condition. The com-plexification -179784885 of the space -179784685 shall be viewed as the G-submodule of -179784485 equal to the kernel of the morphism of G-modules


induced by the mapping Ip. The mapping I0 coincides with the maximal flat Radon transform for functions defined above, while the mapping I2 was introduced in [23].

The X-ray transform for symmetric p-forms on X is the linear mapping -179783285 sending an element (SpT) into the real-valued function on p-179782885u Cu whose value at the closed geodesic is the integral


The kernel of this mapping -179782385 is equal to the space -179781885 of all symmetric p-forms on X satisfying the zero-energy condition. Then according to Lemma 2.11, we have



fo-179781285r G, is a morphism of G-modules. The complexification -179781085 of the space -179780885 shall be viewed as the G-submodule


of -179780385 consisting of all complex symmetric p-forms on X which satisfy the zero-energy condition.

When the rank of X is equal to one, the vector bundle L is a line bundle; in this case, the X-ray transform for symmetric p-forms, which may be viewed as a morphism of G-modules


determines the maximal flat Radon transform for symmetric p-forms.

-1797791855. Radon transforms and harmonic analysis


Let 0 be the subset of consisting of those element-179778685s of for which the G-module -179778485 is non-zero. It is well-known that-179778285, for 0, the G-module -179778085 is irreducible (see Theorem 4.3 in Chapter V of [37]).




The following proposition is a direct consequence of Propositions 2.27 and 2.28.

PROPOSITION 2.29. Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type. Let -179777185be a finite set of isometries of X which commute with the action of G on X and let-179776985 be a real number equal to -179776785.

±(i) The restriction of the maximal flat Radon transform for functions on X to the space -179776385 ,is injective if and only if the equality



implies) that any differential form of degree 1 on X satisfying the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition is exact.

PROPOSITION 2.30. Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type. Let -179775185be a finite set of isometries of X which commute with the action of G on X and let-179774985 be a real number equal to -179774785.


PROOF: Since D0 is an elliptic homogeneous differential operator, the assertions of the proposition follow from the first inclusion of (2.15), the equality (2.17) and from Propositions 2.2,(iii), 2.27 and 2.28.

PROPOSITION 2.30 gives us the following criteria for the Guillemin rigidity and the infinitesimal rigidity of X, which are analogous to the criteria for the injectivity of the Radon transforms for functions on X obtained from Proposition 2.29:

PROPOSITION 2.31. Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type.

(i) The space X is rigid in the sense of Guillemin if and only if


PROPOSITION 2.32. Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type. Let -179773385be a finite set of isometries of X which commute with the action of G on X and let-179773185 be a real number equal to -179772985.


PROOF: Since the exterior differential operator d acting on -179772385 is an elliptic homogeneous differential operator, the assertions of the proposition follow from (2.15) and Propositions 2.2,(iii), 2.27 and 2.28.

PROPOSITION 2.32 gives us the following criteria, which are analogous to the criteria for the Guillemin rigidity and the infinitesimal rigidity of X given by Proposition 2.31:

PROPOSITION 2.33. Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type. The following assertions are equivalent:

(i) A differential form of degree 1 on the space X satisfies the Guil-lemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition if and only if it is exact.


Suppose that -179771285is equal to a finite group of isometries of X which commute with the action of G and that-179771085 is equal to +1. Assume that acts without fixed points and that the quotient space -179770885 is a symmetric space; furthermore, assume that there is a subgroup -179770685of G containing K and a G-equivariant diffeomorphism -179770485 satisfying properties (i) and (ii) o-1797701854. If the vector bundle F is a sub-bundle of -179769985 which is invariant under , we consider the sub-bundle FY of -179769485 determined by F; then -179769085for , the G-submodule


of G-modules.

We choose a Cartan subalgebra of the complexification g of the Lie algebra of G and fix a system of positive roots of-179768385 g. Let p be an integer equal to 1 or 2 and consider the corresponding homogeneous differential operator -179768185 We consider the following properties which the space X and the group might possess:

(Ap) L-179767785et be an arbitrary element of , and let u be an arbitrary highest weight vector of the G-module -179767385 if the section u satisfies the Guillemin condition, then u belongs to -179766985).

