Setting up StorIO

First of all, we will need to set up dependencies for StorIO. As before, there is nothing special about this case, and it can be simply done by adding the following line to app/build.gradle:

compile 'com.pushtorefresh.storio:sqlite:1.12.1'
Do not forget to check for the newest version of the library at or MvnRepository. There are often important bug fixes and, also, it could be that when this book is read, there might not even be a need for an interoperability layer between RxJava 1.0 and RxJava 2.0, as the library could have migrated.

We will also make use of annotation processors to help us write code that interfaces with SQLite database and write it faster. The dependencies for that will be the following:

    compile 'com.pushtorefresh.storio:sqlite-annotations:1.12.1'
annotationProcessor 'com.pushtorefresh.storio:sqlite-annotations-

Again, do not forget to check whether that's the newest version and if it matches the version of the com.pushtorefresh.storio:sqlite package.

That's it! We are ready to put StorIO to use.

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