Converting data

Since we had to encode the Date and BigDecimal types so that they are correctly saved in the database, now we have to do the decoding:

Date date = getDate(dateLong);
BigDecimal price = getPrice(priceLong);

For this, we will create two methods. The first one will handle Date:

private Date getDate(long dateLong) {
return new Date(dateLong);

It will simply convert the milliseconds that are in the Long type format into the java.util.Date type.

Next is the conversion of the price to BigDecimal:

private BigDecimal getPrice(long priceLong) {
return new BigDecimal(priceLong).scaleByPowerOfTen(-4);

Again, it takes the Long type and converts it to BigDecimal. However, since we have scaled the value by 4 decimal points, now we have to do the reverse. It is achieved by calling this:

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