(Bp) -179766485Let be an arbitrary element of , and let u be an arbitrary highest weight vector of the G-module -179766085 if the section u satisfies the zero-energy condition, then u belongs to -179765685).

According to the relation (1.4) and Propositions 2.30 and 2.32, we see that in order to prove that the equality


holds), it suffices to verify that X and possess property Ap (resp. property Bp).

Thus according to Proposition 2.18 (resp. Proposition 2.19) and the relation (1.4), we know that, if the space X and the group possess property A2 (resp. property B2), the space Y is rigid in the sense of Guillemin (resp. is infinitesimally rigid). On the other hand, according to Proposition 2.20, if the space X and the group possess property A1 (resp. property B1), then every differential form of degree 1 on the space Y , which satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition, is exact.

These methods for proving the rigidity of a symmetric space of compact type were first introduced in [14] in the case of the complex projective space (see-179764585 5, Chapter III). The analogous method for proving the injectivity of Radon transforms for functions described above was first used by Funk to prove Theorem 2.23 for the 2-sphere S2 and the real projective plane -179764385 (see also Proposition 3.17); it was also applied by Grinberg in [31] to other projective spaces. The methods described above will be applied to the real Grassmannian -179763885 of 2-planes in -179763685 and to the complex quadric -179763385Qn of dimension n. In fact, they shall be used in Chapter VI to show that the real Grassmannian -179763185 is rigid in the sense of Guillemin and that the complex quadric -179762985 is infinitesimally rigid, and i-179762785n 4, Chapter X to show that the real Grassmannian -179762585 is infinitesimally rigid. Also the criterion for the exactness of a differential form of degree 1, which we have just described, shall be used in the case of the real projective plane -179762385 in Chapter III, in the case of the complex quadric -179761785 and of the real Grassmannian -179761285 with n 3, in-179761085 11, Chapter VI, and in the case of the real Grassmannian -179760885 in-179760585 4, Chapter X.

-1797602856. Lie algebras

Let g be a complex semi-simple Lie algebra. The Casimir element of -179759885 operates by a scalar (-179759685 on an irreducible finite-dimensional g-module -179759485 If g is simple, the Casimir element of -179759285 acts on the irreducible g-module -179759085 corresponding to the adjoint representation of g by the identity mapping, and so -179758785 (see Theorem 3.11.2 of [55]).

LEMMA 2.34. Let -179758385 be a complex semi-simple Lie algebra. Let V1 and V2 be irreducible finite-dimensional -179758185 modules. Then the -179757985 modules V1 and V2 are isomorphic if and only if c(V1) = c(V2).


Let G be a compact connected, semi-simple Lie group, whose Lie algebra we denote by -179757485 A complex G-module V can be viewed as a -179757285g0-module and so the Casimir element of-179757085 operates on V ; if V is an irreducible G-module, the Casimir element of -179756885 acts by the scalar c(V ) on V .

From Lemma 2.34, we obtain the following result:

LEMMA 2.35. Let G be a compact connected, semi-simple Lie group. Let V1 and V2 be irreducible complex G-modules. Then the G-modules V1 and V2 are isomorphic if and only if c(V1) = c(V2).

7. Irreducible symmetric spaces

We consider the symmetric space (X, g) of compact type of-179755785 4. We write X as the homogeneous space G/K, where G is a compact, connected semi-simple Lie group and K is a closed subgroup of G. We suppose that g is a G-invariant metric and that (G,K) is a Riemannian symmetric pair of compact type. We continue to denote by-179755585 the dual -179755385 of the group G. Let -179755185x0 be the point of X corresponding to the coset of the identity element of G. If -179754985 and-179754685 are the Lie algebras of G and K, respectively, we consider the Cartan decomposition -179754485 corresponding to the Riemannian symmetric pair (G,K), where -179754285 is a subspace of -179754085 We identify -179753885 with the tangent space to X at the point x0. If B is the Killing form of the Lie algebra -179753685 of G, then the restriction of -B to -179753385 induces a G-invariant Riemannian metric -179753185 on X. The complexifications -179752985 of -179752785 and -179752585 of -179752385 are K-modules. We denote by Skp the k-th symmetric product of -179752085 and by -179751885 the K-submodule of S2p consisting of those elements of S2p of trace zero with respect to the Killing form of-179751685 g. The isotropy group K acts on -179751485 in fact, the K-modules -179750685and S2 x0 0TC,are isomorphic to the x0

