Chapter 9

The components used in this chapter are available at most electronic component retailers (such as those listed previously in the General electronic component retailers section). They are also available as a complete kit from Pi Hardware; where items are available from specific retailers, they are highlighted in the text.

The kit for controlling an LED includes the following equipment:

  • Four Dupont Female-to-Male Patch Wires (Pimoroni Jumper Jerky)
  • A mini breadboard (170 tie-point) or a larger one (Pimoroni)
  • An RGB LED (common-cathode) or 3 standard LEDs (ideally red/green/blue)
  • A breadboarding wire (solid core)
  • Three 470-ohm resistors

The kit for responding to a button includes the following equipment:

  • Two Dupont Female to Male Patch wires (Pimoroni Jumper Jerky)
  • A mini breadboard (170 tie-point) or a larger one (Pimoroni)
  • A push button to make switch and momentary switch (or a wire connection
    to make/break the circuit)
  • A breadboarding wire (solid core)
  • A 1K ohm resistor

The items used for the controlled shutdown button are as follows:

  • Three Dupont Female-to-Male Patch Wires (Pimoroni Jumper Jerky)
  • A mini breadboard (170 tie-point) or larger (Pimoroni)
  • A push-button switch (momentary close)
  • A normal LED (red)
  • Two 470-ohm resistors
  • A breadboarding wire (solid core)

The additional items used in the There's more... section of the recipe, A controlled shutdown button, are as follows:

  • A push button
  • A 470-ohm resistor
  • A pin header and two pins with a jumper connector (or optionally a switch)
  • A breadboarding wire (solid core)
  • Two 4 pin headers

The items used for the GPIO keypad input are as follows:

  • Breadboard: half-sized or larger (Pimoroni)
  • Seven Dupont Female-to-Male Patch Wires (Pimoroni Jumper Jerky)
  • Six push buttons
  • Six 470-ohm resistors
  • Alternatively, a self-solder DPad Kit (Pi Hardware)

The items used for multiplexed color LEDs are as follows:

  • Five Common-Cathode RGB LEDs
  • Three 470-ohm resistors
  • Vero-prototype board or large breadboard (Tandy)
  • A self-solder RGB-LED kit (Pi Hardware)

The items used for writing messages require the same items as the preceding recipe, plus the following:

  • A mounting stick, rubber bands, USB Wi-Fi, portable USB battery, and so on
  • A Tilt Switch (ball-bearing type is suitable) (4-Tronix)
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