Every risk is comprised of two major decisions. First is the decision of whether or not to pursue the risk. Until we decide to pursue the risk, we are “just looking,” like curious window shoppers. Our real investment doesn’t start until we decide to pursue the risk in earnest. If we follow through on our decision to pursue, eventually we reach a second, more substantial decision, the decision of whether or not to actually take the risk. This decision, our jump or don’t jump decision, represents our last chance to back out.

Each decision requires a commitment of us. The pursue decision requires an investment of our attention, effort, time, money, etc. The jump decision, requires a commitment to follow through with the risk, even if things get tough. Like a bridegroom at the altar, unless you can affirm your decision with a heartfelt “I do,” you had better pass on the risk.

For risk-taking to work, a lukewarm commitment won’t do. As high divers, for example, once we left the platform, we had to stiffen our bodies so that we wouldn’t crumple under the water’s striking impact. In the same way, your Right Risk will require a steadfast commitment to withstand the resistance you are likely to encounter. This part looks at some of the commitments that you’ll need to make to as you pursue, and take, your risk.

With Principle 8, Be Perfectly Imperfect, you’ll learn to overcome the risk-inhibiting tendency to want to take mistake-free risks. Principle 9, Trespass Continuously, shows you how our commitment to the risk often requires a willingness to be disobedient. Finally, in Principle 10, Expose Yourself, you’ll read about ways to demonstrate a continued commitment to risk-taking by carrying the Right Risk principles to the more personal areas of your life, by risking self-disclosure.

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