K-modules -179748985 and -179748785 respectively. If X is an irreducible Hermitian symmetric space, then we have


If X is an irreducible symmetric space which is not Hermitian, then we have


The G-module


of all Killing vector fields on X is isomorphic to -179747685 We identify its com-plexification -179747485 with the G-module


of complex vector fields on X, which is isomorphic to -179746885 We know that a Killing vector fiel-179746685 on X satisfies the relation -179746485 thus the subspaces g(KC) and dC(X) of C(TC) are orthogonal.

-179745885K) The -179745685Lichnerowicz Laplacian -179745485 acting on -179745285 is self-adjoint and its eigenvalues are non-negative real numbers. Since the Laplacian -179744785 acting on -179744485SpTCis elliptic, the eigenspace


of the Laplacian -179743985 corresponding to the eigenvalue -179743785 is finite-dimensional. The Casimir element of -179743585 acts by a scalar -179743385 an irreducible G-module which is a representative -179743185of . According to [41, 5], the action of the Lichnerowicz Laplacian


corresponding to the metric -179742685 on X on the G-module -179742485 coincides with the action of the Casimir element of g0 on this G-module. Thus, fo-179741985 we see that -179741785 is an eigenspace of the Lichnerowicz Laplacian g0 with eigenvalue c. Since the operato -179740685 acting on -179739985is elliptic-179739685 and real-analytic, the elements of -179739185C) are real-analytic sections of -179738985 If F is a complex sub-bundle of -179738485 invariant under the group G, then the Laplaci-179737885an preserves the space -179737685

We suppose throughout the remainder of this section that X is an irreducible symmetric space. According to Lemma 1.21, the metric g is a positive multiple of g0 and is an Einstein metric. In fact, by formula (1.65), we have Ric =-179737285, where is a positive real number, and -179737085= moreover, the Lichnerowicz Laplacian corresponding to the metric g is equal -179736885. Let F be a complex sub-bundle of -179736685 invariant under the group -179736085 from Lemma 2.35 and the above remarks concerning the Laplacia-179735885 we infer that the G-submodule -179735685 is equal to the eigenspace of-179735485 acting on -179735285 associated with the eigenval-179735085 Moreover, by Proposition 2.1 and the preceding remark, for -179734785 we see that, if the eigenspace


(Xfor al-179734285 If is an element of , according to (2.12) (resp. to (2.14)), we know that -179734085 belongs to -179733885 (resp. to -179733685 therefore so does -179733485. Since -179733185 (resp. -179732985 is a closed subspace of -179732785 we see that -179732285 also belongs to this subspace.

PROPOSITION 2.37. Let (X, g) be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type. Let E be a G-invariant sub-bundle of -179731885and let h be a symmetric 2-form on X. Assume that there is a real number ì such that


(i) If ì is not an eigenvalue of the Laplacia-179731285n acting on -179731085 then h is a section of E.

(ii) Assume that ì is an eigenvalue of the Laplacia-179730385n acting on -179730185 and suppose that h satisfies div h = 0 and Tr h = 0. Then we can write h = h1 +h2, where h1 is a section of -179729685and -179729485 is a section of E satisfying


moreover, if h satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition, then we may require that h1 and h2 also satisfy the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition.


The desired result is a direct consequence of formulas (1.39) and (1.10).

