Getting ready

LIRC supports many types of IR detectors, such as Energenie's PiMote IR board; however, since we only need to receive IR signals, we can use a simple (TSOP38238) IR detector:

The three pins of the TSOP38238 IR receiver can fit directly onto the Raspberry Pi header

Install the following packages using the apt-get command:

sudo apt-get install lirc lirc-x  

Add the following to /boot/config.txt. This will enable the driver and define the pin the receiver is fitted on (BCM GPIO24):


Perform a restart of the Raspberry Pi so that the configuration takes effect:

sudo reboot  

We should now find that the IR device is located at /dev/lirc0. We can observe the output of the receiver if we point a remote control at it and press some buttons after using the following command (use Ctrl + Z to exit):

mode2 -d /dev/lirco0    
The lirc0 resource may report as busy:

mode2: could not open /dev/lirc0

mode2: default_init(): Device or resource busy

Then we will need to stop the lirc service:
sudo /etc/init.d/lirc stop

It will give the following response:
[ ok ] Stopping lirc (via systemctl): lirc.service

When you are ready, you can start the service again:
sudo /etc/init.d/lirc start

This will give the following response:
[ ok ] Starting lirc (via systemctl): lirc.service

You will see output similar to the following (if not, ensure that you have connected the receiver connected to the correct pins on the Raspberry Pi GPIO):

space 16300
pulse 95
space 28794
pulse 80
space 19395
pulse 83

Now that we know our device is working, we can configure it.

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