
Dealing with multiple sources brings in a new possible scenario: receiving data from multiple Observables, processing them, and making them available as a new Observable sequence. RxJava has a specific method to accomplish this: zip() combines the value emitted by two or more Observables, transforms them according to a specified function Func*, and emits a new value. The following figure shows how the zip() method processes the emitted "numbers" and "letters" and makes them available as a new item:


For our real-world example, we are going to use our installed apps list and a new dynamic Observable to make the example a bit spicy:

Observable<Long> tictoc = Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

The tictoc Observable variable uses the interval() function to generate a Long item every second: simple but effective. As stated previously, we are going to need a Func object. It will be Func2 because we are going to pass two parameters to it:

private AppInfo updateTitle(AppInfoappInfo, Long time) {
appInfo.setName(time + " " + appInfo.getName());
return appInfo;

Now, our loadList() function will look like this:

private void loadList(List<AppInfo> apps) {

    Observable<AppInfo> observableApp = Observable.from(apps);

    Observable<Long> tictoc = Observable.interval(1,  TimeUnit.SECONDS);

            .zip(observableApp, tictoc, (AppInfoappInfo, Long  time) ->updateTitle(appInfo, time))
            .subscribe(new Observer<AppInfo>() {
public void onCompleted() {
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Here is the list!",  Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

public void onError(Throwable e) {
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Something went wrong!",  Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

public void onNext(AppInfoappInfo) {
if (mSwipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing()) {
intposition = mAddedApps.size() - 1;
mAdapter.addApplication(position, appInfo);

As you can see, zip() has three parameters: the two Observables and Func2, as expected.

A closer look will reveal the observeOn() function. It will be explained in the next chapter: let's say it is a leap of faith for now.

As a result, we have:

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