We now further assume that X is of type I, i.e. is not equal to a simple Lie group (see [36, p. 439]). We may suppose that the Lie group G is simple; then the complexification -179728485g of the Lie algebra -179728285g0 is simple. Let -1797280851 be the element of-179727885 which is the equivalence class of the irreducible G-module g-179727685. We know that c1 -179727385= 1, and hence we have 1 -179727185= 2. This observation and the above remarks concerning the Lichnerowicz Laplacians, together with the Frobenius reciprocity theorem, give us the following result:


Since E(X)C is G-submodule of -179726385 we know that E(X)C is equal to the direct sum of k copies of the irreducible G-module -179725185, where -179724985 is the integer MultE(X)C; it follows that the G-module E(X) is isomorphic to the direct sum of k copies of g0. Moreover, we infer that the vanishing of the space dimC HomK-179724185 implies that the space E(X) vanishes.

Since the G-module KC is isomorphic to g, we see that


holds. If X is a Hermitian symmetric space, by (2.20) we see that -179723385 is an irreducible G-module; since the decomposition of -179722885 given by (1.69) is G-invariant, by (2.20) we obtain the orthogonal decompositions


whose components -179722085 and -179721285 are irreducible G-modules isomorphic to -179720685.

PROPOSITION 2.40. Let (X, g) be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type, which is not equal to a simple Lie group or to the sphere S2. Then the space E(X) of infinitesimal Einstein deformations of X is a Gmodule isomorphic to the direct sum of k copies of the irreducible G-module -179720285 and its multiplicity k is equal to


Hence the equality (2.31) becomes


Since Mult-179719485 is equal to one, the preceding equality together with the Frobenius reciprocity theorem gives us the first assertion of the proposition. The other assertions of the proposition then follow from the second equalities of (2.20) and (2.21).

In [42], Koiso also showed that the assertions of the previous proposition also hold when the irreducible space X is a simple Lie group. The following lemma is stated without proof by Koiso (see Lemma 5.5 of [42]); for the irreducible symmetric spaces


with p, q 2, we shall verify the results of this lemma in Chapter IV (see Lemma 4.1), Chapter V (see Lemma 5.15) and -1797186853, Chapter VIII.

LEMMA 2.41. Let (X, g) be a simply-connected irreducible symmetric space of compact type which is not equal to a simple Lie group. If X is Hermitian, then the space Hom -179718285, is one-dimensional and if X is not Hermitian the space Hom-179718085, vanishes, unless X is one of the spaces appearing in the following table which gives the dimension of the space Hom-179717885,


The first two spaces X of this table are Hermitian, while the last three are not Hermitian.

Since the space -179717185 is isometric to the sphere S

2, by Lemma 2.41 and the equalities (2.25) we know that the space E(X) vanishes when X is the sphere S2; we also proved this result directly in 3, Chapter I. Therefore from Proposition 2.40 and Lemma 2.41, we obtain the results of Theorem 1.22 when the space X of this theorem is not equal to a simple Lie group; moreover, when X is equal to one of the last four spaces of the table of Lemma 2.41, we see that the G-module E(X) is isomorphic to g0.

Thus according to Proposition 2.40 and Lemma 2.41, if X is an irreducible symmetric space of compact type, which is not equal to a simple Lie group, the space E(X) either vanishes or is isomorphic to the G-module -179716585.

From the relations (2.17), (2.18) and (2.26), we obtain the following result:

PROPOSITION 2.42. Let (X, g) be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type, which is not equal to a simple Lie group, and let -179715985 be the element of-179715785 which is the equivalence class of the irreducible G-module -179715585. Let be a finite set of isometries of X which commute with the action of G on X and let-179715385 be a real number equal to ±1.


Let d be the integer which is equal to 1 when X is a Hermitian symmetric space and equal to 0 otherwise. According to (2.27) and (2.28), we know that the multiplicity of the G-module -179714885 is equal to d+1. Since its G-submodule -179714085 is isomorphic to -179713885 from Propositions 2.31 and 2.42 we deduce the following criteria for Guillemin rigidity and infinitesimal rigidity:

PROPOSITION 2.43. Let (X, g) be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type, which is not equal to a simple Lie group, and let -179713385 be the element of -179713185which is the equivalence class of the irreducible G-module -179712985.

