
This chapter was pretty awesome. First of all, we delved deep into how Schedulers work and we learned about the available schedulers on RxJava and how they both differ. Schedulers, such as IO, NewThread, Computation, and Executor, were covered. We learned how to use the Schedulers to modify the place where the computation takes place. This knowledge will be applicable to the Schedulers that we have created and Schedulers that were created by some external parties.

Next, StorIO was introduced, and we learned how to set it up and prepare it for use. We saw how Put, Get, and Delete Resolvers can be configured to map our domain classes and object to the tables and rows inside the SQLite database.

Finally, we combined the things that we learned about Schedulers and StorIO to persist the received stock updates in the application. In the next chapter, we will see how to read the data that we just saved so that it can be used in case there is no Internet connectivity or something else entirely.

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