
In this chapter, you learned about concurrent execution and parallelism and how to achieve multithreading in RxKotlin. Multithreading is a necessity in today's app driven era, as modern users don't like to wait, or, to be blocked, you need to constantly switch threads to perform computations and UX operations.

In this chapter, you learned how schedulers in RxKotlin can help you, or, rather, how schedulers abstract the complexities of multithreading.

While concurrent execution and parallelism is an essential part of modern application development, testing is probably the most crucial part. We cannot deliver any app without testing it. Agile methodology (though we are not discussing agile here) says we should perform testing repeatedly and with every iteration of our product (application) development.

In the Chapter 8, Testing RxKotlin Applications, we will discuss testing. Don't dare miss it out, turn the page right now!

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