(i) If the inequality


holds for a-179712285ll , with -179712085= 1, and if the inequality


We choose a Cartan subalgebra of g and fix a system of positive roots of-179711585 If W is a G-submodule of -179711385 wit-179710885the dimension of its weight subspace, corresponding to the highest weight of -179710685 is equal to the multiplicity of W. Thus according to Proposition 2.43,(i), to prove the Guillemin rigidity of X, it suffices to successively carry out the following steps:


According to Proposition 2.43,(ii), to prove the infinitesimal rigidity of X, it suffices to carry out the steps (i) and (ii) given above and then the following step:


These methods for proving the rigidity of an irreducible symmetric space of compact type implement the criteria described at the end of -1797094855. They were first used in [14] to show that the complex projective space is infinitesimally rigid (se-179709285e 5, Chapter III).

8. Criteria for the rigidity of an irreducible symmetric space

We consider the symmetric space (X, g) of compact type of-179708585 4 and 7 and continue to view X as the homogeneous space G/K. We recall that a closed connected totally geodesic submanifold Y of X is a symmetric space; moreover, if x is a point of Y and the tangent space to Y at x is equal to the subspace V of Tx, then the submanifold Y is equal to the subset ExpxV of X (see-179708085 7 in Chapter IV of [36]).


Let -179707585be a family of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X. We denote by -179707385 the subspace of -179707185 consisting of all symmetric 2-forms h which satisfy the following condition: for all subman-ifolds -179706985 the restriction of h to Z is a Lie derivative of the metric of Z induced by g. By Lemma 1.1, we know that -179706785 is a subspace of -179706485 We consider the following properties which the family -179706285Fmight possess:

(I) If a section of -179705885Sover X satisfies the Guillemin condition, then its restriction to an arbitrary submanifold of X belonging to the family -179705685satisfies the Guillemin condition.

(II) Every submanifold of X belonging to Fis rigid in the sense of Guillemin.

(III) Every submanifold of X belonging to -179705085is infinitesimally rigid.

If the family -179704685possesses properties (I) and (II), then we see that


On the other hand, the restriction of an element of -179704185 to an arbitrary sub-manifold of X belonging to the family -179703985 satisfies the zero-energy condition; hence if the family -179703785 possesses property (III), we have the inclusion


Z2 From Lemma 1.16, we obtain:

PROPOSITION 2.44. Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type. Let F be a family of closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X which is invariant under the group G, and let -179702985 be a family of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X. Assume that each surface of X belonging to F is contained in a submanifold of X belonging to -179702785F. A symmetric 2-form h on X belonging to -179702585 satisfies the relation -179702385

PROPOSITION 2.45. Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type. Let F be a G-invariant family of closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X with positive constant curvature. Let h be an element of -179701985 Then the following assertions are equivalent:

(i) The symmetric 2-form h belongs to -179701585

(iii) The symmetric 2-form h satisfies -179697485

PROOF: By Lemma 1.15, we know that assertion (i) implies (ii). Now suppose that assertion (ii) holds. Let Y be a totally geodesic submani-fold of X belonging to the family F and let -179697085 be the natural imbedding. Then we have -179696885 0. If -179696685 is the Riemannian metric on Y induced by g, by Proposition 1.14,(i) the restriction -179696485 of h to the manifold Y satisfies -179696285 Theorem 1.18 gives us the exactness of the sequence (1.51) corresponding to the Riemannian manifold (Y, gY ) with positive constant curvature; therefore the form -179695985 on Y is a Lie derivative of the metric -179695785 . Thus we know that h belongs to -179695585 and so assertion (ii) implies (i). Since -179695385 the equivalence of assertions (ii) and (iii) is a consequence of Proposition 1.14,(ii).

PROPOSITION 2.46. Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type. Let Fbe a family of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X.

-179694485(i) Suppose that each closed geodesic of X is contained in a subman-ifold of X belonging to the family -179694285 Then we have the inclusion


(ii) Suppose that the sequence (1.24), corresponding to an arbitrary submanifold of X belonging to the family -179693785 is exact. Let h be an element of C(S2T) satisfying the relation D1h = 0. Then h belongs to -179693585

-179693185(iii) Suppose that the hypothesis of (i) and of (ii) hold, and that the space X is infinitesimally rigid. Then the sequence (1.24) is exact.

