Hacks 15–19: Introduction

Retro is in, baby! Old is new! Then is now! There’s a legion of twentysomethings out there who are just beginning to feel the regressive pangs of nostalgia for their lost childhood, and you know what that means—it’s time to make some money off it! I’m referring not simply to O’Reilly Media and myself here. Video game companies are starting to realize the value of their back catalogs, and we’re getting the benefits.

Or are we? For every collection of retro games that’s full of quality titles on the cheap for your PlayStation 2, there’s another that’s buggy, unfun, and overpriced. For every all-in-one joystick controller that packs in perfect emulated versions of classic games for a low price on the shelves of Wal-Mart, there’s one made of shoddy materials and filled with crappy software.

Retro games might be budget titles, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get ripped off. This chapter shows you how to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to newly-marketed retro games. You’ll even learn how to play a stack of retro-styled games for free. That’s a deal you can’t beat.

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