Catalog of Rx operators

My goal is . . .

How? What?

Rx operator

Creating observables By explicit logic Create Defer
  By specification Range Repeat Generate Timer Interval Return
  Predefined primitives Throw Never Empty
  From other types FromEventPattern FromEvent FromTask FromAsync
Transforming To single value Select Materialize/Dematerialize Timestamp TimeInterval
  Flattening inner collections/observables SelectMany
Splitting to subsequences By coincidence/time Buffer Window
  By common key GroupBy GroupByUntil
Controlling the observer-observable relationship The observed sequence Take TakeUntil TakeWhile Skip SkipWhile SkipUntil StartWith
  The subscription Publish/PublishLast Multicast Replay RefCount Subscribe/DelaySubscription
Combining Values from multiple CombineLatest WithLatestFrom Zip Merge GroupJoin
  Values from one at a time Concat Switch Join Amb
Filtering Based on time Throttle Timeout Sample
  Based on data DistinctUntilChanged Where OfType Distinct
Aggregating Quantifying to Boolean All Any Contains
  Aggregating to a result Sum Average Scan Aggregate Count Max/MaxBy Min/MinBy
Handling concurrency   Synchronize SubscribeOn ObserveOn ObserveOnDispatcher
Reacting To errors Catch OnErrorResumeNext Retry Using Finally
  To emissions Do Subscribe
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