Combining producers (Observable/Flowable)

While developing applications, it's a common situation to combine data from multiple sources before using them. One such situation is when you are building some offline application following an offline-first approach, and you want to combine the resultant data you got from the HTTP call with the data from the local database.

Now, without wasting much time, let's take a look at the operators that can help us combine producers:

  • startWith()
  • merge(), mergeDelayError()
  • concat()
  • zip()
  • combineLatest()

Basically, there are a few mechanisms to combine producers (Observables/Flowables). They are as follows:

  • Merging producers
  • Concatenating producers
  • Ambiguous combination of producers
  • Zipping
  • Combine latest

We will discuss all the previously mentioned techniques to combine producers in this chapter. However, let's start with an operator that we are already aware of.

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