PROOF: Let h be an element of -179692785C(S2T). First, suppose that h belongs to -179692585 and that the hypothesis of (i) holds. Let be an arbitrary closed geodesic of X; then there is a submanifold Y of X belonging to the family -179692385containing-179692185 . Let -179691985 be the natural inclusion. Since the symmetric 2-form -179691685 on Y is a Lie derivative of the metric of Y , the integral of h over-179691485 vanishes; thus the symmetric 2-form h satisfies the zero-energy condition and assertion (i) holds. Next, let Y be an arbitrary submanifold of X belonging to the family -179691285and let -179691085 be the natural inclusion. If D1,Y is the differential operator on the symmetric space Y defined in-179690885 1, Chapter I, according to formula (1.58) of Proposition 1.14 the relation D1h = 0 implies that -179690685 and if the sequence (1.24) for Y is exact, it follows that -179690385 is a Lie derivative of the metric of Y . Thus assertion (ii) is true. Finally, assertion (iii) is a direct consequence of (i) and (ii).

THEOREM 2.47. Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type. Let F be a family of closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X which is invariant under the group G, and let -179689985Fbe a family of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X. Assume that each surface of X belonging to F is contained in a submanifold of X belonging to -179689785 Suppose that the relation (1.48) and the equality



(i) A symmetric 2-form h on X belonging to -179689085is a Lie derivative of the metric g.

(ii) If the family -179688685 possesses properties (I) and (II), then the symmetric space X is rigid in the sense of Guillemin.

(iii) If the family -179688285 possesses property (III), then the symmetric space X is infinitesimally rigid.

PROOF: First, let h be a symmetric 2-form h on X belonging to -179687785 By Proposition 2.44, we see that -179687585 According to the equality (2.32), we therefore know that D1h = 0. By the relation (1.48) and Theorem 1.18, the sequence (1.24) is exact, and so we see that h is a Lie derivative of the metric g. Thus we have proved assertion (i). Now assume that the family -179687385 satisfies the hypothesis of (i) (resp. of (ii)). Then we know that the space N2 (resp. the space -179687185 is contained in -179686985 Assertion (ii) (resp. (iii)) is a consequence of (i).

We now assume that (X, g) is an irreducible symmetric space of compact type; then we have Ric -179686585 where is a positive real number.

THEOREM 2.48. Let (X, g) be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type. Let F be a family of closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X which is invariant under the group G, and let -179686185 be a family of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X. Let E be a G-invariant sub-bundle 0T. Assume that each surface of X belonging to F is contained of -179685985 in a submanifold of X belonging to -179685785 and suppose that the relation


Assertion (i) is now a consequence of Proposition 2.37,(ii), with -179685285 Next, let k be a symmetric 2-form on X belonging to -179685085 According to the decomposition (1.11), we may write k as


where h is an element of -179684585 satisfying div h = 0, which is uniquely determined by k, and where -179684385 is a vector field on X. If k is invariant under a finite grou-179684185p of isometries of X, clearly h is also -179683985-invariant. Since -179683785 is an element of -179683485 the 2-form h also belongs to -179683285 According to (i), we may write h = h1 + h2, where h1 is an element of E(X) and h2 is a section of E. If k satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition, according to Lemma 2.10 (resp. Lemma 2.6) so does h, and we may suppose that h1 also satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition. First, if -179683085 then h1 and h are also sections of E; if moreover the equality (2.37) holds, then h vanishes and so k is equal to -179682885 Next, under the hypotheses of (ii), if k is -invariant and satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition and if the equality (2.35) (resp. the equality (2.36)) holds, then h is a -invariant section of E; according to (2.34), we infer that h vanishes, and so k is equal to -179682685 We have thus verified both assertions (ii) and (iii).

