StorIO database query

However, what goes inside the .onExceptionResumeNext(...) call? Basically, we need to query the database using StorIO. The query is created by calling the following:

.orderBy("date DESC")

Let's go line by line to see what this code does. The following line, which is the first line, instructs StorIO to start building a SELECT query:


The following line specifies what kind of type objects will be returned:


This call is basically used to select the appropriate mapper (GetResolver) to do a mapping from the SELECT query columns to domain objects.

The following line will start the building of the SELECT query that will be used to retrieve data:


So the next line shows which table will be used:


Along with these lines that specify that we want entries retrieved in descending order by the date column and that the results should be limited to 50 entries:

.orderBy("date DESC")

This line returns the Query object:


The following line lets the StorIO know that we are done configuring the StorIO and the query:

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