Since the differential operator -179682285 corresponding to the family F of Theorem 2.48 is homogeneous, according to the proof of Proposition 2.37 the sections h1 and h2 given by Theorem 2.48,(i) satisfy the relations


The following theorem gives criteria for the Guillemin rigidity or the infinitesimal rigidity of an irreducible symmetric space of compact type.

Theorem 2.49. Let (X, g) be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type. Let F be a family of closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X which is invariant under the group G, and let -179681585 be a family of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X. Let E be a G-invariant sub-bundle of -179681385 Assume that each surface of X belonging to F is contained in a submanifold of X belonging to -179681185 and suppose that the relations (2.33) and (2.37) hold.

(i) If the family -179680685 possesses properties (I) and (II) and if the equality (2.35) holds, then the symmetric space X is rigid in the sense of Guillemin.

(ii) If the family -179680285 possesses property (III) and if the equality (2.36) holds, then the symmetric space X is infinitesimally rigid.

PROOF: Under the hypotheses of (i) (resp. of (ii)), a symmetric 2-form h on X satisfying the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition belongs to -179679885 by Theorem 2.48,(ii), with = {id}, we see that h is a Lie derivative of the metric g.

According to Proposition 2.13, we know that the equality (2.35) (resp. the equality (2.36)) is a necessary condition for the Guillemin rigidity (resp. the infinitesimal rigidity) of X.

If we take E = {0} in Theorem 2.49, we obtain the following corollary of Theorem 2.49:

THEOREM 2.50. Let (X, g) be an irreducible symmetric space of compact type. Let F be a family of closed connected totally geodesic surfaces of X which is invariant under the group G, and let -179679085 be a family of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X. Assume that each surface of X belonging to F is contained in a submanifold of X belonging to -179678885F. Suppose that the equality


holds. Then assertions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 2.49 hold.

Thus according to Theorem 2.50, when X is an irreducible space, in Theorem 2.47 in order to obtain assertion (ii) (resp. assertion (iii)) of the latter theorem we may replace the hypothesis that the relation (1.48) holds by the hypothesis that the equality (2.35) (resp. the equality (2.36)) holds.

We again assume that X is an arbitrary symmetric space of compact type. We consider the following properties which the family -179677985 might possess:

(IV) If a one-form over X satisfies the Guillemin condition, then its restriction to an arbitrary submanifold of X belonging to the family -179677585 satisfies the Guillemin condition.

(V) If Y is an arbitrary submanifold of X belonging to the family -179677085 every form of degree one on Y satisfying the Guillemin is exact.

(VI) If Y is an arbitrary submanifold of X belonging to the family -179676685 every form of degree one on Y satisfying the zero-energy is exact.

We consider the subset -179676285 of 2Tconsisting of those elements of 2-179675785 which vanish when restricted -179675585 to the submanifolds belonging to the family -179675385 if the family -179675085 is invariant under the group G, then -179674885 is a sub-bundle of 2-179674185

THEOREM 2.51. Let (X, g) be a symmetric space of compact type. Let F and -179673785 be two families of closed connected totally geodesic submanifolds of X. Assume that each submanifold of X belonging to F is contained in a submanifold of X belonging to -179673585 , and suppose that


(i) If the family -179673085 possesses properties (IV) and (V), then a differential form of degree one on X satisfies the Guillemin condition if and only if it is exact.

(ii) If the family -179672685 possesses property (VI), then a differential form of degree one on X satisfies the zero-energy condition if and only if it is exact.

PROOF: Suppose that the family -179672285 possesses properties (IV) and (V) (resp. possesses property (VI)). L-179672085 be a 1-form on X satisfying the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition. Consider a submanifold Y of X belonging to the family -179671885 According to our hypotheses, the restriction of-179671685 to Y satisfies the Guillemin (resp. the zero-energy) condition; it follows that the 1-form -179671485 on Y is closed. Hence the restriction of the 2-form -179671185 to Y vanishes, and so the restriction of -179670985 to an arbitrary submanifold of X belonging to the family F vanishes. From the relation (2.38), we infer that-179670785 is closed. Since the cohomology group -179670585 vanishes, the form is exact.

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